~Devil Trigger~ said:Hayate was faster and had better range
Kara had better range, i forgot the properties though(vs throw and such)
st. MP is better now
Oroshis are slower, i would have problem with that but EX version not only slower in SSF4 but loses to stupid shit
Fukiage is more useful in SSF4 as an AA, but 3S version was a bag of stun
Tsurugi Axe kick was actually an Air-to-air option, and was an overhead(all of them as i remember), SSF4 version has such a shitty hitbox.
Her Super did more damage when activated is 3S
You cant combo into Abare anymore, and Abare does'nt do stun damage anymore
recovery from fwd and back dashes, now more.
Well, the huge difference is parries. You can actually get in with her when you have parries, whereas in SSF4, which is a lot more defense, it's VERY difficult to get in.
IIRC in 3s you couldn't karakusa -> Seichuzen. You could, however, link a seichuzen after a jab hayate (I loved doing c.lk -> jab hayate -> seichuzen).