Passive Assassin
What kind of card do you have?
Gigabyte radeon 7850
What kind of card do you have?
Getting my new stick in 3 days. We'll see if I can hurt that Ken some more.My current UMvC2 stick keeps randomly restarting itself when I press buttons hard.(ususally when I'm plinking) Sometimes during our matches I would be pressuring and then I would just stay still and stand. That was my stick being stupid and disconnecting. Ive lost a few matches directly because of this.
New stick came in today! This means no more random ass d/c's and more pushing Autumn's Ken's face into the dirt
Gigabyte radeon 7850
Weird, other than doing a clean driver install, verifying your cache (if you use the steam version) your card should be running it fine maxxed. I was able to run AE on an old 5xxx and 6950 series with AA on
Weird, other than doing a clean driver install, verifying your cache (if you use the steam version) your card should be running it fine maxxed. I was able to run AE on an old 5xxx and 6950 series with AA on
Rice. Do you want to go half and half into the Topanga league?
I added you to my friends list, but I'm about to go to sleep,anyone wants to play on PC?
I'm on the west coast
ID: spoon type R
GGs BV yesterday. Sorry to have bailed out like a deer in front of a headlight but I was starting to get tired. My Sagat is coming along nicely considering the small amount of time I had to work at it recently. I really need to learn how to do kara fireballs. I lose a good amount of pressure in my fireball game because of this. My spacing on my TK are atrocious too lol.
Still I managed to do a couple of fadc combos in the heat of battle so that's good enough for me.
GG's. Who's your main?
Question about buying AE from Gamefly: is it the Steam version?
Got the deal yesterday for the PC version and now after seeing how much smoother it is on my machine, no going back to xbox. Ran the benchmark at settings on high and it was hilarious how quickly E Ryu and Oni fought each other.
Anyone wants at me I'm yerffejko.
Got the deal yesterday for the PC version and now after seeing how much smoother it is on my machine, no going back to xbox. Ran the benchmark at settings on high and it was hilarious how quickly E Ryu and Oni fought each other.
Anyone wants at me I'm yerffejko.
Got the deal yesterday for the PC version and now after seeing how much smoother it is on my machine, no going back to xbox. Ran the benchmark at settings on high and it was hilarious how quickly E Ryu and Oni fought each other.
Anyone wants at me I'm yerffejko.
Mine is a 360 stick, seems to be alright.Only problem with PC is potential driver issues, specifically with ps3 sticks.
Only problem with PC is potential driver issues, specifically with ps3 sticks.
Only with old mcz PS3 sticks e.g. first gen TE and SE had this problem. IIRC they fixed it with Round 2 and up.
Rice, PM me when you get a chance.
Only thing I still haven't used is the config feature and I still don't know how to enable the side LED's that flash when your character takes damage.
I'm thought I did, well I'll do it again then.
Edit: What, I have to write something in the title when I send a message now? I don't remember having to do that before. That explains why you probably didn't get the first message.
I'm only just now noticing that if I hold down on the stick for more than a split second, I can let go and the character will stay crouched for nearly another second. Same with holding forward or backwards. The character will slightly move forward/backward after I have let go of the stick. What's going on here?
Holy crap. This is a thing? How does that even work?
Actually, it turned out that I had the switch on ls instead of dp. Switched it back and no more lagging...or whatever that was.
Been re-learning the game and match-ups. Is it safe to say I no longer need to switch from Akuma to Ryu for the Rufus match-up due to U2?
How can Ken set up U2 besides FB > FADC?
How can Ken set up U2 besides FB > FADC?
Fighting Edge is the truth. This stick feels so smooth, I already like it way more than my UMvC3 stick, d/c issues aside. Not to mention its wide as fuck, making it even more comfortable. Only thing I still haven't used is the config feature and I still don't know how to enable the side LED's that flash when your character takes damage.
It was a lot of fun! I stayed way longer than I intended, till like 3 a.m. I must really love getting blown up on stream, lol. Honestly, guys, I'm not a bad player, I just get really nervous playing. Ask m1c, I'm not abyssimal, just easily rattled. I would like some of you guys I play with to give me some critique, I mean, the whole point to me is that I love street fighter, and I want to improve.Last night was a really fun session.
I would like some of you guys I play with to give me some critique, I mean, the whole point to me is that I love street fighter, and I want to improve.