This game has me too salty. Im so bad. Back to the 400pp club
This game has me too salty. Im so bad. Back to the 400pp club
You don't know how angry I get when playing this game. I actually refrain from playing too often because I'll get so upset over things that happen and play far longer than I planned to(1 hour sessions have turned into 5+ many times) for various reasons and have done damage to my surroundings. Luckily I haven't broken a stick but I've come close to slamming them on the ground several times. But I was able to stop myself before doing so each time.
Don't you mean me? Losing to me is impossible. You must be having a nightmare if you ever lose to me.Ya, I had to bow out early from my matches with Kioshen and Edgeward because I was already extremely salty from dropping 700pp in one hour to go down to 400pp. I was ready to smash things, so I just thought it better to leave early. First time where I've jumped back into ranked after spending a good deal of time in the lab learning new things(EX kicks combo, blockstring variations, and linking ultra in the corner) and I'm actually much worse than before.
ggs you guys. Sorry I couldn't stay for long, the salt probably won't go away till tomorrow.
Don't you mean me? Losing to me is impossible. You must be having a nightmare if you ever lose to me.
Losing to Edgeward is totally okay though. I'm pretty sure fighting those fireballs causes temporary brain bleeding.
Yeah been playing offline or not at all for awhile. I'm always lurking though ;o
I don't remember the last time I got mad over this game. I definitely have moments where I'm like "I could have won this!" or "What the fuck am I doing wrong?", but it doesn't last long and I just move on to the next match. I don't know if it's the mentality people have when they're playing but I assume its playing to win. For me, I play to improve myself or have fun.
I guess it's different for everyone.
Yes, and I attribute that to the mindfucking that Edgeward can inflict on someone lol. There is no way you'd lose to me when it's a 1v1 lobby. I have zero skill or talent for this game.were you the Makoto player? I was totally free to you too.
I was wondering why you left so early with me and Kioshen. You were the Yun player, right? You seemed good, but you stayed too reserved. If you got in there a little more on me, I'm certain you would have won. More pressure, less waiting on me to come to you. Your links were solid.Ya, I had to bow out early from my matches with Kioshen and Edgeward because I was already extremely salty from dropping 700pp in one hour to go down to 400pp. I was ready to smash things, so I just thought it better to leave early. First time where I've jumped back into ranked after spending a good deal of time in the lab learning new things(EX kicks combo, blockstring variations, and linking ultra in the corner) and I'm actually much worse than before.
ggs you guys. Sorry I couldn't stay for long, the salt probably won't go away till tomorrow.
ggs BV
I know you totally let me win that 1 match we had because I fucked up my GJ combo. Any advice you could give?
Also anyone know if there's any use for Yun's Ultra 2? His ultra 1 doesn't do shit for dmg unless you go raw.
I was wondering why you left so early with me and Kioshen. You were the Yun player, right? You seemed good, but you stayed too reserved. If you got in there a little more on me, I'm certain you would have won. More pressure, less waiting on me to come to you. Your links were solid.
So I've been playing Gen some more, and have been messing with his bullshit.
Does anyone play PC with a C/D rank?
ggs onemic. i can't fuck with that corner once i'm in it.
Does anyone play PC with a C/D rank?
Ever since I duel screened my comp I get some bad lag. But you had the right idea of just dping your way out of it. I punished it a couple of times with OS neckbreaker.
I was ready fo those karas most of the time! Of all the ones to slip on... Ggs. I'm so trained to mash throw on block, I'd eat those low shorts you threw out with Sagat every damn time. I noticed you were playing Ryu very similarly at firstGGs by the way yesterday. You give my scrubby Sagat too much respect. Been kinda fun to just let go and try out old characters I used to play. Landing that Kara throw with Ken for the win was so good and funny at the same time haha.
There's another kind?So I went 1-2 in AE at the tournament I went to yesterday. I beat a yolo Cammy player, and lost to a Rufus player and then a Dee Jay player, who was pretty solid. My match against the Rufus player was on stream, and I might paste a link here if I can find it. Still weak against Rufus because of divekick and my habit of teching throws, which causes me to get hit by his st. short which leads to big damage. I was able to get in a few casuals with an Akuma and a Dan, who was actually better than I thought he would be.
There's another kind?