That was hot.Rocky_Balboa said:800+ damage combo from Yun
Desk's latest.
That was hot.Rocky_Balboa said:800+ damage combo from Yun
Desk's latest.
Rocky_Balboa said:Yay! I think I broke TOP100 BP Rog today. I'm might be out of it already, but I was 97th at some point.
I've seen Yeb post on here now and again._dementia said:I want to learn Gen on the side. Any tips, guys? Does GAF have any Gen players?
Let's see. I'm not sure yet about tonight's plans.Corky said:woohoo, time to celebrate with some casuals with your erotic buddy corky later today? :3
I thought yeb quit SF4 when Capcom nerfed his character specifically because of the way he played him.Invisible_Insane said:I've seen Yeb post on here now and again.
Rocky_Balboa said:Let's see. I'm not sure yet about tonight's plans.
That too, but I saw him on a Box Arena stream a couple of months ago. I hear Gen is much better in Neapolitan, though?_dementia said:I thought yeb quit SF4 when Capcom nerfed his character specifically because of the way he played him.
Yeah, don't think I've seen Yeb post in any of the SF threads since vanilla._dementia said:I thought yeb quit SF4 when Capcom nerfed his character specifically because of the way he played him.
Just tell them to HOLD DAT L IN THE CHEST!The Take Out Bandit said:lol!
I really wish PSN featured the privacy settings of XBL. I turned off all messages from people who aren't on my friends list on XBL, it's bliss.
I can't stand sh*t talking ninnies in fighting games. Or any game really.
eissan said:Hey So who is all for sure going to EVO?
DBJ? Greg? Saty? Joekage? Axis(vex)?
I will be there from Wednesday night to the following Tuesday and Want to get dat money(more likely lose dat money) in some MM's! It would be fun to play gaf WITHOUT lag(looking at you greg!).
AZ Greg said:lol @ Saty going.
But it's not surprising since EVO doesn't offer any AARP discounts.
notworksafe said:I'm going and so is GalacticAE (even though he never posts here anymore).
I love LS-32s.Threi said:more people need to use LS-32s
why the JLF is the standard I will never know. What a dumb decision.
Yeah that sound like fun!eissan said:sweet! when it gets closer we should meet up in GAF IRC and exchange numbers with all who are going and get a gaf MM room started .
Yeah.Ultimoo said:hm, should I buy AE retail today, decision decisions.
_dementia said:Yeah.
And take pics so I know what's included and whether or not it's worth it (new color manual or something)
What is the difference? Tighter?Threi said:more people need to use LS-32s
why the JLF is the standard I will never know. What a dumb decision.
Generally. Tighter spring, shorter engage and throw too.Rocky_Balboa said:What is the difference? Tighter?
_dementia said:I love LS-32s.
For shooters.
Rocky_Balboa said:Corky, I'll be on for about 30-40 mins now.
cackhyena said:So awesome. Thanks, Max. Do a shit ton of these.
It was pretty good, i didn't really like the Dr. Doom bits but maybe that's because having never watched your MvC3 show i'm missing some inside joke.LeMaximilian said:Glad you like it. Trying to gauge the audience reaction to the show right now...see if it's something worth investing time into down the line. Maybe 1 AE and 1 MVC3 show a week.
SSF4: 'THE ONLINE WARRIOR' Arcade Edition Episode 1 (SSF4:AE online gameplay)
I'm done for now, at least for about 2 hours. Maybe laters.Corky said:Bah, horrible timingjust got done with the pc but gonna toss a couple of burgers on the grill and jump into the pool, today feels like it is the infamous "one day of summer" we get in sweden >_< and by god I'm gonna enjoy it.
I'll check back with ya later today and see if you're on , if not we can have fisticuffs another day.
LeMaximilian said:Glad you like it. Trying to gauge the audience reaction to the show right now...see if it's something worth investing time into down the line. Maybe 1 AE and 1 MVC3 show a week.
SSF4: 'THE ONLINE WARRIOR' Arcade Edition Episode 1 (SSF4:AE online gameplay)
Rocky_Balboa said:I'm done for now, at least for about 2 hours. Maybe laters.
Edit: And this shit happened while playing.
How do you throw on the opposite way?
rivals said:This. I don't mind seimitsu buttons for fg's but god damn I hate when I have to use a seimitsu lever on someone else's stick. It fucks me up bad. That said though I wish sanwa made some buttons that looked like the clear seimitsus (can't remember the model number) because I'm tempted to throw those in my stick just because they look so damned good even though I slightly prefer the feel of sanwas. Sighhhh.
_dementia said:Heads-up for San Francisco-GAF,
SSFIVAE retail launch event with playable SFxTK and 3S:OE too.
haunts said:anyone still have that pixel image with all the AE characters?
its raining and im feeling lazy but i need to man the fuck up and go anyway. lol
hahahahahahahaRelix said:Haunts is still crying because Sagat got nerfed in Vanilla.
Corky said:anyone up for some xbl games? I'm trying to learn sagat so I'm pretty crap atm.