Oh good, I can finally assemble a Popura army in my office. I'm sure the clients will all be impressed.
No one watching dumb asian cartoons cares about context, only instant gratification. Otherwise they wouldn't be watching dumb asian cartoons.
Aren't we allowed to have some standards?No one watching dumb asian cartoons cares about context, only instant gratification. Otherwise they wouldn't be watching dumb asian cartoons.
Aren't we allowed to have some standards?
I was about to say that there's going to be a point when some anime just takes some shit from Schindler's List because they're too lazy to write their own tragedy, but then I remembered Valkyria Chronicles.![]()
These characters are not autonomous thinking entities. Their actions and their words are placed there by someone.
Aren't we allowed to have some standards?
I was about to say that there's going to be a point when some anime just takes some shit from Schindler's List because they're too lazy to write their own tragedy, but then I remembered Valkyria Chronicles.![]()
Are there some Fake Popuras like in the OP in there? that would be cool.
When you just make references to pop culture without context, you eventually wind up with Ready Player One.
Supporting this is supporting cultural genocide*.
*I couldn't even bring myself to make a holocaust joke here.
Aren't we allowed to have some standards?
I'm on 20 now lol. I'm watching it in bulk on my days off work that's why. Most of the weekly stuff I watch is only on today, tomorrow and Sunday which means after I'm home there's nothing to do besides browse the web or play a videogame. Once school starts next month, it'll be a different story.Damn you're already at episodes 17. I'm barely on episode 13 and I started before you.
Man does it suck when you're really busy.😑 Plus I really enjoy watching Space Battleship Yamato a lot. I might have to consider dropping some shows this season just to finish watching it.
Given that this show wants you to think that the JDSF is the greatest fighting force in the world, I doubt it.Yes, but their action and words usually are chosen given their place, their personality, their role in the story. So the question is, are the soldier doing a dumb movie reference because they are supposed to be dumb average joe soldiers?
Stargate SG-1 has space Egyptians trying to invade Earth, and that show celebrates the fuck out of the Air Force. You can be silly and show cool military dudes doing cool things without making references to iconic anti-war movies.If the anime was trying to be a serious analysis of the horrors of modern warfare or how easily human life is tossed aside in modern warfare you might have a point. Instead we have a girl in a goth costume having an orgasm due to the dying soldiers' souls being transferred her, a woman named Pina Colada leading the troops, and a soldier just running straight into a horde of soldiers to get her melee kills up.
It's not even remotely trying to be serious. Or at least I hope not.
Oh Japan.Hey man, don't blame the dumb anime story when there exists the dumb game story they had to adapt.
I wonder if it's a good thing that at least Cline doesn't random war references amongst his shitty 80s nerd references. I mean all of the iconic war films are from the 80s, so maybe his next book will be about a gamer who plays a Vietnam VR game and ends up meeting both Martin Sheen and Charlie Sheen.When you just make references to pop culture without context, you eventually wind up with Ready Player One.
Supporting this is supporting cultural genocide*.
*I couldn't even bring myself to make a holocaust joke here.
To be fair, the anime is worse.Hey man, don't blame the dumb anime story when there exists the dumb game story they had to adapt.
Stargate SG-1 has space Egyptians trying to invade Earth, and that show celebrates the fuck out of the Air Force. You can be silly and show cool military dudes doing cool things without making references to iconic anti-war movies.
Oh good, I can finally assemble a Popura army in my office. I'm sure the clients will all be impressed.
Not girls but guys!
Much standards.
It'd be like compiling a supercut of... I dunno, all the moments of celebratory excess from The Wolf of Wall Street and suggesting that the movie is about how great Capitalism is without acknowledging the actual message of the film.You are having way too high standards. Forget anime cartoons for a moment, most people in real life will be happy to recognize the famous moment in a famous movie without giving a crap about the fact it was a bleak war drama.
I think it's not as bad when it's comedic. But a comedy doesn't typically reference things that detracts from the fact that it's a comedy.It's done often enough for parody purposes that it shouldn't be a big deal. The scifi TV show Eureka had some reference with pesticides or whatever.
Is Gate trying to be a comedy? Even then, referencing for the sake of referencing was not as rampant back then. And also, the point there was the fact that it's the Sheens in a war movie together, because har har Platoon and Apocalypse Now.
And also, the point there was the fact that it's the Sheens in a war movie together, because har har Platoon and Apocalypse Now.
It'd be like compiling a supercut of... I dunno, all the moments of celebratory excess from The Wolf of Wall Street and suggesting that the movie is about how great Capitalism is without acknowledging the actual message of the film.
It'd be like compiling a supercut of... I dunno, all the moments of celebratory excess from The Wolf of Wall Street and suggesting that the movie is about how great Capitalism is without acknowledging the actual message of the film.
I think it's not as bad when it's comedic. But a comedy doesn't typically reference things that detracts from the fact that it's a comedy.
