I'm 6 green stars in and I have loved every minute of it
By the way; am I the only one that's even more excited at the possibility of an
F-zero game after the Tall Trunk Slide level
Because they chose to use that service instead of something else which makes a huge difference between "me having to be at home when the mail comes (yep, gonna have to take a day off to get this fucker)" and "me having to be at home by 3"? :/Jive Turkey said:How exactly is that Amazon's fault?
Neiteio said:The Bowser fights in SM64 are the best, imo, and I'm no nostalgic defender of the game.
I would still think the SM64 battles are more iconic, more badass and more fun. It usually takes me a couple throws to hit the bomb, so it's not as quick as you make it sound. And I like to "roleplay" the battle by deliberately baiting Bowser around the stage. Getting hands-on and swinging the massive monster by the tail is simply awesome, now or then, and the most perfect realization of a Bowser battle in 3D, truly taking advantage of the space 3D affords.thecouncil said:if the style of SMG2 Bowser battles were the ones you played 15 years ago in SM64 and the style of SM64 Bowser battles were what you just recently played in Galaxy 2, would you honestly be able to say that the 64 type was still better?
If those Bowser battles were switched in history, I would question why Nintendo hated me so much to just make it a simple 'run behind Bowser, grab his tail and spin him into a bomb'. It was definitely cool 15 years ago, but now it would be tragic design.
You're absolutely right. Amazon should pay nearly 10 times as much for their supersaver shipping. You have two options:Black-Wind said:Because they chose to use that service instead of something else which makes a huge difference between "me having to be at home when the mail comes (yep, gonna have to take a day off to get this fucker)" and "me having to be at home by 3"? :/
Edit- Other people bitching about it.
You shouldn't have to sign for them (unless the shipper paid for that) but the carriers aren't supposed to leave them in an unsecured area. Fore example: I never have to be home to get my packages if they can fit into my locked mailbox.vazel said:Weird I never have to sign for packages from USPS.
Agree with you completely about the new beach level.Papercuts said:At 101 stars right now, really liking it but there's been a few things that really annoyed me. Mainly the minigamish stars that feel extremely pointless, and the powerups overall are still just as underused as they were in galaxy 1, with exception to the cloud suit.
I also think the beach level(I already forget the name) is oddly bland, probably my least favorite level in both Galaxy games. I think it's one of the biggest levels in the game that's just more pure old style, but the layout of everything is really random feeling. The star using the cloud suit here skips the only challenge there could be--getting to the tower--and just lets you hitch a ride on the weird leaf boat thing which gets right to it. And then the purple coin star is just a 30 second grind with yoshi that was extremely easy. I loved both of the galaxy 1 beach levels, especially sea slide, though I recall people not caring for it much.
I thought my post was clear, but I was talking about the post 120 reward.wRATH2x said:I mean you can choose to either beat the last Bowser or go get more stars. If I'm not mistaken some gaffer posted that after 90 something stars he went and beat Bowser. I beat him the moment I hit 70 stars I beat his ass, wouldn't it would be weird for me to get the same stars as he did but without the spin attack?
Agreed.brandonh83 said:Finally, I kind of hope this is the last "Mario 64 style" game with the setup of having to collect stars to advance. I'm more of a fan of simply getting to the end of a level and moving onto the next. Even though the presentation of Galaxy is far more epic than other Mario games, I think titles like Mario World actually "feel" more epic and adventurous due to the layout or something, I apologize for not being able to explain that better. I guess I just miss the vibe you get when you know you're close to the end of a Mario game and the levels get darker and more challenging. Here it's like, it doesn't really matter what order you go in, just get enough stars and you can get to the last level which for me kind of kills that sense of approaching endgame territory.
Papercuts said:At 101 stars right now, really liking it but there's been a few things that really annoyed me. Mainly the minigamish stars that feel extremely pointless, and the powerups overall are still just as underused as they were in galaxy 1, with exception to the cloud suit.
