Admiral Woofington
god dammit Phaze.
Everytime I think I'm out from the weird 2deep4me
Everytime I think I'm out from the weird 2deep4me

Aikatsu 01-05
I've joined idol hell.
From the get go it's made clear that this is based on a game. The game mechanics aren't disguised to fit the narrative and feel out of place. I've been spoiled by Show by Rocks' CG sequences as Aikatsu's are very ugly by comparison, possibly even worse than Love Live's. Other than those small complaints I'm having fun with it.
Screwing up the line or the delivery? "It was I, Dio!" rather than "It was me, Dio" is actually correct English.
No idea at this moment.
UK has both Danganronpa and Chaika coming already. It needs to happen in the US soon.
Aikatsu is like mahou shoujo with dancing instead of fighting.
Does the UK Chaika bluray had a dub? I can't seem to find anything about it.
EDIT: Nevermind, Amazon UK seems to say that it will. Wonder what's taking Sentai so long in announcing it if they're already done with the dub. I don't think the 2nd season has been licensed, so I hope it does. Same for the novels.
I'd heard things about how slow Texhnolyze is, but I'm sure it isn't that bad, right? Even if it is slow it's by the guy who did Lain, so it should be interesting at least.
Also, Ryushika Ryushika anime when?
they need to hurry the hell up. I want Caika and I want Danganronpa (Funimation)
There is No excuse why the UK is getting anime first
Give us this one! Normally we get shafted with shows not getting licensed here or DVD only releases.
Here's a list of excuses:There is No excuse why the UK is getting anime first
Man, if you told me years ago that i'd end up loving an original show by the Urobutcher + SHAFT with character designs by Aoki Ume, I would've called you nuts.If this was real I can't even begin to imagine how dumb it would be.
Here's a list of excuses:
We still don't have Mitsudomoe
We still don't have YuruYuri
We still don't have Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku
We still don't have Kill Me Baby on BD (soon to be rectified)
We're not getting the Love Live movie (oh and the BDs are being delayed so they can [redacted because my complaints about dubs seem to upset some people])
they need to hurry the hell up. I want Caika and I want Danganronpa (Funimation)
There is No excuse why the UK is getting anime first
That is not a cat! His mouth is just a slit in his face like a sock puppet and his eyes are just two beady little pinholes. Sure, you can make the argument that, like Aria, he's a breed indigenous to Aqua, but even then he doesn't look like he's a real animal. I bet it's some malicious creature pretending to be a cat for some unseemly motive.
Here's a list of excuses:
We still don't have Mitsudomoe
We still don't have YuruYuri
We still don't have Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku
We still don't have Kill Me Baby on BD (soon to be rectified)
We're not getting the Love Live movie (oh and the BDs are being delayed so they can [redacted because my complaints about dubs seem to upset some people])
With so little evidence speculation runs rampant and all, but now that we are at it and knowing that Mr. Urobuchi followed both studios at the same time... could this just be a collaboration for another Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition short instead? I mean, TRIGGER Inc., has already been pretty involved with Studio Khara on the project as a whole...
That damn title took some rathermorbid connotation during last episode.
Here's a list of excuses:
We still don't have Mitsudomoe
We still don't have YuruYuri
We still don't have Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku
We still don't have Kill Me Baby on BD (soon to be rectified)
We're not getting the Love Live movie (oh and the BDs are being delayed so they can [redacted because my complaints about dubs seem to upset some people])
What ? no mention of yukine ? yukine is third place , right ?
Hardly. Flora would be there.
Man, if you told me years ago that i'd end up loving an original show by the Urobutcher + SHAFT with character designs by Aoki Ume, I would've called you nuts.
I believe in everything now, and I want this to happen.
No one outside of Japan has gotten Mitsudomoe, iirc.
Apparently the Rokka novels have been getting fan translated. Might as well start reading at this point.
You aren't going to wait until the show is over?
Got spoiled on who the seventh is, so might as well start reading it.
Got spoiled on who the seventh is, so might as well start reading it.
Monster Musume 4
Suu is cute.I wonder where did the MC get the car to catch her from the fall?
If something like Pupipo! or Yama no Susume demonstrates how short anime can have an effective story, this is the polar opposite: unrestrained comedy that uses the format to the fullest while reveling in chaos.. Great stuff.