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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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It gets a lot funnier the more of a complete sociopath Momoka gets.

Yeah, Sabagebu! is a whole ton of fun.

Non Non Biyori Rewatch!!

It's pretty incredible to watch this all over again. Coincidentally enough, I watched Non Non Biyori 3 months ago on this day, so that's really neat.

The girls, Renge-chon, Natsume, Koma-chan and Hotaru are fantastic. Renge is fantastic throughout the entire anime, her monotone-like voice and facial expressions are amazing and make for great comedy. Natsume and Koma-chan are really cute sisters, I think it's unique and interesting how Koma-chan, the older sister is shorter and looks more like an imouto, it makes for really funny scenarios. Hotaru; the really developed 5th grader who moved from Tokyo is great too, her perspective on living in the country and how the rest of the girls are intruiged by it is funny.

The support characters are great too, Candy Store was such a huge surprise when I originally watched NNB, seeing her again was fantastic. Episode 10, when we see the flashback of Candy Store and Renge together and the day ended with them both sleeping together; overwhelmed by feels. Seeing Renge and Candy Store in the current time and day also fall asleep together was just amazing. Candy Story is most definitely a surprise and a phenomenal character. The sensei, or Nee-nee is pretty great too, she's a grown up Renge and it's just so good. The other supporting characters, like Hikagi, Renge's older sister, Konomi and such, all really good, great cast of girls.

Can't forget about Nii-chan either, he never says a word and is like an enigma, but he somehow manages to be funny and a great addition to the cast anyhow, no idea why, but it's great.

The episode with Renge and Honoka was fantastic; even though Renge doesn't have many facial expressions, when we see Renge standing at Honoka's grandparents door, being told that Honoka had to leave yesterday, was so hard. Renge just stands there for a good long minute until it hits her that her friend has left.

One of the best things that Non Non Biyori does, compared to most slice of life cute shows I've seen is, there are clear episodes from the beginning which set up the characters. They all have episodes dedicated to them and it really feels like you get to know them on a personal level, huge compliment to NNB for doing that.

The OP, having to listen to it again just brings in such a rush of feelings. It's somehow nostalgic, even though it's only been 3 months since I've seen it. It's also one of the greatest OP's ever and I love the song entirely. The ED is also fantastic and just a feel good song entirely.The music in NNB is also fantastic. If you've ever wondered if an anime can use music in a meaningful way, especially in a slice of life show, NNB pulls it off so well. The recorder that Renge plays is used throughout the entire anime for BGM, it's so good. There are many great compositions to listen to through the 12 episodes. All the music is so goooood.. An OST worth owning.

The art style doesn't need any explanation, neither does the animation. It's fantastic and absolutely beautiful, well drawn and well animated, watching Non Non Biyori is one of the most pleasant things you can do, without a doubt.

Still one of my favorite anime I have ever seen, with each episode being well directed and having a bundle of laughs. It's really just perfection in my eyes and with Non Non Biyori Repeat already airing, more greatness to come!

Non Non Biyori Repeat

Episode 1 - Fantastic music once again, I honestly didn't expect any less, it's so good. Art style, it's so Non Non Biyori it's ridiculous, I really love it. The well drawn environments, the colors, the greens are so vibrant and beautiful, everything is just so great to look at. The OP is good, but I think Non Non Biyori had a better OP, but the ED in Repeat is fantastic, really enjoyed this one a lot.

Getting to see Ren-chon, Koma-chan, Nattsun again is wonderful. Same with Hikagi and Nee-Nee, this is just wonderful. Seeing the ceremony for Ren-chon was so cute, made my eyes water up with how nice it was, absolutely amazing and everyone is just so great, friendly, kind, loving, and endearing; it's honestly just amazing.

So we know how Ren-chon got her recorder! The little peak of Hotaru at the end of the episode was great too; I love how it's a prologue for everything that happened in Non Non Biyori and it's a perfect setup for Repeat too.

It looks like Non Non Biyori Repeat is Non Non Biyori, but a retelling of it with different scenes and things of that nature, which is totally fine with me. It's weird how Mandelbo here mentioned what if Repeat would be like the first season but with different angles and things like that, because that's essentially what Non Non Biyori Repeat is!!!


Prison School NSFW Hana Magazine Poster http://i.imgur.com/olZBek9.jpg

Fuck you, Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu J.C Staff. Like WTF, who thought it was a great idea to give Hana cowtits. You fucking have Vice President, Mari, or even Chiyo to show off their big boobs. So why did you have to give Hana cowtits? For marketing, yeah fuck off. Hana never had boobs this big, fucking character design ruined. 😡

End of rant. Honestly why do they have to ruin a perfectly good character design by adding unnecessary shit?

