riceandbeans said:I've heard about the first batch of pads being defective so maybe I've just got a shitty one.
I tried some of the very first batch and the 2nd wave of SFIV ones and the d-pads were no different.
riceandbeans said:I've heard about the first batch of pads being defective so maybe I've just got a shitty one.
schennmu said:- Make his uppercut on par with Ryu/Ken
Improve what about it? It does a ton of damage, combos into Roundhouse, and works as a decent anti-air. If you want a safer anti-air, use Forward or EX Jet Upper.schennmu said:- Improve crouching fierce
It's already in range to punish anything that needs to be punished, I don't see what the point is, unless you think you deserve to punish fireballs from fullscreen for free. Ducking's the same distance, so I don't see what the problem is.schennmu said:- Improve range for Rolling Thunder
God's Beard said:Dudley's Uppercut is already better than theirs. Combos into Ultra and Super for no meter, and the EX version has some invincibility. On top of that, you get trade combos. It's not a reversal, it's a launcher.
God's Beard said:Improve what about it? It does a ton of damage, combos into Roundhouse, and works as a decent anti-air. If you want a safer anti-air, use Forward or EX Jet Upper.
God's Beard said:It's already in range to punish anything that needs to be punished, I don't see what the point is, unless you think you deserve to punish fireballs from fullscreen for free. Ducking's the same distance, so I don't see what the problem is.
Pandaman said:sakura should have 1100 health and a 3 frame dp w/ invincibility.
oh and overhead should be atleast +3, close standing fierce should have the range of far standing fierce, she should also get her old stun back + alittle extra and a ryu style fireball, but with better recovery.
God's Beard said:Dudley's Uppercut is already better than theirs. Combos into Ultra and Super for no meter, and the EX version has some invincibility. On top of that, you get trade combos. It's not a reversal, it's a launcher.
Improve what about it? It does a ton of damage, combos into Roundhouse, and works as a decent anti-air. If you want a safer anti-air, use Forward or EX Jet Upper.
It's already in range to punish anything that needs to be punished, I don't see what the point is, unless you think you deserve to punish fireballs from fullscreen for free. Ducking's the same distance, so I don't see what the problem is.
God's Beard said:Dudley's Uppercut is already better than theirs. Combos into Ultra and Super for no meter, and the EX version has some invincibility. On top of that, you get trade combos. It's not a reversal, it's. a launcher.
Improve what about it? It does a ton of damage, combos into Roundhouse, and works as a decent anti-air. If you want a safer anti-air, use Forward or EX Jet Upper.
It's already in range to punish anything that needs to be punished, I don't see what the point is, unless you think you deserve to punish fireballs from fullscreen for free. Ducking's the same distance, so I don't see what the problem is.
DarkoMaledictus said:Personally only thing that could be better for Dudley is a bit more footsies and a cross-up. And even at that, Dudley can be a beast when played correctly. I am owning a lot of character with duds, its just at high level I am having some problems... for example playing footsies against a good ryu seems hard, then again if you can apply some solid pressure and blockstrings into your game its going to help tremendously!
schennmu said:I never use the uppercut to combo into Ultra. Rather do it after a EXmcg combo. I would vastly prefer a higher priority for the uppercut.
Forward=standing medium kick.schennmu said:Yeah, please improve anti air abilities. Online lag often kills the possibility to react in time and I don't always want to waste meter for an EX Jet Upper. Forward? You mean standing fierce? This is about crouching AA and standing medium is better for most situations.
Too short for what? Extending the range wouldn't punish anything it doesn't already punish now.schennmu said:Not from full screen, but the range is too short IMO.
cHaotix8 said:Ryu and ken can combo into super with no meter off their DP's as well. Dudley's uppercut sucks pretty bad outside of combos and ex. Meaty crossups rape him on wakeup without meter. They need to either give him invincibility on all cross counter startups or give his dp's enough invincibility to at least trade instead of getting stuffed.
Good normals would turn him into 3s Chun.cHaotix8 said:I agree with this. Just a bit more range on his normals would make him top tier easily.
God's Beard said:Too short for what? Extending the range wouldn't punish anything it doesn't already punish now.
Lost Fragment said:Curious: in general, what did they change about Makoto from 3S? I didn't really play that game.
Plus, nobody tosses fireballs when you have U1 anyway, so it's better to just keep U2 as an anti air and continue punishing with Ducking. If there's any move that needs improving for Duds, it's Short Swing Blow.DarkoMaledictus said:He's probably just having problems with some fast fireballs. It can be difficult to punish some chars like Sagat and you have to be at the right distance from char and from fireball. If you are too far from fireball you will just eat it.
It really takes practice, but it does work fairly well after some time in the lab. Myself I mainly go with u1 for Honda, Bison, Blanka and Zangief. Shotos I still prefer U2 for comboing as I hate buffering ultra in the hopes of nailing a fireball with U1.
Lost Fragment said:Curious: in general, what did they change about Makoto from 3S? I didn't really play that game.
God's Beard said:Plus, nobody tosses fireballs when you have U1, anyway, so it's better to just keep U2 as an anti air. If there's any move that needs improving for Duds, it's Short Swing Blow.
If jumpins and footsies are what you like to use, use a character with good jumpins and footsies? I don't know what you're trying to say here, I don't think Cody is one of the harder matchups for Dudley, maybe try using f+Fierce and ducking straight more?cHaotix8 said:God's beard, go play Joekages Cody before you comment more on people gameplan. When jumpins and footie s don't get you in, you're forced to make them come to you.
