Comedy Skit 1989 (Animator Expo)
Big fat meh. I almost turned this one off and it's only 8 minutes long.
Big fat meh. I almost turned this one off and it's only 8 minutes long.
Does the TV series include the 2 OADs that came out (one of them comes out today actually)?
Reminds me, I watched the first two episodes of DearS like 6 months ago and never continued (poor childhood friend was all upset about the super hot alien chick living with and trying to get it on with the MC) might be a good diversion trash anime to watch.
Now Girls Bravo, I can;t remember who here recommended it, but is it really super lewd? Is it comedy and useless trash, or is there a decent story there?
I'd recommend you watch Season 2. It's better in every way (comedy, drama, some legit character development). If I recall correctly there's even less little sister fanservice (not that that's a plus in my book).
Gurren Lagann - Ultimate Edition Blu-ray [DEAL OF THE MONTH]
Our Price:£149.99£49.99
Only 30 units available, UK Only.
Info on the set is available here: LINK
Humanity has Declined 03
New girl is good, I like her. Going to assume the faeries made some kind of manga that they transported into
Mirai Nikki ep.1
Been so busy I only could watch 1 episode this afternoon. I knew this one was psychotic, but damn, it's worse. The poor kid already has a death flag up immediately. Well, at least he got his first kiss in there.
I'm scared GAF, this is not a love story, lol.
Xebec classic ? maybe not
now that's an anime everyone should watch . Too bad xebec doesn't do those kind of show anymore.
Not exactly accurate but you're not far from the truth. Boobs are clearly there.
Is it sarcasm ? because School life is anything but a normal anime.
Remember the old xebec ? the one with stelvia of the universe ?
It's certainly about love . But what is love exactly ? There are may forms of love after all.
Does the TV series include the 2 OADs that came out (one of them comes out today actually)?
So can someone help explain to me why Crunchyroll has been able to, for the longest time (with a few exceptional instances), managed to keep their videos from leaking before their designated launch times, while Adult Swim does dumb shit like uploading entire episodes weeks before their airdates to a public-facing CDN?
Netgame no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? Anime Announced
Before anyone asks why they should bother having this on their radar.
It's because the main girl and the main love interest on the cover isa yandere.
Who already considers herself to be the wife of the protagonist.
Mirai Nikki ep.2
Oh man, explosions, destruction, dead students all over the place, tears, another kiss and aGoodness, this is some crazy stuff. With #9's excape ability you can se how this is 24 episodes. This show is some messed up shit and Yuna is a crazy Yandere pshchopath. That orgasmic face she makes at the end when she sees her future diary update was amazing. I watched that on break, hopefully nobody bothers me over my last hour of work.dart right in the eyeball
WTF is Murmer anyhow? Is the abomination of a sentient being just there to break down all the mystery?
This show is actually crazier than I pictured it in my head.
Since they are OADs (and I'm guessing this series won't be terribly popular), we ain't never gonna see them if they are not part of the TV series.I have no idea what, if any, content the TV series will share with the 2 OADs.
Send help.
Game of Laplace 6
Boring side story. Get back to the far more interesting Twenty Faces plotline!
But yeah, it's been apparent for a while now, but this is the episode where I noticed it the most: NO ONE in this show acts like an actual living human should act. It's understandable for characters that are shown to be quirky and possibly sociopathic like Kobayashi, but when there are 4 characters in a room with at least one presenting himself as "normal", there should really be at least some sense of urgency when A FUCKIN BOMB is going to go off and kill everyone in the area, including a baby that you're playing with for some reason instead of dealing with said bomb.
I also feel it's kind of in bad taste to have extended jokes about the Shadow Man's preference for little girls when only a few episodes priorone was crushed, mixed with cement and turned into a wall.
I still find this show interesting precisely because of how baffling it is. If this is in line with Edogawa Ranpo's works, I think the guy either wasn't the best at characterizations or just had no idea how human emotions work, which does lead to some fascinating stuff in its own right. Or the surreal tone could just be the point, I don't know.
Anyway, biggest reason I'm still watching is to see just how fucked up it can get, and this episode didn't do anything on that front.
Clannad 10-14: Kotomi Arc
This is so goddamned contrived. If they didn't try so hard to make me sad, I'd be a lot more touched. As it is, I can only see all the weird holes in what they made.
Clannad 10-14: Kotomi Arc
This is so goddamned contrived. If they didn't try so hard to make me sad, I'd be a lot more touched. As it is, I can only see all the weird holes in what they made.
