kodecraft said:Sure when will you be on?....Gamertag?
I can be on in like 5 minutes, though I'm in europe so keep that in mind <3
GT : corcy100
kodecraft said:Sure when will you be on?....Gamertag?
Corky said:I can be on in like 5 minutes, though I'm in europe so keep that in mind <3
GT : corcy100
kodecraft said:Cool...friend request sent.
GT: Twenty1aboutdis
Rufus' portrait is priceless.The Int3rsect said:http://i.imgur.com/G0Pmy.png
I don't think he was nerfed all that badly. Yes, fierce blanka ball from across the screen is now easily punishable, but when you block a point blank blanka ball, you now don't know what to do to punish it cause you don't know which version of horizontal ball it was. Maybe I'll get used to it over time, but right now I hesitate cause I don't know what punish to go for.Guanoape said:Played my first Blanka mirror today (I've only been playing SFIV since AE launched), and it made me want to gouge my eyes out. Two people playing the same defensive style doesn't really work out that well. Unfortunately I'm still too much of a scrub to deal with stupid matches like this (~1000PP). On a related note, is Blanka really that bad in AE? Every list on SRK and such seems to list him as bottom tier. I think Ultradavid even put him in the category "good luck in pools".
SamVimes said:Can you punish a blocked blanka ball with kara shoryuken using Ken? I can't check because i don't have AE (only pc here).
Axis said:ps-14-kn's
i have transparent whites and transparent blues i switch between randomly lol
Where do you live and what's your budget?Professor Beef said:Still trying to figure out a proper budget of getting myself a ride to and from EVO. Things are looking slightly negative, but I'm confident I can find a way.
Sacramento, and my budget for the entire trip (transportation, food, my share of the hotel) is planning to be ~$100, although I'm not opposed to going higher.SmokeMaxX said:Where do you live and what's your budget?
Best of luckvulva said:just registered for EVO =)
Whoa. You play anywhere locally? I live near Sacramento myself and have been looking for some locals to play.Professor Beef said:Sacramento, and my budget for the entire trip (transportation, food, my share of the hotel) is planning to be ~$100, although I'm not opposed to going higher.
I'm not entering anything since that would kill my budget. I only plan on spectating this year.
I attend the monthly TAG tournaments at Great Escape Games, but other than that no. None of my IRL friends play SSFIV competitively.XenoRaven said:Whoa. You play anywhere locally? I live near Sacramento myself and have been looking for some locals to play.
I have no idea what any of that means. >_>Professor Beef said:I attend the monthly TAG tournaments at Great Escape Games, but other than that no. None of my IRL friends play SSFIV competitively.
Guanoape said:Played my first Blanka mirror today (I've only been playing SFIV since AE launched), and it made me want to gouge my eyes out. Two people playing the same defensive style doesn't really work out that well. Unfortunately I'm still too much of a scrub to deal with stupid matches like this (~1000PP). On a related note, is Blanka really that bad in AE? Every list on SRK and such seems to list him as bottom tier. I think Ultradavid even put him in the category "good luck in pools".
XenoRaven said:I have no idea what any of that means. >_>
XenoRaven said:To me TAG means The Adjutant General.
And Great Escape is a theme park in Lake George, NY.
This right here.black_vegeta said:
Thanks for the link vegeta.Professor Beef said:This right here.
Up until last year they've only hosted Brawl tournaments, but I convinced my friend who runs them to start running SSFIV (and Marvel when it came out). There's a great turnout each month, and the venue is nice too.
Dat Triple.XenoRaven said:Thanks for the link vegeta.
Cool, I'll have to check it out next time there's a tourney. They run SF4 on 360 or PS3?
Oh poor Yang. If only he would have some other good moves...Red Liquorice said:Yang's Ultra 2 get's stuffed by everything, it's like Makoto's U2 all over again.
Red Liquorice said:Yang's Ultra 2 get's stuffed by everything, it's like Makoto's U2 all over again.
Always getting the booty end of the stick.Rocky_Balboa said:Oh poor Yang. If only he would have some other good moves...
I don't expect to do well (went 1-2 I think last year) but I'll be in the US anyways around that time. Gives me a chance to have some fun again =)_dementia said:Best of luck![]()
Haha, well I'm sure for master players like you guys he's a monster, for a humble part-timer like me I'm finding it tough going with him.Rocky_Balboa said:Oh poor Yang. If only he would have some other good moves...
Ah $100 from Sacramento? That'd be tough. Maybe a greyhound?Professor Beef said:Sacramento, and my budget for the entire trip (transportation, food, my share of the hotel) is planning to be ~$100, although I'm not opposed to going higher.
I'm not entering anything since that would kill my budget. I only plan on spectating this year.
Lost Fragment said:I'm trying to figure out a way to go, but it doesn't look likely unfortunately.
buddy of mine in dubai got the retail, he said no =(Nose Master said:Any word on if the retail has new missions or anything that the DLC doesn't?
vulva said:buddy of mine in dubai got the retail, he said no =(
A title screen that says "Arcade Edition" on it is the only difference I've heard of.Nose Master said:Any word on if the retail has new missions or anything that the DLC doesn't?
Tansut said:Is it weird that the title screen being different is almost enough to make me want to buy the disc?
Really? I don't remember that happening to me playing AE while unconnected to XBL.Kai said:Also forgot to mention, something else I found out this weekend in Palm Springs....
A great benefit of having the disc version that I didn't know - if you take your XBOX over with AE DLC to someone else's house and you don't have an internet connection there - you cannot play AE. It requires an internet connection to run - if the connection turns off after you begin playing - you get a 10 minute warning saying you have to plug it back in.