Lost Fragment said:I was high the other day and thought it would be funny if, when you use Vega on that African runway stage, they didn't replace Vega with Balrog in the background and just let there be 2 Vegas. Like when you use Makoto on the Korean street stage.
Just thought I'd share.
Zapages said:I play super cautious all the time. Its kind of fun.![]()
Brobzoid said:When I play ranked I usually rush in as recklessly as possible the first round to see how they punish the various moves and then switch it up on them in the subsequent round(s). Usually works very well. Except when there is some asshole Guile who knows that he has good normals and an absurd fireball.
The way of the Jaguar is such a burden sometimes.And having Makoto as my secondary really isn't helping matters... She'll be back with a vengeance with the arcade rebalancing though! MARK MY WORDS!
noneofexion said:Apologies if I missed this but what do the characters mean above the health bars (on the red belt/band)? The Yellow and Red boxes to the left of the player name are global/local rankings, right?
APZonerunner said:A mate just sent me this, but this is mighty fishy. Is this an old fake or something?
dragonballjoseph said:I started this morning really high on the game. Perfected a B+ Viper with my Sakura by having my mix-ups on point and nailing my one-framers (vexco would be so proud), and did the same to a Rose player.
BotoxAgent said:I absolutely suck with Guy, I don't why I keep playing him. I don't think Guy sucks...it's just I suck with him, and the way I play doesn't seem to gell well with how they designed the character. Too bad, because I really want to get good with him because he looks so damn cool.
Keep in mind that I ain't a top tier dawg though. You can EX jagga kick the sonic booms, but forward and roundhouse jagga kicks don't travel far enough to punish the sonic boom, you just jump over it, you can EX jagga toof it (unless it's a jab boom), but either way you still need dat meter. Air jagga kick often works, but it loses to so much shit though, even the EX can be traded with normals. It's offensive. EX toof also get beat clean by lots of normals and I've been traded out of ultra1 by normals a buncha times when I tried to punish sonic booms. Guile is a bitch.arstal said:Doesn't Jaguar Kick work vs Sonic Books, and EX Jaguar to get them out of turtling?
I figured Adon would give Guile fits.
Well Guy does have an FADC into ultra, so he certainly doesn't suck.BotoxAgent said:I absolutely suck with Guy, I don't why I keep playing him. I don't think Guy sucks...it's just I suck with him, and the way I play doesn't seem to gell well with how they designed the character. Too bad, because I really want to get good with him because he looks so damn cool.
BotoxAgent said:I absolutely suck with Guy, I don't why I keep playing him. I don't think Guy sucks...it's just I suck with him, and the way I play doesn't seem to gell well with how they designed the character. Too bad, because I really want to get good with him because he looks so damn cool.
Brobzoid said:Keep in mind that I ain't a top tier dawg though. You can EX jagga kick the sonic booms, but forward and roundhouse jagga kicks don't travel far enough to punish the sonic boom, you just jump over it, you can EX jagga toof it (unless it's a jab boom), but either way you still need dat meter. Air jagga kick often works, but it loses to so much shit though, even the EX can be traded with normals. It's offensive. EX toof also get beat clean by lots of normals and I've been traded out of ultra1 by normals a buncha times when I tried to punish sonic booms. Guile is a bitch.
Brobzoid said:Keep in mind that I ain't a top tier dawg though. You can EX jagga kick the sonic booms, but forward and roundhouse jagga kicks don't travel far enough to punish the sonic boom, you just jump over it, you can EX jagga toof it (unless it's a jab boom), but either way you still need dat meter. Air jagga kick often works, but it loses to so much shit though, even the EX can be traded with normals. It's offensive. EX toof also get beat clean by lots of normals and I've been traded out of ultra1 by normals a buncha times when I tried to punish sonic booms. Guile is a bitch.
