0 BP
bro, do you even QCF + P?
Jump hk > sweep: My bnb for life.
0 BP
bro, do you even QCF + P?
Keep hiding on PSN, I'll be back someday to blow up dat Hawk vortex(letting your opponent get in and making them guess between mashed dp or spd). Well maybe you don't do that. But a lot of hawk players do and somehow it always works against me![]()
the ProfBeef special!
the ProfBeef special!
is anyone on?
I need to shake the rust out that EVE online set in my joints!
WARNING: i can't even jumping fierce into basic combos! and i grab a LOT!
when i random hawk U2 i always attempt the snackish special and it damn near works every time
I remember the first time I did the Snackish against someone. I NEVER thought it would work, but sure enough I caught him.
This is an understatement. MesmerMAN pls BibleThump
I don't see Saty in front there nor DBJ at the back so this list is invalid.
There was a ranbat that Beef organized last year for AE 2011 ... it gives a pretty good idea.
should we start another GAF ranbat now that a lot of people are out of school/done with finals?
Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Dat Blanka humorshould we start another GAF ranbat now that a lot of people are out of school/done with finals?
Anybody want some games. I'm finally up and running again and would like some before calling it a night.
So I ran into this guy on ranked in pc, he beat me in a Ryu mirror match and he starts popping off.
My reply: "you scared dog?"
Then he does the old "THAT'S IT I CHALLENGE YOU TO A MATCH 2 OUT OF 3 WHAT'S THAT SCARED HAHA I KNEW IT COWARD" routine. So I just start up a private lobby and invite him. Then he drops this gem at the character select screen:
So I beat him the first game 2 rounds to zero (one of which ended with him doing a desperation wakeup ultra) and he immediately rage quits without playing out the rest of the set.
so good.gif
The only messages I get are "I didn't get to play at all" and "FT5". I feel lucky.
So I ran into this guy on ranked in pc, he beat me in a Ryu mirror match and he starts popping off.
My reply: "you scared dog?"
Then he does the old "THAT'S IT I CHALLENGE YOU TO A MATCH 2 OUT OF 3 WHAT'S THAT SCARED HAHA I KNEW IT COWARD" routine. So I just start up a private lobby and invite him. Then he drops this gem at the character select screen:
So I beat him the first game 2 rounds to zero (one of which ended with him doing a desperation wakeup ultra) and he immediately rage quits without playing out the rest of the set.
so good.gif
Last night I got a "I'm sorry you didn't get to play seriously), after beating some guy's main who was just turtling by hitting him with a couple of stand fierces and not charging at him for an entire round twice. Why help him run bullshit vortex garbage- the only way to win that game is not to play.
After 2-3 matches of almost falling asleep, I said screw it and went back to VF.
This game should be Ryu vs Ryu mirrors
Last night I got a "I'm sorry you didn't get to play seriously), after beating some guy's main who was just turtling by hitting him with a couple of stand fierces and not charging at him for an entire round twice. Why help him run bullshit vortex garbage- the only way to win that game is not to play.
After 2-3 matches of almost falling asleep, I said screw it and went back to VF.
So I ran into this guy on ranked in pc, he beat me in a Ryu mirror match and he starts popping off.
My reply: "you scared dog?"
Then he does the old "THAT'S IT I CHALLENGE YOU TO A MATCH 2 OUT OF 3 WHAT'S THAT SCARED HAHA I KNEW IT COWARD" routine. So I just start up a private lobby and invite him. Then he drops this gem at the character select screen:
So I beat him the first game 2 rounds to zero (one of which ended with him doing a desperation wakeup ultra) and he immediately rage quits without playing out the rest of the set.
so good.gif
Link to Axe kick combo? Is it the C.fierce after c.jab loop?
I'm talking about linking cr. MP after MK axe kick with Evil Ryu which is a 1 frame link. Nothing special about it, it's basically one of his BNB combos. It's just that it's one of those awkward links in this game since you have to wait a while for the move to finish before attempting the link which is like Fei Long's trying to link after HK chicken wing or Ryu players trying to link after a solar plexus(F+HP). Even their 2 frame links from 3 frame normals from all of these guys are still considered a pain in the ass to most average players because of that. You can't just feel it out and hit buttons one after another in a certain rhythm.
PS Rice-Eater why'd you have to do me dirty and leave after the P against my Deejay![]()
Are you plinking c.mp/c.lp? That helps a lot in that combo for me in the case I mistime it since c.lp will come out instead and still combo. For Fei's chicken wing links I double plink hp mp and lp
After the beatdown I received tonight, I think I deserve a little something to help me sleep :B
Yeah I plink, I even plink when I don't need to. But my execution has always been sub par at best though. I still struggle to dash after SRK > FADC after all these years of playing this game. Which is why I didn't attempt to juggle into axe kick once when I finished combos with SRK. I will keep working on it though, at least I have the confidence to actually go for the axe kick combo now. Normally I will only try that link against bad players because I know I can still win despite missing that link.
One thing I noticed was you didn't combo into ultra at all. There seemed to be many opportunities after potential DP FADC or at least ex tatsu in the corner. What's up with that?
Anybody got any good tips for establishing good pressure with Gouken? It seems whenever I get close my opponents, without fail, start mashing or throwing like mad. Pretty annoying. Plus it seems hopeless against someone who actually blocks. Can't seem to find my niche with him, yet he's definitely my favorite of the cast. Kinda depressing.
My trick to mashy goukens: do a true block string that puts you at his sweep range, and then just start focusing. They'll probably sweep and you get a free level 2 focus.
Otherwise, just good frame traps. Throw him once or twice on his wakeup, he'll be far less likely to reversal parry.
I think he's talking about how to improve his gouken, not how to beat Gouken.
stealing those tips for mashy goukens
GGs Roc and Rice. Always nice to play more of OG PS3-SFGAF (sidenote: everyone get AE pc, I promise it's awesome!). Pretty good Mak! I would have liked to see you use c.mk more as an AA and throw out more c.mp or c.lk poke buffer hayates but other than that very solid. Post hayate dash karakusa/fukiage OS more!
haha dashing after hayate is scary, people just want to press buttons all the time. I feel like even after training people with cr.lk xx hayate, ex oroshi and tsurugi after a hayate they still would rather press buttons than block, backdash, or jump.
Personally, I feel like the weak points in my game are on defense, reading the opponent and not really having a game plan to deal with characters who give me fits like boxer, dictator, chun and gen. I was also not looking forward to that makoto mirror lol I knew that was going to be a mauling one way or the other. Basically whoever gets the first knockdown wins the round because makoto doesn't really have much in the way of answers to her own shenanigans.
Anybody got any good tips for establishing good pressure with Gouken? It seems whenever I get close my opponents, without fail, start mashing or throwing like mad. Pretty annoying. Plus it seems hopeless against someone who actually blocks. Can't seem to find my niche with him, yet he's definitely my favorite of the cast. Kinda depressing.
Gouken doesn't really have good pressure