They're both brilliant, but they're both different beasts. I'd say buy Galaxy 2 first, and if you love it like we all seem to, then go out and buy Galaxy 1. G2 is much more focused on the "gimmick" (in the best sense of the word), throwing new mechanics at you for a level or two before whipping you off to the next big thing, and feels much ....faster? G1 probably won't surprise you as much from level to level, but its just as fun, and treats gravity as its "gimmick", developing the wacky gravity play through the game in a way that G2 seemed lacking, IMODenogginizerOS said:Decisions, decisions. My 8-year old daughter is getting into NSMB on her DS. She keeps seeing the ads for SMG2. Neither she or I have played SMG. I have heard that SMG2 is a better game overall and that one does not need to play SMG. She, however, wants both (of course). Is there enough of a difference between the two games to warrant buying both, or should SMG2 be good enough (and better) to start?
The spin is so good, I just realized it the other night that the non-Galaxy games are pretty sorely missing it. What a good freaking mechanic.The_Technomancer said:So: the Spin
Most subtle yet brilliant mechanic in a platformer ever? You don't even really notice it until you think about it, but the ability to effectively pause for a split second in mid-air and completely change your momentum in any direction makes jumping infinity less frustrating, because it all but eliminates deaths of "oh shit, I didn't want to jump there go back back back arrrghhh!"
It allows them to really ramp up some of the platformy jumpy challenge because of that increased maneuverability in mid-air.
Also, yeah, LPCC is faaaar easier then LPC. The rotating yellow platforms were always the hardest part of LPC because if you paused for even a second then you were awkwardly jumping off of a tilted surface with wonky jump momentum.
I could not imagine parting with this game at all, ever.Mejilan said:Blasphemer!
I will never be trading this game in!
Green Scar said:IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD
Buy Galaxy 2 first. If she likes it, maybe buy the original for Christmas or something.DenogginizerOS said:Decisions, decisions. My 8-year old daughter is getting into NSMB on her DS. She keeps seeing the ads for SMG2. Neither she or I have played SMG. I have heard that SMG2 is a better game overall and that one does not need to play SMG. She, however, wants both (of course). Is there enough of a difference between the two games to warrant buying both, or should SMG2 be good enough (and better) to start?
speculawyer said:I hate the spicy hot pepper mechanic too. Hey . . . lets fuck up the gamer's control to make a challenge. Oh wait . . . that is not annoying enough? Well then lets zoom in the camera really close so they can't see what is coming next so they run into a wall unless they've got fast reflexes!
When it is behind Yoshi, that is fine. But sometimes it is a very top-down view zoomed in a bit close so hit run into walls before I can react.Mike M said:I'm not sure what you're talking about with the zoom thing. The camera almost always moves to directly behind Yoshi so you have a view of everything coming your way and have plenty of time to react to what's coming next (Except for when they zoom way the fuck OUT, i.e. High Tail Falls).
speculawyer said:When it is behind Yoshi, that is fine. But sometimes it is a very top-down view zoomed in a bit close so hit run into walls before I can react.
Maybe I'm just too old. :lol
Oh, absolutely. It's much harder than the first one. Much harder.speculawyer said:I think these game has a bit of steep difficulty curve. It is OK for me but I'm sure a lot of young kids are frustrated as fuck.
Monkeylord said:My GF just picked mine up from the post office, and said that the tin was ok, until she finally fished the lid out of the bag and found it wouldn't go on. Apparently, the top "looks like it's been stepped on."
Gonna have to wait till I get home from work before I can survey the damage, but I don't hold out much hope from her assessment.
I take it you just sent them a strongly worded email? I may have to pre-emptively start drafting one now lest they run out of replacements![]()
JodyAnthony said:Luigi's Purple Coin Chaos is going to be the death of me.
DenogginizerOS said:Decisions, decisions. My 8-year old daughter is getting into NSMB on her DS. She keeps seeing the ads for SMG2. Neither she or I have played SMG. I have heard that SMG2 is a better game overall and that one does not need to play SMG. She, however, wants both (of course). Is there enough of a difference between the two games to warrant buying both, or should SMG2 be good enough (and better) to start?
Mike M said:Ah, I get you now. Yeah, the camera system for the hot pepper sequences didn't seem to account for the fact that someone might go off in a different direction than they were supposed to, which leads to camera angle shenanigans.
:lol :lol :lolBen2749 said:
I actually noticed this in a broadcast playthrough and I thought they were just oil rig machinery or something :lolFantastical said:Image here:
Oblivion said:I know I've asked this before, but are there still any good deals available?
And it seriously gets better as you go along. Some of the last levels are just AMAZING.Jexhius said:My game just arrived today! (UK).
So fucking good. Nintendo know how to make a game. I mean, dammn,
I find that extremely creepy for some reason.Fantastical said:InGalaxy, there are mysterious figures in the background looking down at you if you look in the first person view.Shiverburn
Image here:
I do to, and I like it!goldenenergy said:I find that extremely creepy for some reason.
TheDrowningMan said:Yeah, I just emailed their complaints department (via the form on the website). Polite but emphasising that I'd have pre-ordered elsewhere for a different bonus (or gone to the supermarket at launch!) if I'd known it was going to arrive damaged. And to their credit it's been dealt with quickly.
I will say about the lid that you have to slide it on to get it secured (it was much looser on arrival) but looking like it's being stepped on...well, that can't be right.
CaVaYeRo said:So I took a tribute photo for celebrating our review:
*starts packing for E3*
Bentendo said:Holy freaky deaky, that one Nintendo blog has an update to the ShiverBurn Galaxy situation. HOLY CRAPPY PAPPY. M said:Wow, I feel like a total IDIOT for making the Flip Out Galaxy comet star way harder than it was.
This whole time, on the segment with the spikes and the enclosed walls, I'd been wall jumping back and forth to avoid the spikes, spinning to release the walls to go to the next set, and repeating. Turns out all you need to do is release the walls and long jump a few times.
I'm going to assume you meant two hundred and mother forty fucking two.Nazgul_Hunter said:Two hundred and mother fucking two get!!
Fantastical said:That one Nintendo blog just reported something that is pretty cool.
InGalaxy, there are mysterious figures in the background looking down at you if you look in the first person view.Shiverburn
Image here: