Same here...I will be relying solely on Gutabo to post dat new Honda tech for USFIV
Same here...I will be relying solely on Gutabo to post dat new Honda tech for USFIV
Does anyone happen to know if SSF4 AE PC's minimum requirements are higher than vanilla SF4's were?
Just got an ASUS T100 hybrid tablet, and amazingly I am getting 64-70 FPS in the SF4 benchmark test demo with backgrounds on and model detail at medium, albeit at 640x480 res and with v-sync off. It's still really impressive and I might have to throw Super on here if it's gonna run the same!
Does anyone happen to know if SSF4 AE PC's minimum requirements are higher than vanilla SF4's were?
It always ran smoothly for me on my desktop and previous laptops.
Never thought I'd be able to play SSF4 perfectly on the go like this. It's Win 8 so I can just plug in a controller. Skullgirls also runs perfectly with 3D backgrounds off, although O couldn't get KOF to run well.
It always ran smoothly for me on my desktop and previous laptops.
Never thought I'd be able to play SSF4 perfectly on the go like this. It's Win 8 so I can just plug in a controller. Skullgirls also runs perfectly with 3D backgrounds off, although O couldn't get KOF to run well.
what tablet is that?
It always ran smoothly for me on my desktop and previous laptops.
Never thought I'd be able to play SSF4 perfectly on the go like this. It's Win 8 so I can just plug in a controller. Skullgirls also runs perfectly with 3D backgrounds off, although O couldn't get KOF to run well.
It's like if you press the buttons for the Ultra right before your move ends, nothing happens UNLESS the enemy whiffs an attack near you.
But it ONLY works if the move you do WHIFFS on the opponent. If it reaches, it'll still hit. I have no clue what's going on here!!!
It only works if your character reaches an Active Frame, is seems, that whiffs. Then proximity blocking cancels the end of the move...
And the Ultra cancels the proximity blocking? I've confirmed this works with ANY Special, not just Ultras, with Cammy (I did EX DP).
grounded meaty brings back some of the old ST game if that's the new optimal method.
The difference being how easy it is to mash out reversals in SF4 compared to ST
We got ultra footsies nowSome really interesting tech found by MrHoppus44. He is doing an ultra OS with crouch fierce and it activates when a move is whiffed closed to cody. It seems to be activated by the proximity blocking.
It might be just a training mode dummy glitch. More testing is required.
Some tweets from James Chen about it:
That's just removal of a lame execution barrier.
Does anyone have any experience introducing fighting games to their kids? My son is 5 and I want him to start playing SF soon. Any recommendations? I would get him the SF2 collection on PS2 but the Dual Shock is terrible for that.
Oh hey another thing that charge chars cant use effectivelySome really interesting tech found by MrHoppus44. He is doing an ultra OS with crouch fierce and it activates when a move is whiffed closed to cody. It seems to be activated by the proximity blocking.
It might be just a training mode dummy glitch. More testing is required.
Some tweets from James Chen about it:
It always ran smoothly for me on my desktop and previous laptops.
Never thought I'd be able to play SSF4 perfectly on the go like this. It's Win 8 so I can just plug in a controller. Skullgirls also runs perfectly with 3D backgrounds off, although O couldn't get KOF to run well.
Wow nice. What kind of settings? Frame rate? How's the lag on the screen?
GJ bodying my Gouken in ranked earlier. Jerk.
It throws me off every time someone in ranked doesn't play neutral like a dumdum. Especially with a character like Cammy. I'm like "Yo this dude's playing Cammy he's gonna jump or throw out spin knuckle" but nope, then I get bodied because I'm just looking for dumb stuff all the time.
Playing chars better than yours is just so amusing
"Wait those can link? And you are safe? And it does this much damage?"
I also spend a lot of time just dashing around, just in awe at how quick some of these characters are.
EDIT: question, what determines when the "do you want to upload this fight?" prompt comes up?
Imm0rtal looks like a real-life Street Fighter character.