Is Gate trying to be a comedy? Even then, referencing for the sake of referencing was not as rampant back then. And also, the point there was the fact that it's the Sheens in a war movie together, because har har Platoon and Apocalypse Now.
Much standards.
Soma - 18 is about as expected, but here I'm coming up on a similar problem that I had with the episode I saw of that Shin Sekai anime in terms of using imagery without acknowledging any context.
So this episode directly references the Edo period:
And here is the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQlxcz9U2x0
Which is fine and dandy, but it misses the entire point of the god damned period or Japan as a whole.
And fine, I can understand why someone Japanese doesn't understand what Japan meant for their ancestors or why it is important. If Japanese are allowed to be ignorant about their own history, then the rest of the world gets to be ignorant of Japanese history.
But it's like the guy who wrote this didn't live in the period it references, only the "cool bits" on Youtube.
This isn't something that you pull out of your ass. It's in the history that they are referencing, so it is a bit distasteful to take a show that wants to look at the tragedy of war in order to turn it into a bland comedic scene.
Hell, I'm not even against blind history and warmongering in culture. I'm fine, at least broadly speaking, with Last Samurai or even Michael Bay films. But at least they have the sense to know exactly what they are, and they're not invoking E-fucking-do for their war imagery.
True. lolIn fairness this is how layviewers responded to Wolf of Wall Street.
If you are making a war "thing" and you directly reference some other war "thing" but strip the reference of any of its context, then yes, it's problematic.So you're saying that scene is in there specifically for reference purpose and nothing else. Since you know... that's the only scene with Martin Sheen in the movie.
But a war anime making reference to the helmet scene is a big no no?
The helmet scene... yeah, I'm not buying your argument.
Yes, that too. It's meta!The was also about Wall Street.
Soma - 18 is about as expected, but here I'm coming up on a similar problem that I had with the episode I saw of that Shin Sekai anime in terms of using imagery without acknowledging any context.
Well, then again, the guy who wrote Gate is a right-wing nutjob,
Gate 06 is about as expected, but here I'm coming up on a similar problem that I had with the episode I saw of that Shin Sekai anime in terms of using imagery without acknowledging any context.
So this episode directly references Apocalypse Now, not only with Ride of the Valkyries, but with this as well:
And here is the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rAFMC2O9dQ
Which is fine and dandy, but it misses the entire point of the god damned movie or Vietnam as a whole.
And fine, I can understand why someone Japanese doesn't understand what Vietnam meant for America or why it is important. If Americans are allowed to be ignorant about the rest of the world, then the rest of the world gets to be ignorant of American history.
But it's like the guy who wrote this didn't watch the movie it references, only the "cool bits" on Youtube. So in case you've never seen the movie before, this is a scene that happens right after the helicopters slaughter the VC:
In case it's not clear, a chopper lands on the ground and tries to evacuate some civilians. It turns out that the civilians are also VC and one of them, a girl, throws a grenade into the chopper killing everyone on board. Those are American bodies on fire in that clip. Of course, then Kilgore calls them "fucking savages", reminding you that like almost all American military misadventures, dehumanizing the enemy is the only way that the American psyche can cope with the slaughter of all these people.
This isn't something that you pull out of your ass. It's in the film that they are referencing, so it is a bit distasteful to take a film that wants to look at the tragedy of war in order to turn it into a bland action scene.
And it would be something if the Japanese soldiers were ever in peril. Or if they called these fantasy humans "gooks" in order to show how they are very much like the Americans that are being referenced explicitly through the imagery. But this show doesn't aim for any of that, so my only answer would be, don't use one of the most iconic anti-war films as a reference for your goddamned action scene.
Hell, I'm not even against blind patriotism and warmongering in culture. I'm fine, at least broadly speaking, with Stargate SG-1 or The Last Ship or Independence Day or even Michael Bay films. But at least they have the sense to know exactly what they are, and they're not invoking Viet-fucking-nam for their war imagery.
Dat male Kuro.Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei Herz! 03
Let's deal with her BL love: The Episode
The thing is, The Last Ship is a fairly conservative US NAVY HOORAH show and I really don't have any problems with it. It's literally American sailors fighting against evil British people trying to take over America by spreading a virus and I'm perfectly fine with it.I think we are starting to zero in on your problem with this show.
For me, it's not about being serious, it's about using a reference without the context that bugs me.Taking this show too seriously I think. Gate isnt a serious commentary on war, its just a silly over the top action show. That said, I actually like and appreciate the homages to the movie and they add to the charm.
Oh good, I can finally assemble a Popura army in my office. I'm sure the clients will all be impressed.
Daisuki still thinks Russian is some alien language
Seeing the supposed protagonist take vantage of their superior standing to commit massacres does not instill any sort of excitement. It's not even instant gratification. It's all just ugly.
I don't get what this has to do with Shin Sekai Yori.
A quick search produced this post, where firehawk mentions his qualms about the show referencing an image from the Vietnam War in episode 4.