
Coincidence or something else?

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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

I was half way through reacting to you all your quotes when I got a call and had to order something. I come back and all my text is gone?

Yeah. Not going through all that again right now.

Paragraphs full of well thought out arguments and such. Gone. FFS Very very frustrating.

I was doing so well 😭😭😭😭
I'm going to use this excuse the next time I can't be arsed to come up with a proper reply.


Humans invent patterns as a way of coping with the world around them. We are very good at seeing them.

It's an evolutionary holdover, derived from a time when we were hard-wired look for those patterns, as they could save our lives.

That pattern in the bushes over there? That could be nothing - just the grass waving in the wind... or it could be a tiger...

We are geared to try to make order out of chaos, because that makes the world easier to deal with. The world is better if things happen for a reason, and are not just random. That's a comforting thought, but it doesn't make it true.

Synchronicity isn't real. They are just coincidences. There are no other explanations. No higher purpose. No guiding force. Nothing other than you, your own decisions, and the decisions of those around you. here's Tom with the weather!
That's why other than intended synchronisation, I prefer the relatively new term 'serendipitous'. It fully acknowledges that most things are down to chance and are chaotic.


ÆMNE22A!C ÆMNE22A!C total votes 22, you're the next Jam Bon, congrats.



That's why other than intended synchronisation, I prefer the relatively new term 'serendipitous'. It fully acknowledges that most things are down to chance and are chaotic.

I take it you're an atheist?
Just evolved by chance and after all the chaos and chance we die and that's it? Just guessing, not putting words in your mouth


Gold Member
Seeing that GAF is very diverse in that we have very matter of fact skeptics and those that lean more towards spirituality and such.

Perhaps we have some academics who think this Synchronicity is utter bullocks, please, feel free to exert your thoughts.
You made and unmade your thread in the space of a few lines.

GAF (or any other forum on the web, especially if prevalently American) will always lean towards the skeptic persuasion. And in today’s world, you’re really not left much of a choice if you don’t want to appear a loon and have everything else you post judged through the lens of threads like this.

Posts #3 and #4 are the internet’s (and science’s) response to your argument in a nutshell. That’s today’s world’s stance on subjects like this and therefore, the case is closed before you even open it.

That said, I regularly experience synchronicity in my life, and I have for a very long time, with a frequency and to an extent that I choose to consider far beyond mere coincidence.
I won’t post examples though, because they’d be meaningless. No amount of examples can make a case against the perfectly simple explanation that is mere coincidence and the human impulse to see meaning where there is none. Occam’s razor and all that.


I take it you're an atheist?
Just evolved by chance and after all the chaos and chance we die and that's it? Just guessing, not putting words in your mouth
First off, I'm not sure why you had to bring religion, or lack of it into this? Says a lot about you.

But yes I am. And I'm perfectly fine with that. I am not asking and haven't asked for your judgement of me. Go bother someone else, or, preferably, no one else.
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You made and unmade your thread in the space of a few lines.

GAF (or any other forum on the web, especially if prevalently American) will always lean towards the skeptic persuasion. And in today’s world, you’re really not left much of a choice if you don’t want to appear a loon and have everything else you post judged through the lens of threads like this.

Posts #3 and #4 are the internet’s (and science’s) response to your argument in a nutshell. That’s today’s world’s stance on subjects like this and therefore, the case is closed before you even open it.

That said, I regularly experience synchronicity in my life, and I have for a very long time, with a frequency and to an extent that I choose to consider far beyond mere coincidence.
I won’t post examples though, because they’d be meaningless. No amount of examples can make a case against the perfectly simple explanation that is mere coincidence and the human impulse to see meaning where there is none. Occam’s razor and all that.

You're right on the money. I can be a bit naive at times. To be clear. I agree wholeheartedly with your post in it's entirety. Well said.


First off, I'm not sure why you had to bring religion, or lack of it into this? Says a lot about you.

But yes I am. And I'm perfectly fine with that. I am not asking and haven't asked for your judgement of me. Go bother someone else, or, preferably, no one else.

Well first of, turn down your automatic defense system and don't put words in my mouth. Okay? Okay.

Your post gave me the impression of an atheist. Hence I said I was GUESSING and NOT PUTTING WORDS in your mouth. I ended my post with those words FFS

Pure curiosity.

And what does it say about me? Please elaborate my hostile fellow human.

But it seems I struck a nasty knot in a nerve by merely guessing, WITHOUT JUDGING.

I don't know you and don't give a fuck what your beliefs are, to speak frankly.

I respect everyone's own choice in what they do or do not believe.

And how did I bother you? Seems you're the one bothering me with your hostile attitude.

I don't have a horse in this race because it's not a race.

I'm not going to explain my intentions of this thread, they're there for you to read in the OP.

One more post like this and you're on ignore.