J:C: Staff sure likes their badly drawn cow tits unfortunately.

edit: You know, I almost feel bad about flaming them when I just recently watched the excellent Aoi Hana. But yeeh, am not fond of that studio overall.


Although, hold on a second. I recall some discussions here mentioning that these promotional posters aren't actually drawn by the studios, so for all we know it may not be like that in the actual anime character design.


Remember some of the Shirobako promotional material? I don't think its worth putting too much stock in how some magazine pin-up may reflect on a show.
Non Non Biyori Repeat 01


Hey, it's the ending of Metal Gear Solid 3

Hey, it's more Non Non Biyori. That should tell you pretty much all you need to know already.

I don't remember a lot about S1, is this going over the same stuff in that? Renge gets her recorder, Hotaru just comes into town, Renge's sister goes to Tokyo, that all happened, is that why it's called Repeat?


Remember some of the Shirobako promotional material? I don't think its worth putting too much stock in how some magazine pin-up may reflect on a show.

Well Prison School is actually smut, so


Non Non Biyori Repeat 1

Flashback to start the season? Really digging the soundtrack.

Seeing Renge starting school reminded me when my father use to drop me off to school on the first day when I was young. I use to cry on the first day to school.

Non Non Biyori Repeat 01

Hey, it's more Non Non Biyori. That should tell you pretty much all you need to know already.

I don't remember a lot about S1, is this going over the same stuff in that? Renge gets her recorder, Hotaru just comes into town, Renge's sister goes to Tokyo, that all happened, is that why it's called Repeat?

They didn't show any of this in S1. Probably used to be a reminder of the characters while giving the old fans something new at the same time.


Non Non Biyori Repeat 01

Hey, it's more Non Non Biyori. That should tell you pretty much all you need to know already.

I don't remember a lot about S1, is this going over the same stuff in that? Renge gets her recorder, Hotaru just comes into town, Renge's sister goes to Tokyo, that all happened, is that why it's called Repeat?

Well Prison School is actually smut, so

I believe so, it's funny, Mandelbo "prophesized" what if that was what it actually was, hehe. I think it's pretty interesting really.

Non Non Biyori Repeat 1

Flashback to start the season? Really digging the soundtrack.

Seeing Renge starting school reminded me when my father use to drop me off to school on the first day when I was young. I use to cry on the first day to school.

Always a possibility that it's a flashback for sure, we'll have to wait until next week to find out.

About the spoiler,
I cried on my first day to school too, heh, pretty hard too


Wait what, it actually is a remake?

Damn, hahahaha.

Alright, I'm ok with this. A bit disappointed, but I'm ok with this.

About Prison School, are there many scenes that will definitely be censored in the anime? If so, I guess I should just read the manga.

Sounds like it's an episode set before S1 then.

It would be pretty weird if they just time skipped to after S1 in episode 2 though.
Non Non Biyori Repeat 01

Hey, it's more Non Non Biyori. That should tell you pretty much all you need to know already.

I don't remember a lot about S1, is this going over the same stuff in that? Renge gets her recorder, Hotaru just comes into town, Renge's sister goes to Tokyo, that all happened, is that why it's called Repeat?

Sounds like it's an episode set before S1 then.
About Prison School, are there many scenes that will definitely be censored in the anime? If so, I guess I should just read the manga.

I think it's airing on AX so probably not. Funi has it, but CR had an uncensored version of that My Wife is the School Council President thing. Who knows.

And NNB Repeat isn't a remake. I dunno what it is yet.

Sounds like it's an episode set before S1 then.

I guess so?


Well Prison School is actually smut, so

Well yes, sure. I'm just saying just because they "embellished" in some unrelated promo art doesn't mean that in show Hana is going to give Vice Pres a run for her money. Seems a silly thing to get bothered enough about to get on a soapbox about. What happened with Shirobako was worse because it could give a lot of people a REALLY bad idea of what the show is and is actually about. Here they just added a few cup sizes.

Remember some of the Shirobako promotional material? I don't think its worth putting too much stock in how some magazine pin-up may reflect on a show.

Honestly I feel like the animation is gonna be mediocre because after I saw the CM with Hana I was left with a bad impression. The animation looks really stiff and the character themselves feel like lifeless bland robots. Plus visually it looks too bright when it should be a bit dim and give off a oppressive and dreary atmosphere. Anyways I could be totally wrong and it actually turns out to be the opposite.