Animator Expo 26 - Comedy Skit 1989
I don't think I really "get" this. It's not funny at all and it felt really long and drawn out. It's supposed to be a "homage to comedy skits in the Showa era" so maybe I just don't have an appreciation for that sort of stuff. Not really a fan of most Japanese comedy anyway. Oh well, the music was nice at least.
Odd to see it's still not sold out. Goes to show how niche anime is in the UK when a product limited to 30 can't even shift with £100 off the price.Sorry about that mess of a comment, it was less of an answer and more of a FAQ lol, but hopefully it helpedGood decision I'd say, that money could go towards some other nice sets. The Lagann set is nice enough, but the standard edition is pretty extensive I'd say content wise. Anime Limited actually sent me a standard edition for free due to the digipak issue and I just sold it and put the money towards Space Dandy CE, but holding the standard edition of Lagann in hand, I might have actually preferred its simplicity more than the over engineered Ultimate set.
Any other series you've got your eyes on buying?
Guys, guys, guys...
Guess what?
It's fucking Tadokoro Megumi Day today!
There will be some delicious Sumire Karaage Rolls in this episode today... which I did myself yesterday. Video will follow soon.![]()
This episode had:
Odd to see it's still not sold out. Goes to show how niche anime is in the UK when a product limited to 30 can't even shift with £100 off the price.
Well I've badgered on a lot about the shows I do want so I won't bore you with those complaints again lol
Space Dandy could be a nice rewatch due to its episodic nature, but like Cowboy Bebop and Gurren I may wait for the complete edition.
My OH my... Good wholesome family fun for sure, yeah that's it..... That banana scene in ep. 2 was friggen classic, I mean, it was dirty, raunchy, erotic and something right out of a porno, but at the same time, the expression on her face and the fact the guy was just sitting there blushing and going off on a rant the whole time made me laughing much more than I should have. The gifs online don't tell the whole story, oh my... Lisa is another crazy yandere like Yuna, (damn 4 letter names), and the talking key chain's phrase of "I love Love, I haunt you, I kill you" so perfect for her, lol. This will definately be an interesting late night view like Tu Love Ru... I'm in it for the comedy!
Does anyone happen to have a spare Crunchy code they would be willing to part with?
Does anyone happen to have a spare Crunchy code they would be willing to part with?
Here's two.
This too.
Sure! Sent you a PM.
TY as well, do you mind if I use this one next week?
Stay unlimited salt works reddit. Holy shit.
Go ahead. My guest passes always expire anyway. At least now I know someone will use them.
No Iroha means I don't approve of this.HAHAHAHAHA
Stay unlimited salt works reddit. Holy shit.
Here's two.
Stay unlimited salt works reddit. Holy shit.
Thank you, feel freee to pass them along anytime, lol.
I didn't know animegaf into girls who are likely to murder you in your sleep..
Guys, guys, guys...
Guess what?
It's fucking Tadokoro Megumi Day today!
There will be some delicious Sumire Karaage Rolls in this episode today... which I did myself yesterday. Video will follow soon.![]()
Yay, Prism Nana OVA in November.
No I don't import though I have been informed that some American Blu Rays are region free so I may look into that option. I was once tempted to even import Xenoglossia since DVD regions are less of a problem.Haha yeah your enthusiasm for releases like Kill me Baby and YuruYuri is palpable. Kill me Baby is out in the UK next year, but knowing MVM is might be DVD only. Stupid MVM! I take it you don't import much? It seems like there's a lot of titles you'd like out there, just not in this country D:
In regards to sales, yeah I posted some UK sales data previously and it seems like Ghibli is the only thing that sells here. The best selling anime title for the year will shift 40k a year or thereabouts with your occasional The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Origins, Ghost in the Shell and Akira charting for the year. DBZ, Naruto and One Piece chart too as you'd expect. I wonder how many of those 2000 Gurren Lagann sets remain unsold.
Space Dandy looks cool but I haven't seen it yet. Still can't gauge what the show is like.but I get the feeling that the show like you said is episodic and each episode has a different art style. Keeping that in mind, it might be something I like. I might give it a watch once season 2 is out on Blu-ray or later this year. Anime Limited are releasing a complete set with both seasons on DVD later this month (24th August), I think the Blu-ray is coming later.
Just got this in the post![]()
Some people really live in anime uh.One of best Yowapeda's bdays
No I don't import though I have been informed that some American Blu Rays are region free so I may look into that option. I was once tempted to even import Xenoglossia since DVD regions are less of a problem.
Also it would be a real slap in the face if KMB turns out to be DVD.
How many people have seen Angel Beats! here?