Really we slowed down compared to the before it, I'm pretty sure.Jesus. The last thread didn't even live till Halloween -_-
Really we slowed down compared to the before it, I'm pretty sure.Jesus. The last thread didn't even live till Halloween -_-
Jesus. The last thread didn't even live to Halloween -_-
Phil tried to stop her from making a super racist joke in one of his playthroughs and failed. PHIL tried to stop her ffsYeah I've seen her. She's a damn nightmare lol. I remember seeing a montage of her raging at tekken tag 2 and it was hilarious.
Yeah I've seen her. She's a damn nightmare lol. I remember seeing a montage of her raging at tekken tag 2 and it was hilarious.
Jesus. The last thread didn't even live to Halloween -_-
I lasted what 3 weeks?Really we slowed down compared to the before it, I'm pretty sure.
Holy shit guys, like 6 fucking threads
you guys are nerds.
Really we slowed down compared to the before it, I'm pretty sure.
Holy shit guys, like 6 fucking threads
you guys are nerds.
The first thread lasted like three months didn't it? It seemed so much busier than even 5 yet lasted so much longer.
I find it weird that Pat says he doesn't know how much babies weigh in the Among the Sleep episode. They weigh exactly one pat.
4 months iirc. Those were simpler times.
The fuck happened? I spent today clearning off 2nd climax of Bayo 2 and all of a sudden there's DSP arguments.
Haha yeah I've seen that too. That shit was so cringe-worthy.Phil tried to stop her from making a super racist joke in one of his playthroughs and failed. PHIL tried to stop her ffs
Then she starts shit talking the game and claiming that the HD version "was different"I saw that one too, I love how the video starts with her saying she's a huge Tekken fan then is immediately terrible at it.
Not arguments, just agreeing that him and his girlfriend are terrible people and it's fun to laugh at them
Back when you had a Yu avatar, and you guys picked on me for being a junior.
I remember that avatar. Back then I didn't hate Yu as much as I do now.Reason I hate him is because I'm sick of seeing him. Jesus, Atlus. Move on already.
I'm going to skim through these pages of OT1 just for nostalgia's sake.
He has a girlfriend? Good lord.
And she's somehow worse than himHe has a girlfriend? Good lord.
I remember that avatar. Back then I didn't hate Yu as much as I do now.Reason I hate him is because I'm sick of seeing him. Jesus, Atlus. Move on already.
I'm going to skim through these pages of OT1 just for nostalgia's sake.
Haha yeah I've seen that too. That shit was so cringe-worthy.
But that's not Yu's fault. Yu just wants to make friends and get laid.
Same thing will happen with P5 protag jk.
Ah so nostalgic time huh...I'm going to go look up old cartoon theme songs.
I remember that avatar. Back then I didn't hate Yu as much as I do now.Reason I hate him is because I'm sick of seeing him. Jesus, Atlus. Move on already.
I'm going to skim through these pages of OT1 just for nostalgia's sake.
This is as close to a selfie as your gonna get from me
also the question was serious
People like them keep reproducing. It's total bullshit.
I can see Yu owning a Host club in P5you know Yasoinaba will make a cameo in P5 right?
its bound to happen, just like P3 had a cameo of the next game, and P4 had a cameo of the previous game
everythings connected
except P1 and 2, we dont talk about those
I don't care. Yu's a manwhore and I don't want to see him anymore. Bring on P5.
Yeah, nostalgia for something that happened this year.Holy shit, OT1 was this year.
I don't care. Yu's a manwhore and I don't want to see him anymore. Bring on P5.
you know Yasoinaba will make a cameo in P5 right?
its bound to happen, just like P3 had a cameo of the next game, and P4 had a cameo of the previous game
everythings connected
except P1 and 2, we dont talk about those
They force him into P5 too...oh no
Oh shit it was this year...
Leave it to the Forum Avatar thread to completely out do me.
I want to believe that Atlus won't just shove him into P5 for no raisin.
Oh god the start. This is going to be bad.
ive decided the next Vita game i get after(or at the same time if fortune favors it) Freedom Wars and Tales of Hearts R will be Senran Kagura:Shinovi Versus
...Wait Sega owns Atlus right...Yu will show up in a Yakuza game...
...Wait Sega owns Atlus right...Yu will show up in a Yakuza game...
Like I said new host club in Yakuza 0 called "The Midnight Channel" and Yus the ownerI actually love Yu enough to be hype about that.Y'know, the only reason I love Yu is 'cause he's me.
I skimmed OT1, and it's crazy seeing how I hardly posted until the end of it. I was just lurking for a really long time.Yeah, nostalgia for something that happened this year.Holy shit, OT1 was this year.
Use Beast Within.
This is as close to a selfie as your gonna get from me
also the question was serious
I don't usually like these images, but this one made me laugh.
Dude spoiler!Use Beast Within.
Anyway, That final fight withwas so intense that the fucking power went out in my apartment. Thankfully it happened after it was done and saved my progress, but fucking hell.Jeanne
I actually love Yu enough to be hype about that.Y'know, the only reason I love Yu is 'cause he's me.
You got it all wrong. P5 is going to have Sonic the Hedgehog.
Like I said new host club in Yakuza 0 called "The Midnight Channel" and Yus the owner
I have no fucking idea. Someone please help us.
Use Beast Within.
Anyway, That final fight with Jeanne was so intense that the fucking power went out in my apartment. Thankfully it happened after it was done and saved my progress, but fucking hell.