DarkoMaledictus said:Very true... forgot ssb... That's one move along with thunderbolt that I never use. Just seems pointless most of the time and leaves you way open after you use it. Only time it might be useful is when you are reading a grab on wake up, but if you miss read with zangief its ultra time...
Like I said earlier only one thing I would really like is a cross up for mixups, thunderbolt really doesn't do it for me....
Also another thing I hate is how jabs and shorts will stuff most of Duds specials... was laughing the other day when some ryu player kept jabbing in the air all the time, somehow it would stuff ex moves and a lot of normals.
God's Beard said:If jumpins and footsies are what you like to use, use a character with good jumpins and footsies? I don't know what you're trying to say here, I don't think Cody is one of the harder matchups for Dudley, maybe try using f+Fierce and ducking straight more?
God's Beard said:I don't know if a boxer should have crossups, but a faster ducking for crossunders like in 3s would be great. Thunderbolt as it is is an absolute desparation move. There's limited success with zoning characters, but it's not a reliable strategy.
Actually, you know what I want? The rose to actually do something.
jab machinegun blow resetscHaotix8 said:Tell me, how do you get in?
DarkoMaledictus said:Yep the rose is a huge mistake by capcom... it was an essential part of some setups, as it stands its used to stop some midscreen jumpins and to open the door to a can of woop ass on your behalf.
Speed of ducking for me seems fair, from seeing floyd play I'm not sure it wouldn't start to be overpowered. He already kills with ducking into some mad blockstrings![]()
cHaotix8 said:Machinegun blow can be punished on reaction and is unsafe on block.
God's Beard said:jab machinegun blow resets
I'd like to see some videos if you've got them. My block strings need work.
Yeah, that's my favoriteDarkoMaledictus said:If you add a m cr.p after the jab mgb it almost feels like a loop! Perfected a few scrubs with that. Not a real loop but its damm fast!
Gyrian said:![]()
Final Roster
01. Gibration
02. Floyd
03. Panda
04. Eraldo Coil
05. Gyrian
06. Seph RK
07. Lyte Edge
08. Ploid
09. gundamkyoukai
10. Devil Trigger
11. the_log_ride
12. biosnake20
13. Arstal
14. Mikeeb13
15. Rapid Cancel
16. Digimish
There are a few more players on standby.
If you're not in when we begin, you will be replaced by one of them.
For those without SSFIV GAF chat access, send me a friend request and I'll send you an invite.
This is our meeting point.
See you in some 2 hours! :]
God's Beard said:jab machinegun blow resets
I'd like to see some videos if you've got them. My block strings need work.
cHaotix8 said:Jab mgb is negative 2 people.
Pandaman said:if seph and floyd end up in the same bracket i totally have a shot at this. >_>
yea, especially since...DarkoMaledictus said:Would be nice to face your Hakan again, been a long time we since our last fights and I hear your Hakan has leveled up =).
i just learned something interesting.cHaotix8 said:Jab mgb is negative 2 people.
Great. You just had to go and tell everybody.cHaotix8 said:Jab mgb is negative 2 people.
God's Beard said:I'd like to see some videos if you've got them. My block strings need work.
Pandaman said:you jerks all lied to me and said it was truly safe!
all this time i could have been churning butter!
Pandaman said:yea, especially since...
i just learned something interesting.
Ledsen said:What moves can even punish that? Maybe Chuns super and a few others?
yea, all of em.Wiseblade said:Hakan's command grabs have a 3 frame startup, right?
cHaotix8 said:I'm tired of arguing this. In a few months when people learn the matchup you guys will realize what's up.
DarkoMaledictus said:We're not saying Duds is the best thing since sliced bread, sure he has problems and he is far away from being a first pick in competitions. At high level footsies are essential and he just doesn't have it. Still regular play he is a ton of fun... if I was betting money or was going to a huge event where winning would nab me a good chunk of hard cold cash... yeah maybe he wouldn't be the first choice. But that's just because there are more rounded chars like Ruy that can handle almost any situations...
Duds is not the only char in this situation, there are tons of chars that are not viable at high level play. Sure people will say any char has a chance, but fact remains that two people at equal level of skills will have a
clear advantage in picking some chars versus others.
i dont think the guy asking for a ryu like uppercut for full cross counter invincibility should be talking about the metagame.cHaotix8 said:I understand that. But I'd like to think of myself as a somewhat competitive player.I travel to all the local tournaments and went to evo and all that shit. It really just agitates me to receive such condescending attitudes from people when they don't even know the more important factors of my character's meta-game.
Time to hit the training room.J. HP, S. MP xx FADC (forward) leads to a "teleport" to the other side of the opponent, a very tricky mix up at the cost of two ex bars.
With so many people playing Ryu it should really come as a suprise that something so interesting wouldn't be discovered for so long. This should encourage you to test and post your own ideas! SF4 is a realatively new game and just like all fighting games it is filled with little gems such as this that are only discovered when time and effort are invested.
cHaotix8 said:I understand that. But I'd like to think of myself as a somewhat competitive player.I travel to all the local tournaments and went to evo and all that shit. It really just agitates me to receive such condescending attitudes from people when they don't even know the more important factors of my character's meta-game.
i cant seem to do it on block, so it probably wont be a huge deal.gibration said:Anyone see this?
Time to hit the training room.
gibration said:Anyone see this?
Time to hit the training room.