You guys know what will be just as good? Seeing posts throughout the thread of people watching that run later on.
I'm betting the next GDQ drama is going to be salty people who didn't get runs in mad that Bonesaw did with whatever went on there.
It's well received. I doubt they'd be banned.
I'm betting the next GDQ drama is going to be salty people who didn't get runs in mad that Bonesaw did with whatever went on there.
already happened
Well honestly if you're interested in the speedrunning part of GDQ this was just totally uninteresting.
Well honestly if you're interested in the speedrunning part of GDQ this was just totally uninteresting.
Well honestly if you're interested in the speedrunning part of GDQ this was just totally uninteresting.
Well honestly if you're interested in the speedrunning part of GDQ this was just totally uninteresting.
Commentary can make or break a good speedrun to watch, though. There are some great speedrunners, but who just suck at commentary. Then there are some mediocre speedrunners, who have fantastic commentary and make it enjoyable to watch.
gonna throw in my two cents here, i started watching gdqs in like 2013? and that was one of the better ones for sure. If it was every run yeah that would be awful, but for a 2 hour game at the late hours on the night, it was much appreciated.
Heck he even went out of his way to show us neat tricks and still made it under estimate![]()
people were calling it a 'lets play' just because it was entertaining
think about that for a second
if a speedrun is entertaining, then it isn't a speedrun anymore, it's a 'lets play'. Literally no fun allowed with some people.
Am i only one watching the klonoa run @_@
Am i only one watching the klonoa run @_@
That Sands of Time run is what this reminded me of. Everyone was having fun so it was entertaining still.if one is interested in speed running one knows that none of these runs would compare to the ones the runners do in their own time, and the PBs one may have already watched.
People didn't really complain about the runner who nearly if not did go over the estimate doing Sands of Time in the last AGDQ because he kept having issues with the glitches. That may be because he didn't look like he was having a good time doing it?
if one is interested in speed running one knows that none of these runs would compare to the ones the runners do in their own time, and the PBs one may have already watched.
I'd like to but it's 4:30 in the morning here and I should've been in bed long ago. Glad I saw that J&D run but now I really should sleep.Am i only one watching the klonoa run @_@
.I'm listening...
The runner was 20 minutes off his PB and 30 off the World Record. If the run was super technical that required difficult skips and had the potential for massive time losses if you screwed up I could understand but the runner isn't even that knowledgeable about the game (There was apparently a skip that literally everyone besides him was doing for years because he didn't know it existed) and ran it terribly. It was basically a glorified let's play and he didn't really make any attempt to even explain the run. I can understand the appeal to some but it's pretty disrespectful to the people out there that spent countless hours trying to refine their runs for GDQ submissions and got turned down when that was a run they ended up letting in.
people were calling it a 'lets play' just because it was entertaining
think about that for a second
if a speedrun is entertaining, then it isn't a speedrun anymore, it's a 'lets play'. Literally no fun allowed with some people.
Dude it's fine if you liked it. I didn't, I like GDQ for the way games a broken down and how tricks are explained. I understand purely informative runs are also pretty boring but I think there's a way to balance both so everyone can enjoy your run.
A guy plays through the entirety of Jak and Daxter in slightly over two hours and there are people saying "Oh I thought this stream was about speedrunning!". As if the guy wasn't using any advanced techniques or zany glitches typical of a speedrun...
A guy plays through the entirety of Jak and Daxter in slightly over two hours and there are people saying "Oh I thought this stream was about speedrunning!". As if the guy wasn't using any advanced techniques or zany glitches typical of a speedrun...
He had the GALL to have fun while doing it though.