Everyone in the game has 50-50s. Ibuki's are simply more prominent because they lead into themselves.
edit: Also, I'm really sad my OS's didn't work on this balrog
Yun has 50/50's? Give me your secrets
Everyone in the game has 50-50s. Ibuki's are simply more prominent because they lead into themselves.
edit: Also, I'm really sad my OS's didn't work on this balrog
Yun has 50/50's? Give me your secrets
Anyone know if there's a specific time the costumes for the PS3 version goes on sale? Or if they have ever even been on sale? Thinking about picking up some of the packs but don't want to do it right before a sale.
When you knock them down, walk up to them, and either throw or DP.
After forward throw, forward jump x2, on the second jump, land and meaty normal or delayed divekick.
Every time you normal, after the normal, command grab or do another normal, or dp, or throw, or walk forward.
Lol, do you see where I'm going with this? Yun doesn't have a vortex in the Ibuki sense, but EVERYONE has these types of 50/50s, at many intersections of gameplay.
*standing bye for Greg in irc*
I doubt it'll ever go on sale again unless they do something when the 2013 or 2014 patch comes out. It already came out digitally and on PS+ already so there's not much incentive for Capcom or Sony right now until the patch.
Damn, I was about beat a near 4000bp Ken player with Rose (3rd round, 10% vs 2% health left) . Predicted a fireball, jumped at the right time, and completely whiffed on my jump in attack. Hit the button too early and it didn't stay active long enough. Gahh!
Them nerves![]()
Is it true this game will get another balance patch?
Is it true this game will get another balance patch?
Ran into Mr. Lots o points. I no scare. You no scare.
Perfected him second round. What? Points don't mean anything.
Poor Rice_Eater can't even win using an alt account.
If you're still looking for some games today I'd be up for some. My shitty Sim is in the mood to get bodied.I'm working on building up my T.Hawk game. I've B Ranked him but now I really want to challenge myself.
I have the 360 version. Anyone want to matchup? Username: RHYME SCHEME
I've got a question for you experts... I got a Hori Fighting Edge a while ago but never bothered to play with the remapping buttons feature. That is until recently when I saw Sako's Evil Ryu destroy people at the recent Topanga League tournament. I'm now playing around with Evil Ryu but I'm curious how he plinks the jab button after a medium axe kick.
My current setup is mapped like this:
LP | MP | HP | Nothing
LK | MK | HK | Nothing
I read Sako plinks with the select button... so does it look like this?
Select | LP | MP | HP
Nothing | LK | MK | HK
So when you plink the jab you use select and light punch?
Yes, that's correct. Also have LP right beside of LK so you can plink LK as well. You can plink with the LP button above the LK button, but having it to the left of your LK button instead is obviously easier. It's a awkward set up for those of us who have only been playing with a 6 button set up. But if I ever get that Hori stick or mod my stick to have the select button on the face button then I would try to learn this set up to to maximize my opportunities to hit links.
I've got a question for you experts... I got a Hori Fighting Edge a while ago but never bothered to play with the remapping buttons feature. That is until recently when I saw Sako's Evil Ryu destroy people at the recent Topanga League tournament. I'm now playing around with Evil Ryu but I'm curious how he plinks the jab button after a medium axe kick.
My current setup is mapped like this:
LP | MP | HP | Nothing
LK | MK | HK | Nothing
I read Sako plinks with the select button... so does it look like this?
Select | LP | MP | HP
Nothing | LK | MK | HK
So when you plink the jab you use select and light punch?
I think Sako plink jab when using Ibuki.....Evil Ryu doesnt need to plink jab...you Plink MP after the axe kick....
That's what I thought as well but he was using jab in just about every single one of his matches.
Yeah, he may or not be plinking jab...axe kick -> cr. Jab ain't a 1 frame link...I think...
Also, I've always thought Sakos set up was:
LP | MP | HP | Back
LK | MK | HK | Select
That makes plinking too awkward since select is so far away from jab. This is the ideal set up
Select | LP | MP | HP
LP | LK | MK | HK
Every button you need is plinkable with the button directly to the left of it.
but its doable... I find it more awkward to shift the whole button set up to the right, just to plink jab and short.
True it's awkward either way, but it's easier for most people in the long run with the set up I mentioned IMO. I tried it myself with only jab beside short, and yeah I had trouble and basically lost track of where I should be placing my hands. It definitely takes time getting use to but in the end you're plinking the same way you've done it before compared to hitting buttons on opposite end of the stick which is something most of us will probably never be able to get the hang of.
Yeah....but I'm just answering his question, because Sako's set up is like
LP | MP | HP | Back
LK | MK | HK | back/select <-----not really sure.
Select | LP | MP | HP
Nothing | LK | MK | HK
learning hitting buttons opposite end of the stick is better to learn than changing the whole button set up.
And remember the Hori fighting edge stick has an astrocity arcade button set up not a vewlix button set up. Shifting the buttons all the way to the right will make the layout very awkward.
AND another thing! the xbox version of the fighting edges stick doesn't allowed you to change A B X Y. Topanga league was using an Xbox.
Last night I lost to the same guy 3 times, all 3 rounds to the wire, and in all cases a missed input in round 3 led to my demise (with Rose). Negative edge blowing a combo, getting an unexplainable soul throw leading to a major punish, and getting reflect instead of ultra 2 which would've comboed and ended the match. Urge to kill, rising!I think we've all been there done that lol. I once played till 5am and had to wake up at 7am.