Hopefully I'm really wrong and it actually turns out to be a great adaptation.
Non Non Biyori Repeat's first episode is basically the first episode of Hidamari Sketch x365, except I'm not sure if this was actually the first proper chapter of the NNB manga being adapted (like Hidamari's case) or if it's just an anime original refresher.

y'all need to watch more slice of life anime, get educated!


Non Non Biyori Repeat's first episode is basically the first episode of Hidamari Sketch x365, except I'm not sure if this was actually the first proper chapter of the NNB manga being adapted (like Hidamari's case) or if it's just an anime original refresher.

y'all need to watch more slice of life anime, get educated!

Heh, it very well could be like it was in Hidamari Sketch x365, that'd actually be really neat.
Non Non Biyori Repeat's first episode is basically the first episode of Hidamari Sketch x365, except I'm not sure if this was actually the first proper chapter of the NNB manga being adapted (like Hidamari's case) or if it's just an anime original refresher.

y'all need to watch more slice of life anime, get educated!

How much is the needed requirement? I've seen like about 5 or 6 sol anime, is that enough or do I need to watch more?
Well yes, sure. I'm just saying just because they "embellished" in some unrelated promo art doesn't mean that in show Hana is going to give Vice Pres a run for her money. Seems a silly thing to get bothered enough about to get on a soapbox about. What happened with Shirobako was worse because it could give a lot of people a REALLY bad idea of what the show is and is actually about. Here they just added a few cup sizes.

Yeh hence my second edit.

Gotta say, it's actually fairly amusing if one promo poster randomly has a way larger bust size than anything else.


Non Non Biyori Repeat's first episode is basically the first episode of Hidamari Sketch x365, except I'm not sure if this was actually the first proper chapter of the NNB manga being adapted (like Hidamari's case) or if it's just an anime original refresher.

y'all need to watch more slice of life anime, get educated!

Sorry, sensei
Non Non Biyori Repeat's first episode is basically the first episode of Hidamari Sketch x365, except I'm not sure if this was actually the first proper chapter of the NNB manga being adapted (like Hidamari's case) or if it's just an anime original refresher.

y'all need to watch more slice of life anime, get educated!

2 first chapters of the NNB manga is available here:

So it looks like the first season started out similar as the manga (with chapter 2 first though...)


working would be a good show if it wasn't for

that piece of crap.
horrible character who by all rights should be locked up for life due to severe mental problems and countless attempted murders :/ (and an even longer list of assault)

I was enjoying the characters in the series until she showed up, and then the show just quickly became terrible because she was on screen all of the time. Easily one of my least favorite female characters of all time.

She is pretty terrible in the first season, but come the first episode of the third season, she hasn't hit anyone (not even in the OP) which shows she mas made improvements.


I like action, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and comedies (but only if they're really good comedies).

Hmm, you might want to take a look into GATE and Gangsta. Also DurararaX2 Ten if you've watched the previous seasons. Ushio to Tora if you're a fan of classic shounen.

And Dragon Ball Super, of course.


Non Non Biyori Repeat 01

It's quite amazing that this show brought a smile to my face within the first ten seconds, and that it managed to keep that the smile there the whole way through. Renge is as fantastic and inquisitive as ever, and I'm very glad that the first episode of the new season focused almost entirely upon her. The background art is astoundingly good, the song at the end apparently being their way of showing that they know it. The OP has the same vocalist as Humanity has Declined's OP, doesn't it?

I do like that this season Asumi Kana is in two shows I'm watching playing a small character who is frustrated that they aren't taken seriously because of their height.

Will we ever get a definitive answer to what haute couture means? We'll have to wait till next episode to find out!
Gatchaman Crowds 12/Director's Cut

Man is Hajime really crazy, she just put Katze inside her. The Director's Cut is so much better because it felt more conclusive than episode 12. I liked the fact they added the part where the father Maeda is released from prison and finally sees his family. Plus we get to see OD instead of just being left out like he wasn't there. The music was on point and I loved how Katze was bickering with Hajime. It was a enjoyable show.

Now on to Insight.


Which should I start first?

Wolf's Rain
Koi Kaze
Kare Kano
Honey & Clover
Serial Experiments Lain
Nodame Cantabile

I'd watch them in this order
Kare Kano
Honey and Clover
wolf's rain

and forget about koi kaze :p

but my order also assumes you want to seperate the romance ones and end with the best one :p
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