I also think the beach level(I already forget the name) is oddly bland, probably my least favorite level in both Galaxy games. I think it's one of the biggest levels in the game that's just more pure old style, but the layout of everything is really random feeling. The star using the cloud suit here skips the only challenge there could be--getting to the tower--and just lets you hitch a ride on the weird leaf boat thing which gets right to it. And then the purple coin star is just a 30 second grind with yoshi that was extremely easy. I loved both of the galaxy 1 beach levels, especially sea slide, though I recall people not caring for it much.
HK-47 said:Beach Bowl was the one people didnt care for, not Sea Slide.
Have you tried the 'comet' on that level yet?Hiltz said:Wow, Slimy Spring galaxy is fun!
brandonh83 said:Wow the final boss was such a fucking letdown. What a waste of epic musical composition to boot. It was a cool setup but took no skill, thought, nothing. Nailed the presentation, but like Galaxy's final boss, just extremely simple and quick.
Still, good game. It's not going to be on my GOTY outlook, not by a long shot, but it's definitely a good enough Mario title. I just hate it how a lot of the game can be so challenging and intense, but when it comes time for boss battles particularly the last, it's so easy that it feels like I'm playing a different game.
Finally, I kind of hope this is the last "Mario 64 style" game with the setup of having to collect stars to advance. I'm more of a fan of simply getting to the end of a level and moving onto the next. Even though the presentation of Galaxy is far more epic than other Mario games, I think titles like Mario World actually "feel" more epic and adventurous due to the layout or something, I apologize for not being able to explain that better. I guess I just miss the vibe you get when you know you're close to the end of a Mario game and the levels get darker and more challenging. Here it's like, it doesn't really matter what order you go in, just get enough stars and you can get to the last level which for me kind of kills that sense of approaching endgame territory.
The game's level design and art direction blew me away as usual and I had great fun with the game, with still more fun on the way as I get the rest of the stars. But like Galaxy 1, I can't help but feel there are some things that hold them back from being my favorite Mario games. It's definitely more of a preference kind of thing though seeing as how many people feel that this is the best game they've played in a while and deserving of all the perfect scores and praise. I certainly wouldn't argue with any of the praise and due to the level design, challenge, art, music, etc. I don't really have any immediate issue with it receiving a lot of perfect scores. I just wouldn't give it one myself.
rhfb said:Spin Flip Prankster :lol
Going to get it eventually, but man it would be more fun as Luigi![]()
HK-47 said:And you do get a sense of endgame approach since you have to get at least one star in many stages to advance.
HK-47 said:Beach Bowl was the one people didnt care for, not Sea Slide.
The level of challenge and the world map and starship background all reflect endgame approach. Like I said, Galaxy doesnt care about thematic cohesion (2 cares about it even less than 1. Hell only Sunshine had a connecting theme. I mean Rainbow Ride and Tick Tock Clock arent exactly dark either. 2D and 3D Mario dont operate the same way. Flagpoles and Star Coins both fail the represent the same thing as a Power Star. Stars are like a combination of the two.brandonh83 said:I'm just saying that the levels in the last world don't really feel like "last world" levels to me. Both with this one and the first galaxy, I felt like the last stage just popped up out of nowhere.
rhfb said:Spin Flip Prankster :lol
Going to get it eventually, but man it would be more fun as Luigi![]()
Only in world 3 so I'm thinking I'm far away from being able to do that.HK-47 said:Beat Bowser and you'll get the ability to switch on Starship Mario. Dont know why they didnt do it that way from the beginning...
Rez said:pros don't use the leaf boats on the Starshine Beach, because if you don't it makes it feel more like an old-school Mario game
(I didn't realise I could use them as boats until I needed to during the post-game)
SailorDaravon said:Sweet fucking Jesus, I can't believe they took (post-game spoiler)Seriously, fuck you Miyamoto.the hardest fucking level in SMG 1 that everyone bitched about and made it HARDER. First time I ever saw that guide bitch. That level in SMG1 was the reason both me and my wife never did the 2nd 120 stars in SMG1 (we both did get the first 120 though). This version of it in SMG2 I believe is what broke my wife from playing it anymore (she stopped at 111 stars), and I just beat it at 110 stars and I don't see myself playing the second 120 stars now in this one either. That level literally ruined the first SMG for me as it's the first thing that comes to mind whenever anyone mentions the game, and now it's going to be the same for SMG2.
