I might not be recalling it right, but wasn't this Jojo an American?
If so, I mean, the dubbers had one job and it wasn't a particularly hard one
He's British.
I might not be recalling it right, but wasn't this Jojo an American?
If so, I mean, the dubbers had one job and it wasn't a particularly hard one
One of my biggest repeat complain when I marathon the S2 and putting impression on here is how I didn't like how they pushing to my throat Seira is supposed to be Ichigo's equal/soulmate or whatever is that, the whole thing just felt unnatural because they need to try pushing new side of girls.
Yeah I much rather Ichigo take down Mizuki with Soleil, instead I supposed to believe she made better combination with Seira which made no sense at allYeah, that was weird. No matter what they said, Seira was not the opposite of Ichigo like they tried to make her be. The two being destined was off seeing how the first season implied Mizuki or Aoi was Ichigo's destined partner (or a threesome with Aoi/Ran).
Aikatsu 102
I don't like doing long impressions so i'll keep it short.
Having watched Noragami and Shakugan no shana and many others, I've noticed that these sorts of shows fall into constant (if small) problems, but most end up being enjoyable. In the back of my mind I kinda wondered what it would be like if a show that was like those ones was broken.
Well I got my answer.
Character intentions all over the place, Name dropping in all the wrong places, retcons, inconsistencies ranging from small in-episode far to "ok that's some fucking bullshit".
This show proves that you can't save a broken plot, broken lore, and broken character intentions by having great visuals and good voice talent (i watched subs).
A lot of the problems could have been dealt with rather easily, but nothing is really ever foreshadowed, and if it is, its rarely a good use of it.
A friend recommended this to me when we were talking about good anime the other may have not watched, and this was the only one he suggested that I actually hadn't watched.
I can understand people liking the art of it, but this show is almost exactly what other gaffer's have said: A shame and waste for Kyoani.
Its really weird to think that Hyouka, which was a year early did right what this show did wrong.
What this show did right: Mirai, catgirl mom, cool abilities, idoru culture
what this show did wrong: everything else
unfortunate waste of a really cute character.
tell them 2 posti met a nice person who lurks this thread in dota tonight
Oh, you're that TUSR from Dota 2?!?
In proper dota fashion you rushed your typing, too.
PS: We should do a dota 2 Gaf community battle. AnimeGaf shall prevail.
we got this though, robin looks good
from manga version said:
we got this though, robin looks good
S2 neverShirobako special episode 2: Third Aerial Girls' Squad
Having a laugh spotting some of the parts that were referenced to in the anime. Other than that, the CGI is pretty meh. It's a good callback to Shirobako (season 2, when?), but nothing more.
I thought this was a sequel and Renge had moved from kindergarten in season 1 to 1st grade here in season 2. Apparently it's a repeat from different perspectives? Such a strange thing to do, but I if the stories are new I don't mind it at all. Such a relaxing, light-hearted show.
Non Non Biyori Repeat 1
The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura: Complete Series [NISA]
Run Time: 288 min
Audio: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Format: Two-disc set (2 BDs)
Price: BD @ $48.74
Space Brothers: Collection 4 [Sentai]
Run Time: 325 min
Audio: Japanese: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0
Subtitles: English
Format: Two-disc set (2 BDs)
Price: BD @ $38.99
DVD @ $32.49
Sakura Trick: Complete Collection [Sentai]
Run Time: 300 min
Audio: Japanese: Dolby Digital 2.0
Subtitles: English
Format: Two-disc set (2 DVDs)
Price: DVD @ $32.49
Turn A Gundam: Part 2 [TRSI]
Run Time: 625 min
Audio: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Format: Six-disc set (6 DVDs)
Price: DVD @ $33.49
Please Twins!: Complete Collection [TRSI]
Run Time: 325 min
Audio: English: Dolby Digital 2.0 / Japanese: Dolby Digital 2.0
Subtitles: English
Format: Four-disc set (4 DVDs)
Price: DVD @ $23.99
Pokemon The Series: XY Set 1 [Viz]
Run Time: 600 min
Audio: English
Subtitles: None
Format: Three-disc set (3 DVDs)
Price: DVD @ $24.26
Windy Tales: Complete Collection [Sentai]
Run Time: 325 min
Audio: Japanese: Dolby Digital 2.0
Subtitles: English
Format: Three-disc set (3 DVDs)
Price: DVD @ $32.49
Also since I never posted last weeks releases, Windy Tales released.
Dragon Ball Z KAI Season 1 (Episodes 1-26) [Manga]
Run Time: 650 min
Audio: English: Dolby TrueHD 5.1 / Japanese: Dolby TrueHD 2.0
Subtitles: English
Format: Four-disc set (4 BDs / 50GB)
Price: BD @ £28.75
DVD @ £25.25
Interesting DBZ anime fact for you all. While the English dub for the American and British broadcasts were basically identical, they did revoice every occasion the letter Z is announced as 'zee' with 'zed'.
Charlotte 1-5
Enjoying the show so far but the comedy segments feel so out of place like the stupid baseball episode. This show reminds me of Eva where you know it's going to get dark as Fuck and you've already been given some hints with the stuff with scientists.
So was there no GOD EATER this weak ?
New releases for this week (08/04/15)
Also since I never posted last weeks releases, Windy Tales released.
S2 never
S2 never
S2 never
Honestly, I see this as a good thing.
Now you guys can see Shirbako as its own, perfect, standalone thing. I didn't watch Shirobako, but from what I heard of it, it sounds like everything wrapped up nicely.
Wishing for sequels to perfect things often ends in disaster guys.
Gundam SEED fans got Gundam SEED Destiny.
Madoka fans got Madoka Rebellion (I know some of you like it but darn it I'm still salty. >_<)
GBF fans got GBF TRY.
Eureka Seven fans got Eureka Seven AO!
Let it be guys. I learned this lesson the hard way.
GBF fans got GBF TRY.
It hurts so much.
New releases for this week (08/04/15)
Also since I never posted last weeks releases, Windy Tales released.
Honestly, I see this as a good thing.
Now you guys can see Shirbako as its own, perfect, standalone thing. I didn't watch Shirobako, but from what I heard of it, it sounds like everything wrapped up nicely.
Wishing for sequels to perfect things often ends in disaster guys.
Gundam SEED fans got Gundam SEED Destiny.
Madoka fans got Madoka Rebellion (I know some of you like it but darn it I'm still salty. >_<)
GBF fans got GBF TRY.
Eureka Seven fans got Eureka Seven AO!
Let it be guys. I learned this lesson the hard way.