Yeah, the new stages that are there are, for the most part, actually really awesome. Golden Plains and Pictochat 2 are probably the only really big stinkers as far as I'm concerned. But some franchises got absolutely hosed in the stage department. Weighted really, really unfairly to the more popular franchises--four new Mario, two new Zelda, two new Pokemon, and the rest of the original eight franchises save Kirby are left to rot? Come on.Absolutely how I feel too, though throw Snake alongside the IC as the roster cuts I'm still sort of upset over. I feel this is the best batch of newcomers we've had in a Smash game and Uprising was too good for me to really feel upset over a quick and easy to make clone like Dark Pit... Honestly feeling like Alph or Brittany as a quick Olimar clone with his cut Brawl stuff (I get the extra pikmin would be out of the cards) could've been another neat way to pad out the roster.
New stages look really great but good god did DK, Metroid, Yoshi, Star Fox, hell even Kirby (that gameboy stage looks barebones as fuck) get fucked over in the stage and music department. I'll even take their new stages in the Wii U version getting ported back into the 3DS version like Mac and Shulk's were.
I'm holding up hope a 10 year GAF vet didn't just throw away their account over the Ridley/Dixie/Mewtwo/Chorus Kids stuff.
Man this thread is barely active.
There is no way Dixie will be playable after her trophy.
And Ridley will never be playable in Smash Bros.
My guess is Chorus Kids, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers and Lucas.
Man this thread is barely active.
Man this thread is barely active.
There is no way Dixie will be playable after her trophy.
And Ridley will never be playable in Smash Bros.
My guess is Chorus Kids, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers and Lucas.
Man this thread is barely active.
Oh and btw, Nintendo is totally buying the Mega Man IP. Only 3rd party character in the demo, he's featured as a character on the eshop quite frequently (although Sonic is too) and they've given him lots of promotion like in the AKB48 ad.
Anybody got pics of Bowser Jr Kirby and the Dixie trophy?
Kirby should be grateful since he can steal their powers!I totally get where Kirby is coming from....
There is no way Dixie will be playable after her trophy.
And Ridley will never be playable in Smash Bros.
My guess is Chorus Kids, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers and Lucas.
I wonder how many people said this about Villager...There is no way Dixie will be playable after her trophy.
And Ridley will never be playable in Smash Bros.
My guess is Chorus Kids, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers and Lucas.
I can't believe the new Smash Bros is out. Weird to even type that.
I wonder if we can cap this thread before Smash U launch?
Is the hype dead?
Wii U version will have Bayonetta and Wonder Red. Will be DLC for 3ds.
I still believe.
I'm so fucking stoked for how Duck Hunt and the Koopalings will look like in the Wii U version.
Hope we get some WiiU teases at least.
Judging by how freakin' amazing the 3DS version feels and looks... I can only imagine what wonder Smash will be on Wii U.
winter is coming my gawww
we still don't know so much about smash u o___o
Just realized how little we know about the Wii U versions' features.. or whatever I knew about it must've gotten replaced with all the 3DS info we had been getting.
Hopefully Monday >:U
Sorry, other update!
...that's not even Sakurai's Mii.
Unless it's the first glimpse of Dark Sakurai in the flesh...
Putting the clones where they belong and adding the rumored (and I use that word loosely) characters Dixie, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Chorus Kids gives us this:I'm holding up hope a 10 year GAF vet didn't just throw away their account over the Ridley/Dixie/Mewtwo/Chorus Kids stuff.
I totally get where Kirby is coming from....
Putting the clones where they belong and adding the rumored (and I use that word loosely) characters Dixie, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Chorus Kids gives us this:
The ordering concept remains the same as the default roster multi-rep series and single-rep series are listed chronologically.
plz come true
That's actually really similar to this leak. Minus Wolf.
and yes, I know this has been posted twice before.
I just have to believe that Sakurai and Nintendo have something up their sleeve to reignite the momentum and hype for the Wii U release.
They need to move Wii Us, and they know Smash is the game that can do that. Now that the game is out for the 3DS in Japan, you can sense that the hype is a bit more deflated, and this will worsen after the release of the 3DS version everywhere else. I just can't see Nintendo 2.5 months from now saying, "Oh yeah, by the way, here's the Wii U version."
The Wii U version will no doubt be the definitive version, but they need some way to build up the hype again.
I miss Wolf. So much more fun to play as than Fox/Falco(for me anyways)... His icon in this fake shot makes me sad.
