Was gonna watch Shin Mazinger on my xbone until I subtitles. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me. I guess I can't watch any anime from my local anime store anymore.
Fuck you.Just in time to be a Sailor Scout?
VLC is your friend.Was gonna watch Shin Mazinger on my xbone until I subtitles. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me. I guess I can't watch any anime from my local anime store anymore.
Sure, up to you.
Really? I've only seen videos about it, looks fun but i'll never play it. Just not that interested into it.
Was gonna watch Shin Mazinger on my xbone until I subtitles. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me. I guess I can't watch any anime from my local anime store anymore.
remember that partHow about that part whereTHE WHOLE GODDAMN MOVIE
VLC is your friend.
Was gonna watch Shin Mazinger on my xbone until I subtitles. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me. I guess I can't watch any anime from my local anime store anymore.
Doesn't the xbone support MKVs? Shouldn't there be an option for subs?
where is this local anime store?
I think in canadia they're still selling, i can't remember, but those stuff were good. MMmmm.. Yum.
Left over pizza from the night before. Sometimes reheated or not, I don't give a shit, it's still pizza. And pizza is the best.
Was gonna watch Shin Mazinger on my xbone until I subtitles. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me. I guess I can't watch any anime from my local anime store anymore.
Its a great fucking military shooter
where is this local anime store?
Don't reheat pizza. It's still good when it's cold.![]()
Yeah I think so which makes me so salty. I want that shit in my tummy right now!
I like how dumb you can be with the gun above your head while you wander around, and the driving could be great if it wasn't so jank.
Locally on the interwebs and neighbourhood.
Oh! sorry. Yeah, insurgency is the game with one life and where all you do is camp staring into one area. Sorry, i got confused.
Oh! sorry. Yeah, insurgency is the game with one life and where all you do is camp staring into one area. Sorry, i got confused.
Oh god STAR_ and Jerma have done videos on that buggy shit
I'm hearing the wailing of a man who doesn't like tactical shooters.
No, thats counter strike. Get good
Oh god STAR_ and Jerma have done videos on that buggy shit
I'm so fucking confused on how the guy who made fucking counter strike made that pile of dog feces
Well, he wasn't tacking shit onto a valve engine anymore. When you don't have the stablest platform ever to build your thing on, and instead it's a wobbly platform you made, good chance the building's gonna fall down.
But its running on source! He even got all the weapons horribly wrong
Woof no, I'm staying the hell away from thatIf you wanna play something fucking retarded for like 90 minutes. Download this game and just hit each other with cars.
That one video with the fucking piano bomb made me lose my shit, then I rewatched it after forgetting why it made me laugh so much and I lost it hard againThose were fun videos, also insurgency videos were great.
Nah, i'm just being very general and not actually being specific. From what i've seen, once you die, you just sit and watch other people. Imo that's not fun. This is also coming from me just watching people play it in videos.
Then he took the fancy platform and tacked shit onto it until it fell down. Stop ruining my awesome analogy
Insurgency is a good game but it never held me for long, I always end up going back to Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm. I'm a huge mark for WW2 settings and I love the large scale of the game.
No! I think he just lost all of his skills, like Ridley Scott or John Carmack
That one video with the fucking piano bomb made me lose my shit, then I rewatched it after forgetting why it made me laugh so much and I lost it hard again
Round based tactical shooters were born from Counter Strike. It's more fun than you'd think. It makes you actually care about playing smart and not getting shot, and means your kills have real ramifications for the rest of the round, even on a casual level. Rounds are fast in CS too.
After ID tech 5 I kinda lost faith.John Carmack is still a good programmer.At least I think so.
Guys! It happened! An Akumetsu topic appeared on Neogaf, and shockingly enough, I didn't start it!
Guys! It happened! An Akumetsu topic appeared on Neogaf, and shockingly enough, I didn't start it!
Don't shill us man.
He talked really postivie on isoaltion except the story bits and the ending.I jut spend the last hour or so watching Errant Signal videos.
The dude has made me hate Alien Isolation, love Doom again, and reminded me of how great a new IP Mirrors Edge was and how EA shat the fucking bed...
I saw you shilling akumetsu hard on OT and thought to post it here but you beat me to the punch, Romars.
I've heard that this is gonna be real soon and I fully expect it to kill someone.
I saw you shilling akumetsu hard on OT and thought to post it here but you beat me to the punch, Romars.
Lol, what can I say? I'm kinda obsessed with this now.
Your tag should be "The guy who always pushes akumetsu."Lol, what can I say? I'm kinda obsessed with this now.
Your tag should be "The guy who always pushes akumetsu."
All Romars' need is a long and detailed post about why everyone should read Akumetsu in OT and he'll be sure to get noticed.Eventually he would get noticed. I'll probably make a LTTP and every other post would be him.
He talked really postivie on isoaltion except the story bits and the ending.