"God's Beard!"
Threi said:wtf @ hakan's grabs randomly whiffing at point blank range
what do you mean randomly?Threi said:wtf @ hakan's grabs randomly whiffing at point blank range
Threi said:wtf @ hakan's grabs randomly whiffing at point blank range
well it's happened to me but I was talking about that DSP vs chun match, DSP did an EX oil grab right next to chun (I don't mean near chun, i mean right next to her) and it just completely whiffed.Pandaman said:what do you mean randomly?
Imm0rt4l said:panda, it seems that you're a prophet. My ps3 YLOD'd just a moment ago.
i dont think it was an EX, i didnt see the flash anyway.well it's happened to me but I was talking about that DSP vs chun match, DSP did an EX oil grab right next to chun (I don't mean near chun, i mean right next to her) and it just completely whiffed.
Imm0rt4l said:panda, it seems that you're a prophet. My ps3 YLOD'd just a moment ago.
dont always fish for oil, haks normals are not so terrible unoiled that you should look for it at the expense of spacing or damage.Rentahamster said:It seems like such a pain to get that first oil with Hakan. What if they made it so that Hakan starts oiled up from the start of the match?
Its odd cuz on ranked so many people retreat when the first round starts that a lot of times I get a free oil. otherwise, like panda said, don't fish for it and use restraint--you don't always have to be oiled to pull off a win.Rentahamster said:It seems like such a pain to get that first oil with Hakan. What if they made it so that Hakan starts oiled up from the start of the match?
She's a bag of one-frame links.GriffD17 said:Out of all the characters I tried giving a go with so far, Sakura definitely gives me the biggest trouble. 1000 BP achievement? Hrm. Do I give up? She always looked so fun too.
she is not. >_>dragonballjoseph said:She's a bag of one-frame links.
hitsugi said:gamerbee was considered pretty unknown before this year's EVO but yeah, if you watch random youtube channels you're more likely to know of these people
I taught Daigo.AZ Greg said:DBJ. Holy shit, you're secondaries get in my head like a flowchart Ken. I keep going deer in the headlights when you would throw out those focuses. I kept thinking no way he'll keep doing it, especially after I ultra punished a few, but you kept doing it and I kept getting tagged.![]()
Let me re-phrase this, if you want to be beast with her, you need to know those links.Pandaman said:she is not. >_>
bag of links yes, but all of her one framers can be replaced with an easier normal. >_>
What do you mean?chriskun said:whats the deal with this kara chick?
cHaotix8 said:Dammit Greg. Just when I think I've found some glimmer of hope, you take it away. Good games as always.
And I could of sworn I was teching all those grabs at the end.
i 90% disagree.dragonballjoseph said:Let me re-phrase this, if you want to be beast with her, you need to know those links.
this maj stuff is one of the good examples i use for people who claim sakura got buffed, she used to stun seth for free in sf4, now her old and easy meaty fireball stun combo requires a counterhit or a double fadc when out of the corner [higher initial investment, but you build a stock and change back before stun sets]And speaking of Sakura, I came up with a combo for her that would work for the Maj challenge on Seth.
200x1.0j.fierce > st.fierce xx EX Shouken > FADC> st.forward xx lk tatsu > st.fierce xx lk tatsu > cr.fierce xx EX tatsu > Sakura Otoshi x3
if you are aiming for damage, might aswell ult 1.Now Seth is Dizzy and you gained back a bar of meter, so now you do:
j.fierce > st.forward xx lk tatsu > st.fierce xx lk tatsu > cr.fierce xx EX tatsu > Ultra 2
Since I don't really have a capture device, I can't do it.![]()
as far as 1framers go, they're surprisingly autopilotable, there's a nice pause thanks to the animation of the shunpakyu there was a match yesterday where i swear my eyes actually unfocused and i still got a perfect and hit my links. :lolI've for some reason been able to hit Sakura's one-framers as of two days ago consistantly. ^_^
ugh. and the damn body splash [neutral jumping mk]. i swear attack buttons outprioritze directional buttons online. :lolAnd for some reason, Seth's cr.jab > cr.strong link never wants to work for me online. =/
AZ Greg said:GGs to jam, alc, and sti taker.
Natural said:Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh, just been handing out free wins on Live.. Man I hate having a break and coming back and being shit.
you dropped your combo somewhere or you didnt let the stun fully bleed, i rechecked those stun numbers in training mode for ssf4.dragonballjoseph said:I actually did the combo and stunned Seth. Don't remember what the stun. I initially finished it with a j.RH, but Seth was twenty-something points away from dizzy if I remember correctly, so I remedied it with the Otoshi, and that barely stunned him.
ult 1 got a damage buff and since its a styling combo, thats the one you should use. it wont make a huge difference, maybe 20 points. :lolAnd I used U2 because it wasn't in vanilla. But the way you put it, since Seth would have already been dizzy earlier in my combo, ultra 1 should be acceptable.
i usually drop the lk.tatsu because im so used to starting at 2 when it comes time to cancel. i cant convince my 4frame timing muscle memory to borrow my 3frame timing muscle memories QCB motions. >_>And you have to use the one-framers to be beast with Sakura because it's much more hype. ^_^
Although I still can't do: st.mk xx lk tatsu > st.mk xx lk tatsu consistently for the life of me.
yea, i counted otoshi stun without remembering o account for scaling.dragonballjoseph said:Okay, just went to training mode and did the entire combo. You may have something off, because everything combo'd and the first combo did exactly 750 stun.
dont say that, they might think you're being serious.When I finished the second part into Ultra 1, I got a grand total of 611 damage.
Thank you Capcom.
V_Arnold said:Jeez, looks like early morning has its benefits. Listening MarkMan commentary, you should comment matches more often!
Pandaman said:you dropped your combo somewhere or you didnt let the stun fully bleed, i rechecked those stun numbers in training mode for ssf4.
in sf4, otoshi was the better idea, but ex shunpakyu and otoshi both had a massive stun nerf in ssf4.
200 -> 140
100+100+80 -> 70+70+70
in ssf4 at that levels of scaling, you'd get one extra point of stun out of an otoshi over a roundhouse. :\ at lower scales roundhouse is always better. kinda sucks because my stun counting is still out of wack because of these nerfs.
its seriously fucked up imo. sakura was at the worst tied with viper as the best stun character in sf4[imo she wasnt tied, she just was], now she's a joke in stun.