Hori makes a pretty neat wired padHaeleos said:And... PS3 Fightpad #4 is dead after 2 days of use. GG, Mad Catz. I haven't had a single piece of hardware break down as much as these fucking PS3 fightpads. Oh and bonus points for making it wireless... brilliant.
The first one had sticky buttons, 2 of them had wireless dongles that were dead on arrival and this 4th one just randomly loses signal, no matter what batteries I put into it. This is with the Round 2 ones as well, after the dead dongle issue became apparent to Mad Catz but they didn't fix it. Maybe they should do a Round 2 on their QA department...

There are also the SLS USB Saturn Pads

I don't get it man.
If the Madcatz stuff keeps breaking on you, why do you keep buying them?
Do you think it'll somehow magically be different the next time?