i also have a ps4. Still bluemoonstar. Haven't really touched AE in a while. Been playing gg, bbcp, and school
Something I noticed about your Cammy the other night is that if you have meter, you're going to try an ex strike frame trap if you're inside. Too much ex strike, not enough throw/other mind games imo.
USFIV Honda - command grab is now invincible
Sagat USFIV - stand light LK is special cancel and he gets full hit of ultra 1 in corner
USFIV changes - viper burst Time has less smoke effect. Getting more details on this
NO! WHY THE THE HELL WOULD YOU GIVE HIM THAT STUPID SHIT BACK?!?!USFIV changes - Seth also has dhalsim jump back hp back
(via _BNBBN_)
Jump reduced from 41F to 36F
EX Kikoken now knocks down
UC2 (Kikoshou) damage increased by 50
EX Hazanshu now breaks armor
LK Shunpukyaku now -1 on block (via Aries0079)
(via _BNBBN_)
Jump HP has a larger hurtbox
EX Shunpukyaku +2 on block
Deejay got some buffs
and some nerfs
fuck capcom, fuck ultra
Lol, I think the Chun jump change was demonstrated in the Ultra reveal video. It's definitely a nice change though. I wonder if they're going to tweak how Sakura plays, or if all they're going to do is weaken her pressure.
What nerfs? All I saw were buffs.
Thanks. Like I mentioned before, you're the most patient player I've ever played. To the point where I had to do the laugh taunt.Good games BV. Your sagat is too good. I got hit by so many tiger knees and focus attacks.
I think one of them was a translation error (by think I mean hope), and they nerfed his fireball start up by 3f. Why? Because Deejay's broken thats why.
Dee Jay
Far standing MP start-up reduced from 7F to 6F
Far standing HP meaty hit floats the opponent on counter-hit
Crouching LK start-up reduced from 5F to 4F
Crouching MP hitbox size increased
Crouching MK damage increased from 70 to 80
Crouching HP hitbox size increased
Air Slasher chip increased from 12 to 15
LK Double Rolling Sobat now -3 on block (correction via haku623)
Sobat Festival forward movement increased
I think one of them was a translation error (by think I mean hope), and they nerfed his fireball start up by 3f. Why? Because Deejay's broken thats why.
An alternative translation says his fireball does 3 more chip damage, not 3 frame longer start up.
pls stop using google translator eventhubs
- wow deejay actually has a normal low short is about fucking time. seriously. It was too slow for NO reason.
- quicker short sobat means it will be virtually unpunishable if spaced properly. That will improve his pressure game a little bit, but not anything game changing there
- far strong already has a crazy good hitbox, quicker startup doesn't really help with fireball traps but it will make it more useful on the ground now (...maybe.)
- so they fixed far fierce juggle properties? ...meh. That's not the issue with that all.
- they keep slowly improving the low strong little by little, i suspect as a leftover from how deejay was played in ST, where his low strong was one of the best normals in the entire game there, and here it's rather mediocre. Not something i would put in my top 20 things to improve DeeJay, but I will welcome the buff.
- the issue with his sweep was the range, not the damage (although it was pretty low damage). I personally would have upped the stun instead of the damage, but hey they want to say they buffed something.
- ima tell you from now. Fear DeeJay's low fierce. Especially you divekickers. That move was the secret elbow of god before, and they BUFFED it? The HITBOX? yeaaaah buddy.
- the slight increase in air slasher chip is welcomed. In low-life situations deejay can find himself helpless, it would be good to establish a threat of getting chipped out (no, not that super > ultra chip death garbage)
overall rather "safe" buffs...considering everyone else is generally getting buffed i don't see him changing tiers too drastically, but I will stay optimistic and say he might actually make it into mid tier this time.
Thanks. Like I mentioned before, you're the most patient player I've ever played. To the point where I had to do the laugh taunt.
I still have alot of work to do with him but he's coming along nicely.
And dem supposed Gat changes even make him better. Kreygasm
Outside of mgu not always locking in properly i'm really fine with all of his specials. Honestly it's his normals that need a LOT more work.Two things so far I'm mad they didn't touch was the MGU properties and his U2.
Either takeaway the animation after the last hit, or take away the wallbounce after the last hit. Hit Gief with U2, he has you right where he wants you lol.
I guess you could call it patience but it's probably a mix of fear/caution haha. There were a couple of rounds where I had a big life lead and didn't really make an attempt to end the match.
Btw, how much frame advantage is Sagat at after landing one hit of tiger knee?
On block:
lk tiger knee - 10
mk tiger knee -13
hk tiger knee -18
But yeah his situation with U2 is hilarious. If you hit it and have no health its a guaranteed loss against some characters![]()
Isn't that data for point blank tiger knees?
Nvm, I found out. Seems like it's +3 on block if lk tiger knee is done at max distance.
I don't evenSome of the USF4 changes are coming in. This is from Jason from EventhubsUSFIv Makoto - can combo into ex fukiage grounded
I don't even
I just
I GET it, but like... whoa. That's pretty nuts.3 frame forward light punch will combo into it.
And you can jump cancel it on block or hit.
you fucking kidding me with those Hawk changes
Hawk doesnt need buffs like these other chars doyou fucking kidding me with those Hawk changes
Threi pls watch the video I postedHawk doesnt need buffs like these other chars do
I'm actually pretty irritated by how they have been treating thawk tbh
I was going to backdash but was scared of getting hit by the DP from that range since Deejay's BD is crap.I watched it already
you should have seen that ex dp coming, i would have backdashed (may or may not have worked, dunno the horizontal range of oni's dp)
Yea I've been playing Deejay for so long and didn't know that not mashing ex mgu does more damage than mash :/.What you have to do is backdash as late as possible. An early backdash will get caught because it runs out of inv frames. Either way you were screwed. There's no way to avoid wake up ultra.
also, get into the habit of not mashing out the extra hits in ex mgu.