Wait till you play the comet version.Mejilan said:Whoa. The Beat Blocks bonus galaxy was incredible.
Wait till you play the comet version.Mejilan said:Whoa. The Beat Blocks bonus galaxy was incredible.
Yeah man, I wish a dk 64 sequel would be made for the wii. That was my childhood game.RobbieNick said:I believe that same bird is in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. Same developers.
Mejilan said:A little later in the game (around 30 Stars for me), you'll unlock Prankster Stars. There seems to be at least 1 Prankster Comet per galaxy. Prankster Comets "tweak" the galaxies and provide additional challenges, like speed runs, purple coin hunts, daredevil challenges (boss fights where you only have 1 block of health), etc. The more Comet Coins you find (1 per galaxy), the more Prankster Comets show up. I believe a Prankster Comet will never show up for a galaxy if you haven't found that galaxy's Comet Coin first.
Synless said:It really says a lot about the game when you have one hell of a soundtrack, the best graphics on the system (seriously, unfaltering 60 fps, colors everywhere, next to no loading) and the game is only about 1.38 gigs big. How the fuck did they do it? Other Wii devs should go cry in a corner in shame!!!!
True, the textures are simple, but the game is still a tech monster!EatChildren said:Thats tiny, but its probably because there's not a whole lot of high texture quality required for a Wii game. Plus the art direction in Galaxy allows for a lot of really simplistic textures that dont have a lot of detail but still look really nice. Plus neither Galaxy games have tons of voice work, which can save a whole lot of space. Same goes for FMVs.
You should have read my whole post because I wasnt complaining or comparing it to the first game.Boney said:Can we please stop it with the 1.5 thing?
Of course the games are gonna be similar, since that's the whole point of the development. It was, "we already have a perfectly good engine working, let's just add more more and more!"
And they've done that. 42 stars in, and the game keeps on presenting new stuff all the time. Except maybe for time trail missions and comet missions.
Sure you won't get the same wow as you did with the first galaxy. But I don't think any direct sequel has in gaming. The point of them is to build upon your solid fundations. And the game clearly has.
Synless said:True, the textures are simple, but the game is still a tech monster!
Willy105 said:I thought it would be a nice upgrade, but I understand some people believe the PS2 to be the monolith reborn.
Garcia said:Btw, who else is playing this cooperatively?
I'm impressed by the depth of the P2 experience. Been playing it with my sister and we keep switching controllers after we get a Star. Being P2 not only can you help P1 during his playthrough, you can also grab distant coins, star fragments, kill enemies and there's also stuff exclusively desgined for P2 (like the fireflies/golden insects you can grab and shake for some star fragments).
Seriously, while being P2 I lost the count of the times I've been alienated from the actual course of the level just to find myself gathering shit and grabbing/shaking stuff.
Miyamoto & Co: GREAT FUCKING WORK !![]()
Amir0x said:Compared to Wii, the PS2 is like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna and also Satan rolled all into one.
Wii is this guy.
This guy happened to actually perform a miracle with Super Mario Galaxy 2. Better than the first confirmed, this game is sooo good.
New greatest game ever.
I wasn't refering to you.Synless said:You should have read my whole post because I wasnt complaining or comparing it to the first game.
Amir0x said:Compared to Wii, the PS2 is like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna and also Satan rolled all into one.
Wii is this guy.
This guy happened to actually perform a miracle with Super Mario Galaxy 2. Better than the first confirmed, this game is sooo good.
New greatest game ever.
Understood, it just appeared that way.Boney said:I wasn't refering to you.
Oblivion said:Forgive me, as I know this may have been asked a thousand times already, but since the thread is ginormous, I'll ask again: are there any good deals any stores are offering?
I'm sorry, maybe it's my english.Synless said:Understood, it just appeared that way.
darkwings said:But the PS2 does not have SMG1+2
If Wii is finally getting an awesome zelda, then sure it is getting closer.
Don't mind..BlueSummers said:Just beat world 1 with every star I can get so far and every comet coin. Gotta say I'm LOVING it so far! My only complaint would be that I have 64 lives going into world 2. :lol
I know the difficulty will pick up later but when I have 64 tries at something in Mario and no real penalty for a game over, I know I'm gonna breeze though this game just like Galaxy.
unresonating story broBrandon F said:First five minutes has too much story. Game isn't resonating.
Short version: It's crap.
Longer version: Let's start with the good bits; the orchestra is a bit bigger, and better recorded. The orchestral music is just trying too hard to be like SMG1. What was so fresh and exciting the first time around now feels self-aware, laboured, and stale. The end credits illustrate my point; it's as if somebody said to the composer "We want another end credits theme. Make it EXACTLY THE DAMN SAME as the last one because people loved that. Don't deviate from the plan."
And so, he did; structurally, rhythmically, orchestrationally, even harmonically, it's the exact same piece... the familiar SMG melody has been swapped out and replaced with one which manages a very unique feat; it's essentially the same theme, but it's entirely forgettable. We move through the motions; cascading strings and horns introduce theme. Brass chords. Melody on oboe; busy string accompaniment with pizzicato celli and basses. Counter theme on flutes. Brass flourish, then strings repeat melodies. Brass flourish - theme passes to trumpets and horns with militaristic percussion accompaniment. Romantic recap section - melody on oboe and subsequently other woodwinds. Brass flourish - then SMG1 melody on strings and then brass. Traditional brass flourish and close.
Great shame; it was so hyped... and it turned out to be a limp rehash of SMG1. Oh, well.
I have a hard time with SMG2 as well. Because on one side it is finely crafted music and the end credits is a great song....but as you said its exactly the same. So if I had never heard SMG1 this would be such a wonderful listen. It loses alot of its magic though, if you have heard SMG1.
I do agree for the most part. Nowhere near the freshness of the original, and the melodic 'inspiration' leaves a lot to be desired. They're still fun catchy tunes, but more of the same. As you say, it doesn't feel like a worthy continuation (or development) of the style. The formulaic approach seems to have knocked the socks off most fans though - not just here but all over the net. The standard reaction appears to be that it's better! Why?
One point (that probably won't be of concern): in essence, Galaxy2 is to the first game what Lost Levels was to SMB. So at least they had the courtesy to 'disguise' the sameness this time!
is funky as hell. ADMIT IT!Battle Belt
EatChildren said:Thats tiny, but its probably because there's not a whole lot of high texture quality required for a Wii game. Plus the art direction in Galaxy allows for a lot of really simplistic textures that dont have a lot of detail but still look really nice. Plus neither Galaxy games have tons of voice work, which can save a whole lot of space. Same goes for FMVs.
Mejilan said:It's not so much that the game ONLY takes up 1.4GBs, it's that SMG1 took up something like 3.6 or 3.7! This game looks and sounds as good, if not better, and at only a fraction of the disc space! Then again, this one also has basically no story (and what it has is all done in-game so far), so that's probably the bulk of the difference there.
Oblivion said:Forgive me, as I know this may have been asked a thousand times already, but since the thread is ginormous, I'll ask again: are there any good deals any stores are offering?
Also, experience..maybe..Mejilan said:It's not so much that the game ONLY takes up 1.4GBs, it's that SMG1 took up something like 3.6 or 3.7! This game looks and sounds as good, if not better, and at only a fraction of the disc space! Then again, this one also has basically no story (and what it has is all done in-game so far), so that's probably the bulk of the difference there.
BowieZ said:Meanwhile, a few negative opinions on the soundtrack over at that FFshrine site:
Bentendo said:I know this has been answered probably a hundred times, but can someone tell me what exactly the green stars are? Are they replicas of the original or something completely different? Thank you.
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