Did you just get your ass kicked? They just uploaded the fight for all to see
Ryu is also like 5 feet tall, isn't he?haha thanks, while I'll never be gouken swole, Dudley will do. Speaking of which, It will be interesting to see what the characters look like outside of sf4. Gouken does not look 200lbs and ryu does not look 150.
Ryu is also like 5 feet tall, isn't he?
haha thanks, while I'll never be gouken swole, Dudley will do. Speaking of which, It will be interesting to see what the characters look like outside of sf4. Gouken does not look 200lbs and ryu does not look 150.
haha thanks, while I'll never be gouken swole, Dudley will do. Speaking of which, It will be interesting to see what the characters look like outside of sf4. Gouken does not look 200lbs and ryu does not look 150.
http://forums.shoryuken.com/discussion/145467/the-akuma-option-select-mega-thread3: Recovery Option Select
These are probably the most difficult to learn because the room for error is the lowest out of any option select and the price for screwing up is also the worst. That being said this option select allows you to OS any special off of several normal which gives you another level of freedom that chain OSes do not. As the name suggests this OS takes advantage of the recovery frames of your normals to create the option select. The way you perform these option selects is to perform your attack and input the command for the special move with slightly delayed timing. You are trying to time it so the input for the special move co-insides with the recovery frames your special attack. For instance one great option select for many match ups is the c.MP OS SRK. This is great against Vipers who love to burn kick through your block strings. You begin by using your c.MP and input the SRK motion shortly after. You are trying to time it so on hit you finish the SRK input AFTER the active frames of your attack and before you recover from the attack. If you hit it too soon you will cancel the MP into the SRK, but if you hit it too late you will link the attack. In Both situations the SRK comes out which isn’t a good thing. If you time it correctly however the SRK will only come out if the c.MP whiffs.
Play with the heart like pro gamer Mike "Mike Ross" Ross.I am super curious about Tekkan X SF. RIP projectile game. Zangief will body everyone.
Anyone else listen to Valle's stream last night? Here is some stuff:
Have fun.
Pick who you like, love your character. If you play top-tier because its top tier and feels mechinical, you are not going to have fun.
Find a rival who is slightly better or worse than you and grow together. Its not fun to get scraped or fight weaker guys.
Play how you want to play. Don't listen to people say "never jump in on ryu" I think he means that fighting is expressive and if you can get jump-in combos or its part of who you are, do it.
He also said stuff about bad matchups, picking alts, and IRL stuff.
He also is now on NeoGAF (CaliPower)
[AE2012]Fei Long - POS from pressure strings
[AE2012] Hakan - POS Oil Combination Hold
lol wow
Edit: Actually, this reminds me of something I heard of when I reading about Akuma's option selects.
It wasn't that bad, it was 2-2! Though landing those air throws on Demon Flip in that one game felt so good.We should play again, it was fun!
And yeah, I just doesn't feel right with me going crazy, so I usually play pretty safe (to a fault). Though if you're at a distance, be wary of raw Arrows. I usually try to space mine pretty well, so that they're at least hard to punish, if not safe, but it can be an easy way to get in on people who want to just hold back.
I finally learned how to do Balrog's Headbutt into Ultra, i feel elated. Like i opened up a new world! (plus it has helped me take into account position of the stick a lil better)
Not sf-related by shouts to jlai and minibossbattle for the bf4 games.
I finally learned how to do Balrog's Headbutt into Ultra, i feel elated. Like i opened up a new world! (plus it has helped me take into account position of the stick a lil better)
Not sf-related by shouts to jlai and minibossbattle for the bf4 games.
What platform are you guys on? I was thinking about getting it to.
Whoa JLai, can you send me your PSN name? You always need to press buttons in a BF game
I am on PS4. PSN MiniBossBattle.
Wow, I didn't expect that many of us to have a PS4. Edward and I also have a PS4 but neither of us bought BF4. I don't have BF4 thought and I don't think he does either. I've always been interested in the series but wasn't sure I would be into the large scale battles of BF when I just prefer a simple shooter on smaller maps which is why I bought COD: Ghost(which I hate lol).
Loving the system so far, just not much that I want to play right now. But the games will come in due time. Still crossing my fingers for a USF4 port.