So it took me a while to get the combination as well but I never cheated. Other than the first Hour demo puzzle, the games puzzle are not that obtuse and everybody tends to overthink it.
But Pat is like
So since I'm not a monster like Pat, can someone in spoilers tell us what happens if he?actually kills Pascal
Youget one of the 21 goof endings
Oh also for people who don't watch Pat's streams, he confirmed there would be a Nier Automata spoilercast with him and Clemps in the future
Sad Liam won't be part of it but still, please be excite
Pat's freakout at the item drop in the latest Dark Souls video is joyous.
Woolie is now the craziest person in Castle Superbeast.
The gamecube was purple.
Him getting the shield hurt me.It took me twice as long to get half of the shit Woolies gotten.
Also if he would fucking use the Uchi and not miss every other attack because spears suck shit he might've done fine against the demon on the first go.
I've never heard anyone say the GameCube was blue.
"Gamecube is blue to me" has shocked me to the core. This better be one of those conditions where people see color's differently. Cause the Gamecube is purple as shit.
It's nice that there's two guests on the friendcast this week.
Matt and Pat
Maybe he only ever saw it in whatever lighting the second picture had?
Maybe he only ever saw it in whatever lighting the second picture had?
Well this explains Pat's odd tweets about colors over the weekend.
Oh jeeze, the music in Batman is obnoxiously Minecraft Story Mode. :/
The game seems okay despite how sick of early career Batman stories I am.
Oh jeeze, the music in Batman is obnoxiously Minecraft Story Mode. :/
The game seems okay despite how sick of early career Batman stories I am.
That's why I was hoping for Arkham Asylum 'cause Woolie's never played it and it's pretty great.But nothing meaningful can happen from your choices because Telltale basically write a story and make you follow it. I mean I like visual novels so this doesn't seem so bad honestly.
But when can I play as old grizzled Bruce Wayne who's sick of everyone's shit?
Dude. I know people are sick of Batman stuff but I'd be super juiced for a Batman game with more Batfamily stuffI wonder who I have to begto at Warner to make a Batfamily game. Like Arkham Knight was okay, since 3/4 Robin's made an appearance, but the Batfamily is usually untouched gameplay wise in everything.
Lol man, some of the comic incorrection in Bats.
Matt: "Oh yeah, Jack Ryder, that's just like this reporter who's always around doing a thing."
No, Jack Ryder's the fucking Creeper.
That gamecube conversation giving Pat's tweets context reveals an amazing amount of pettiness. I love it.
That gamecube conversation giving Pat's tweets context reveals an amazing amount of pettiness. I love it.
Pat better become giant for the DS3 dlc, and the dark souls LP will still be going and i have no clue how they'll schedule that.
Lol man, some of the comic incorrection in Bats.
Matt: "Oh yeah, Jack Ryder, that's just like this reporter who's always around doing a thing."
No, Jack Ryder's the fucking Creeper.