You made and unmade your thread in the space of a few lines.

GAF (or any other forum on the web, especially if prevalently American) will always lean towards the skeptic persuasion. And in today’s world, you’re really not left much of a choice if you don’t want to appear a loon and have everything else you post judged through the lens of threads like this.

Posts #3 and #4 are the internet’s (and science’s) response to your argument in a nutshell. That’s today’s world’s stance on subjects like this and therefore, the case is closed before you even open it.

That said, I regularly experience synchronicity in my life, and I have for a very long time, with a frequency and to an extent that I choose to consider far beyond mere coincidence.
I won’t post examples though, because they’d be meaningless. No amount of examples can make a case against the perfectly simple explanation that is mere coincidence and the human impulse to see meaning where there is none. Occam’s razor and all that.

I guess I was curious. Simple.
And I especially agree there's a certain consensus that's everything's all rational explainable. That's the mindset of most.

But again. That's okay. Just wanted some insight into what others had to say =)
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Well first of, turn down your automatic defense system and don't put words in my mouth. Okay? Okay.

Your post gave me the impression of an atheist. Hence I said I was GUESSING and NOT PUTTING WORDS in your mouth. I ended my post with those words FFS

Pure curiosity.

And what does it say about me? Please elaborate my hostile fellow human.

But it seems I struck a nasty knot in a nerve by merely guessing, WITHOUT JUDGING.

I don't know you and don't give a fuck what your beliefs are, to speak frankly.

I respect everyone's own choice in what they do or do not believe.

And how did I bother you? Seems you're the one bothering me with your hostile attitude.

I don't have a horse in this race because it's not a race.

I'm not going to explain my intentions of this thread, they're there for you to read in the OP.

One more post like this and you're on ignore.
Happy Birthday Cake GIF by Storyful


I actually like weird and esoteric stuff and like to listen to podcasts about it, and so on. Also means it is a bit harder to find something spoopy

I'm searching as well for more podcast content around our shared interests.

Share If you know good ones?
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Is this what inspired you OP?

Geller also sees a sign in a curious find made by archaeologists under the Ottoman-era building which now houses his museum in Old Jaffa. They unearthed amongst hundreds of artefacts a Scottish Forth brick manufactured up the coast from Lamb Island after he says he sensed something buried there using his professed dousing abilities. Geller calls the discovery of the brick "synchronicity".
Forth brick found under Uri Geller Museum
Image caption: The brick, manufactured just miles from the Firth of Forth, was found buried under the building in Old Jaffa
It could be said that synchronicity also played a part when Geller was trying to find an anthem for his semi-independent state (he says it is not a political act and the laws of his land will continue to be those in force before).

Or is this... 😲synchronicity😲!

Oh My God Reaction GIF
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I was hoping for a open minded dialogue and I appreciate the posters that have given their viewpoint. I really do. ♡

But upon reading NeoIkaruGAF NeoIkaruGAF 's post and having shared some PM's with him I've come to the conclusion perhaps this isn't the right venue to have a dialogue when 90% are skeptics (and that's fine, really, to each it's own. I've skepticism in me as well ofcourse) and it all boils down to either mere coincidence, patterns and self fulfilling prophecies.

Dont mistake my tone here.

All explanations above surely are real and can and do play their part in experiences I call Synchronicity.

And all the weird ass stuff I've experienced.. As well as Ikaru is easily explained away without taking into account even having a glimpse of my "hypothesis" which is just a word i used for having a name to use for the occurrences I and many others have experienced. It's easy to spot those who read my thread in good faith and those that have not. Or at all for that matter

Bonus thanks to Tams Tams for completely ignoring my post shitting all over your initial hostile post and reacting with a gif because my argument filled load still filled up your mouth and throat.

Thanks again for those that read my first OP I really put effort in, especially regarding making clear that all's good if your willing to have a open dialogue. And don't drop links to psychological concepts that ignore examples I gave in my OP.

It's all fine though. As we say in my country, helaas pindakaas.

Mods you can close this thread.
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The inner is reflected in the outer and vice versa. I don't know why that would seem outlandish to some. Everything is interrelated.

In fact, the idea of separation, of distinct objects or beings is the more ridiculous notion, an idea fabricated by minds that see themselves as unique and independent entities, isolated and free from "external" support and influence. The idea of an independent self ought to be seen as an obvious fabrication, yet it is the norm. The ego is surely a tough nut to crack.
Seperation of beings? What beings?
Seperation of beings? What beings?
Most minds view themselves as separate entities, unique, independent and isolated to a certain degree. Human "beings". But that sensation is a feature of mind, of thought alone. A thought, like language, is not and can never be reality but is, rather, abstraction. When the mind is online/awake, there is the sense of "self", an idea. When in deep sleep, it is gone altogether. In fact the entire world you assume to be vanishes as well, not just the person you assume yourself to be. The mind's nature is to draw lines around things where there are none, creating arbitrary borders through categorizing and labeling. The mind sees a "me" and a "you", a "here" and a "there", a "now" and a "then", a "rock" and a "tree", a "nation" and a "continent", etc. All of these things exist purely as labels, contrived borders given separation via thought.