Yeah, the new stages that are there are, for the most part, actually really awesome. Golden Plains and Pictochat 2 are probably the only really big stinkers as far as I'm concerned. But some franchises got absolutely hosed in the stage department. Weighted really, really unfairly to the more popular franchises--four new Mario, two new Zelda, two new Pokemon, and the rest of the original eight franchises save Kirby are left to rot? Come on.
And I'm getting nervous about Kirby, Earthbound, and F-Zero in the Wii U version. Really nervous for Kirby because the only past stage we've seen for the Wii U version is a Kirby stage, mirroring the first past stage we saw for the 3DS version being a Donkey Kong one... Magicant and Mute City really aught to be in both versions. Magicant I feel is pretty likely to appear in the Wii U version, but I'm less sure on Mute City.
I just really hope Sakurai doesn't consider it okay to gimp stage representation of a certain franchise because it got a new stage in the other version. That's really not a good way to go about it when the two games are ostensibly supposed to be able to stand on their own. If they can't then Sakurai's attitude about them being "Smash 4" and "Smash 5" was a bigger load of shit than it first seemed.
Never mind that the past stages do not stand on equal footing graphic wise with the Wii U's stages, unlike the 3DS version for the most part. Having a Brawl level asset stage for Kirby be the sole representative Kirby stage would be even worse than the 3DS's situation. Halberd doesn't even come close to standing toe to toe with the Wii U's stages. Hopefully Sakurai doesn't skip over Return to Dreamland like he did for Star Fox 64 3D (a completely baffling decision).
But there may be light at the end of the tunnel. The Wii U version's stage select screen has a button labeled "Normal" on the bottom of the screen that has no equivalent in the 3DS version, so it's possible that the new stages and past stages are segregated on the Wii U version like they were in Brawl, which would probably prevent them from being sole franchise representatives--the mixing of new and old in the 3DS version seems to be a poor attempt at disguising how anemic the new stages selection actually is. Though the "Normal" button could also just switch over to Custom stages if they return in the Wii U version...
Another thing that could be a positive point is the presence of a new Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus stages in the Wii U version. They betray the potential rule of smaller franchises only having new stages on one version. Not to mention, they are totally new in the sense they don't pull their assets from a recent game and are based on kind of a generic "series wide" representation, so their reason for existing isn't simply because they're based on recent games, which is true for nearly all of the 3DS's unique stages.
A trend I noticed with many of the new exclusive stages in the 3DS version is that many of them are based on really recent handheld titles that they pull their assets from directly, so that in part seems to have constrained the stage selection. The others are retro stages that required less intensive asset creation (Balloon Fight, Mute City, Dreamland). The sole exception to this rule seems to be Magicant, which is why I'm banking on it being a shared stage. (Pac-Maze is a little iffy where it fits, but Namco's stuff has gotten a little extra attention for obvious reasons)
The shared stages--Gaur Plain, Boxing Ring, and Wily Castle are not handheld based and stand apart from the 3DS's stages in some aspects and feel more at home in the Wii U version's stage roster. The 3DS's exclusive stages lack stages like Coliseum and Palutena's Temple (presuming Magicant is shared). The Wii U version's Kalos Pokemon League also directly crosses the console/handheld line by a non-retro title, something the 3DS's exclusive stages don't really do--the only example I can think of is the one Paper Mario: TTYD transformation on the Paper Mario stage, but it's wedged between two handheld locations.
Another note--the 3DS's lack of a new Sonic stage seems telling, sort of. You would think a third party would want a new stage for its franchise, so it may suggest that new stages were not as high of a priority on the 3DS version. Or not.
But I'm not confident in these reasons at all and I feel like I may just be trying really hard to convince myself. There may be some weight there, though. I'm just afraid Sakurai's going to pull another completely absurd piece of bullshit and give Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus a new stage in both versions and then skimp on Kirby or F-Zero in the Wii U version to "play fair" to the 3DS version. I just have this bad feeling that the talk of the two versions being able to stand on their own was all smoke and mirrors and Sakurai and his team got in too deep trying to create content for two versions and decided very wrongly to release two gimped versions instead of at least one complete one.
So you're saying the Wii U version will release approx one month after the 3DS version. I.e. back to backpeople are busy with the demo, but that will wear off shortly and then this thread will get more active, not to mention the time period between a while after the 3DS western release and Wii U release (i.e. early November)
There is no way Dixie will be playable after her trophy.
And Ridley will never be playable in Smash Bros.
My guess is Chorus Kids, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers and Lucas.
There is no way Dixie will be playable after her trophy.
And Ridley will never be playable in Smash Bros.
My guess is Chorus Kids, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers and Lucas.
I totally get where Kirby is coming from....
Yes I just saw that.There's an Ice Climbers trophy.