I played SMG in a game convention few months before Wii came out and I was stunned, floored. All I wanted to do is get back to the console to play it again, even if I had to wait 30mins again. Even the demo had multiple routes and bosses. Other games shown were Metroid Prime 3, Legend Of Zelda:TP, Wario Ware, Excite Truck and Wii Sports (maybe Strikers too, or it was an demoreel). First I got to play Mario and it was all that I had hoped. Then Zelda:TP and wow, stunned again. Lines were so long, but I watched people playing through the MP3, Mario, Zelda demos multiple times. The controller was smaller than I expected too.
360 had come out already so the other big spectacle was PS3, but sadly, I didn't get to play it because lines were so damn long and only 4 or so consoles showed up or so. But whatever, I was really hyped about Wii since then, it had an amazing launch lineup and the support looked great...
Until the console actually launched: I got TP on launch for Gamecube and suddently Mario and Metroid were both year away. And I still don't own a Wii.