I agree.I'm pretty sure at least Elena will be in the game. Maybe almost these 7 characters were planned since the start like the SSFIV ones, because around the SFIV release Kinu Nishimura did an illustration for Famitsu where appeared all the SSFIV gals without Juri but adding Elena.KAL2006 said:this is how I think the characters will be announced
Comicon - Alex, Rolento
Loke Test 2 - Hugo, R.Mika
Loke Test 3 - Elena, Charlie
Surprise announcement - Q
All these characters are the ones that were released for PSN as avatars. At Comicon there are 2 empty slots, so one 2 characters announced for Comicon, but there is space for 6 slots, the other characters will be announced in each Loketest. Q, the 7th character will be a secret character who is selectable by pressing down on the random cursor.
short doesn't go over any fireball (except for juri's low). but yeah, most matches are pushing those down/back holding motherfuckers into the corner and pooing down their throats.arstal said:I have had jag kicks airthrown, and even air jag kicks. Maybe use short?
Once you get in, Guile's wakeup anti-air is pretty bad. It's Trolldon time then.
I've found Adon/Rose to be a fun troll vs troll match.
yeah, that's a nice tool, but I'm hitting a execution barrier with my 360 pad.Holy Order Sol said:I think what you need to use here is Instant Air Jaguar Kick.
~Devil Trigger~ said:Elena's Ultra 1 will be healing
she get 60% of her life back
I bet u Rhino Horn will be even slower:lolarstal said:I bet it's her super instead, to force a real choice. Ultras will be a redone spinning beat that requires FADC, and a non-comboable Brave Dance that goes through fireballs.
arstal said:I bet it's her super instead, to force a real choice. Ultras will be a redone spinning beat that requires FADC, and a non-comboable Brave Dance that goes through fireballs.
Brobzoid said:women in fighting games should have muscles. Vanessa, makoto and chun li qualify. fuck the rest, all of them.
Ibuki has definitely been hitting the gym, and Juri isn't exactly a slouch on her core workouts either.Brobzoid said:women in fighting games should have muscles. Vanessa, makoto and chun li qualify. fuck the rest, all of them.
canonically yun would probably be too young to participateStickyFingers said:The lack of Yun amazes me. +1 vote for Yun, Alex and R. Mika![]()
Hitokage said:Ibuki has definitely been hitting the gym, and Juri isn't exactly a slouch on her core workouts either.
lithe twigs, the lot of em! The canon and internal logic of the series would be impeccable where it not for these fan-service harlots with their make up and sexually provocative clothing. Unban riskychris, there is a stampede that needs to be run.Hitokage said:Ibuki has definitely been hitting the gym, and Juri isn't exactly a slouch on her core workouts either.
Gluteus Maximus?Brobzoid said:women in fighting games should have muscles. Vanessa, makoto and chun li qualify. fuck the rest, all of them.
Brobzoid said:lithe twigs, the lot of em! The canon and internal logic of the series would be impeccable where it not for these fan-service harlots with their make up and sexually provocative clothing. Unban riskychris, there is a stampede that needs to be run.![]()
Nothing probably. Smart money's on Capcom's conference thing tomorrow at Noon PDT(I think).hitsugi said:pretty sure I saw riskychris posting a day or two ago.. maybe my eyes deceived me
so with regards to character and game announcements - that's happening today?
Yeah, but weren't they in the intro clip of Chun Li, they looked close to their counterparts of SF3. And my guess is that SSF4 is close to where SF3 starts, it's possible._dementia said:canonically yun would probably be too young to participate
lol canon
Makoto's biceps are bigger than you.Brobzoid said:lithe twigs, the lot of em! The canon and internal logic of the series would be impeccable where it not for these fan-service harlots with their make up and sexually provocative clothing. Unban riskychris, there is a stampede that needs to be run.![]()
just the way I like em.God's Beard said:Makoto's biceps are bigger than you.
Hugbot said:Nothing probably. Smart money's on Capcom's conference thing tomorrow at Noon PDT(I think).
Edit: Unless something leaks. But we all know capcom is a tough nut to crack.
Threi said:iz mah birthday today
make DeeJay's c.HP an overhead and make lk Sobat safe on block to celebrate Capcom please thx
Threi said:iz mah birthday today
make DeeJay's c.HP an overhead and make lk Sobat safe on block to celebrate Capcom please thx
Q's at the top, but they keep missing.Haeleos said:They're really going to be scrapping the bottom of the barrel in terms of character designs if they are bringing back more old characters.
Tiger uppercut said:Okay.. Q can come.. He is a monster right?