I was so disappointed by Majima's ending when I played Yakuza 0. They could have transitioned so well into his character in the first game.
I think I'm in the hole too now. Damn these cute anime girls an their addictive cards games.
You did watch to the end, right? They totally did meet!
Loved that "Kiryu-chan!", speaking of.
Guys do I start watching Jojo or Ippo?
Oh yeah I caught that - it just seemed way too familiar of them to be the first time.
Yeah I didn't get it either. Did they meet earlier and I just missed it? Or are we to just assume their reputations precede them and it apparently got Majima's blood pumping.
Probably unofficially since Matt and Liam stream together occasionally.
I was so disappointed by Majima's ending when I played Yakuza 0. They could have transitioned so well into his character in the first game.
Have ticket to Too Many games. There's a SBF panel I didn't even know about until the podcast
Car breaks down on the way there
Beat Cop seems a bit too enthusiastic to throw out some of those slurs huh?
It apparently uses a couple different double g words but they don't encounter them in the video itself.
Noooo but guuuuuuuuys didn't you see the opening message? You cant get offended or criticize when there is a disclaimer!
Im joking of course
Night in the Woods: Baby Boomers sacrifice children/the poors to Cthulhu because they can't adapt to changing times.
Just like real life.
Night in the Woods: Baby Boomers sacrifice children/the poors to Cthulhu because they can't adapt to changing times.
Just like real life.
I know Matt loves it because it's Cthulhu stuff, but honestly I found it super disappointing.
There's a poignant, heartfelt narrative about rural decay, wanderlust, and blind conservatism without turning it into a magical reality metaphor where the Boomers are literally sacrificing children to their dark god.
Personally, one of the biggest eleventh hour fumbles in a narrative for me.
Woolie's exhaling at the end of every sentence is super distracting this NitW.
I like how the main menu thing has a big ass date on it, meaning they've been sitting on this shit for months due to Yakuza.
They really need to limit themselves to one long LP at a time.
I like how the main menu thing has a big ass date on it, meaning they've been sitting on this shit for months due to Yakuza.
They really need to limit themselves to one long LP at a time.
Fucking spoilers guys jeez.
Forget trying to make non-slur variations of Woolie's name, we should just call him Snailie from now on.I bet they thought NitW would have been done sooner, but they forgot that Woolie is a snail.
Forget trying to make non-slur variations of Woolie's name, we should just call him Snailie from now on.
Seriously, I think LA Noire is the only LP where Woolie's tendency to go slow actually works.
This is my travel bag