Dude, he's talking aboutPapercuts said:What?
Is this about stone cyclone? I never thought people found it hard in 1, but it was pretty hectic in 2. Though most of my deaths came from that damn comet coin here.
thecouncil said:if the style of SMG2 Bowser battles were the ones you played 15 years ago in SM64 and the style of SM64 Bowser battles were what you just recently played in Galaxy 2, would you honestly be able to say that the 64 type was still better?
If those Bowser battles were switched in history, I would question why Nintendo hated me so much to just make it a simple 'run behind Bowser, grab his tail and spin him into a bomb'. It was definitely cool 15 years ago, but now it would be tragic design.
HK-47 said:Was anyone else sort of disappointedwith Mario Squared and Stone Cyclone? I mean I liked it the first time but I didnt need one small part of Beach Bowl brought back with very little change. Hell it seemed almost exactly the same. Couldnt you at least change the structure, cause the concept was cool? And I can see why Mario Squared is there cause everyone talks about LPC but I already did it 4 times in SMG1. I mean they are still fun but I'd trade those for an extra Twisty Trial or some sling pod/matter splatter stuff any day
Feep said:Dude, he's talking about.Mario Squared
Don't get crazy about it. The post-120 reward is awesome enough to take the time to beat it.Plan out a route, and go relatively slowly. The spinning platforms are gone, so it's really not as hectic, and if you plan well, the Cosmic Clones won't be anything more than a minor annoyance.
To be fair, I love the galaxy you're about to unlock.Papercuts said:I find the S world to be pretty disappointing in general. Mario Squared is an easier version of LPC(I'm one of the few that seemed to not find that level hard anyway), and on top of Stone Cyclone being a recycled design there's also the obvious boss rush rehash, and a Sunshine bonus level made easier(with the cloud suit which I never needed to use anyway). The rainbow road ball level was pretty cool I guess, and I still have the last luma to feed and see what that is, but overall I don't see it redeeming it.
othersteve said:I hate to sound like some sort of uber-teen-pimple-faced gaming nerd, but I really don't get how people have so much trouble with theandMario Squaredgalaxies that it pisses them off and conquers them. I found neither one of them to be that frustratingly difficult, and in fact, I truly enjoy the fact that they're included considering that they offer a (much needed, in my opinion) notable challenge when compared to most of the rest of the game.Stone Cyclone
On one hand, I can see people complaining because they're essentially copy/pastes to a large degree. But by the same token, as a gamer who truly enjoys a challenge, I really thought they were fun... even if they did only take a few tries apiece.
Guess you can't please everyone.
Stars are superior for 3D? What does that even mean? How does flagpoles at the end mean you have no freedom?HK-47 said:Augh no. Stars are far superior I think, for 3D to be sure. Hell most of the 2D sections have the star at the end like a flagpole. And you do get a sense of endgame approach since you have to get at least one star in many stages to advance. Plus I like the freedom to tackling the challenges at my own pace.
Yeah, currently... doesn't mean there's a rule about it, though.HK-47 said:2D and 3D Mario dont operate the same way.
BowieZ said:Stars are superior for 3D? What does that even mean? How does flagpoles at the end mean you have no freedom?
You know you can beat Super Mario World before you even beat the second castle, right? But I get what you say.brandonh83 said:Finally, I kind of hope this is the last "Mario 64 style" game with the setup of having to collect stars to advance. I'm more of a fan of simply getting to the end of a level and moving onto the next. Even though the presentation of Galaxy is far more epic than other Mario games, I think titles like Mario World actually "feel" more epic and adventurous due to the layout or something, I apologize for not being able to explain that better. I guess I just miss the vibe you get when you know you're close to the end of a Mario game and the levels get darker and more challenging. Here it's like, it doesn't really matter what order you go in, just get enough stars and you can get to the last level which for me kind of kills that sense of approaching endgame territory.
And towards 2D conventions? Why? Cause its more familar? The Galaxy games ignore both. They do what what they please.BowieZ said:But yeah, I totally agree with Brandon. And Mario 64 obviously isn't an appropriate example in defending the case of worlds getting darker and scarier... we were talking about moving away from Mario 64.