Most minds view themselves as separate entities, unique, independent and isolated to a certain degree. Human "beings". But that sensation is a feature of mind, of thought alone. A thought, like language, is not and can never be reality but is, rather, abstraction. When the mind is online/awake, there is the sense of "self", an idea. When in deep sleep, it is gone altogether. In fact the entire world you assume to be vanishes as well, not just the person you assume yourself to be. The mind's nature is to draw lines around things where there are none, creating arbitrary borders through categorizing and labeling. The mind sees a "me" and a "you", a "here" and a "there", a "now" and a "then", a "rock" and a "tree", a "nation" and a "continent", etc. All of these things exist purely as labels, contrived borders given separation via thought.

I like the way you think. ♡


advanced basic bitch
I was hoping for a open minded dialogue and I appreciate the posters that have given their viewpoint. I really do. ♡

But upon reading NeoIkaruGAF NeoIkaruGAF 's post and having shared some PM's with him I've come to the conclusion perhaps this isn't the right venue to have a dialogue when 90% are skeptics (and that's fine, really, to each it's own. I've skepticism in me as well ofcourse) and it all boils down to either mere coincidence, patterns and self fulfilling prophecies.

Dont mistake my tone here.

All explanations above surely are real and can and do play their part in experiences I call Synchronicity.

And all the weird ass stuff I've experienced.. As well as Ikaru is easily explained away without taking into account even having a glimpse of my "hypothesis" which is just a word i used for having a name to use for the occurrences I and many others have experienced. It's easy to spot those who read my thread in good faith and those that have not. Or at all for that matter

Bonus thanks to Tams Tams for completely ignoring my post shitting all over your initial hostile post and reacting with a gif because my argument filled load still filled up your mouth and throat.

Thanks again for those that read my first OP I really put effort in, especially regarding making clear that all's good if your willing to have a open dialogue. And don't drop links to psychological concepts that ignore examples I gave in my OP.

It's all fine though. As we say in my country, helaas pindakaas.

Mods you can close this thread.
Atheists are a sensitive bunch. I have nothing more to add. I just love seeing them claim to be the enlightened and rational ones then lose their shit constatntly.


Gold Member
Sometimes I think things and a few days later there seems to be a thread on GAF about it..

Like this very subject.

Is gaf just a figment of my imagination?

Anyway. I get this most days, for the past three years i've seen 666 everywhere. When I made a new phone contract last year my new number ended in 666 too. I looked down at my cars localised mileage gauge for it to read 666.6 last week, it's everywhere, most of the time!

I had one odd occasion where I thought my alarm clock broke. I looked at it when it read 11:11, on the 11/11/11

That tripped me out :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Gold Member
Sometimes I think things and a few days later there seems to be a thread on GAF about it..

Like this very subject.

Is gaf just a figment of my imagination?

Anyway. I get this most days, for the past three years i've seen 666 everywhere. When I made a new phone contract last year my new number ended in 666 too. I looked down at my cars localised mileage gauge for it to read 666.6 last week, it's everywhere, most of the time!

I had one odd occasion where I thought my alarm clock broke. I looked at it when it read 11:11, on the 11/11/11

That tripped me out :messenger_tears_of_joy:
It wasnt last week, it was the 29th of June (I'm losing time in my own damn mind..), i'd even took a picture to show the missus that wherever I happen to look I see these damn numbers..

I thought maybe it's got something to do with all the usual 'going to hell' nonsense. Looking around this town, I think i'm already there.
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Most minds view themselves as separate entities, unique, independent and isolated to a certain degree. Human "beings". But that sensation is a feature of mind, of thought alone. A thought, like language, is not and can never be reality but is, rather, abstraction. When the mind is online/awake, there is the sense of "self", an idea. When in deep sleep, it is gone altogether. In fact the entire world you assume to be vanishes as well, not just the person you assume yourself to be. The mind's nature is to draw lines around things where there are none, creating arbitrary borders through categorizing and labeling. The mind sees a "me" and a "you", a "here" and a "there", a "now" and a "then", a "rock" and a "tree", a "nation" and a "continent", etc. All of these things exist purely as labels, contrived borders given separation via thought.
Yeah, but so what? of course we build our own rules to function in the world, we have to do that, I don't see what that has to with other beings.


Most minds view themselves as separate entities, unique, independent and isolated to a certain degree. Human "beings". But that sensation is a feature of mind, of thought alone. A thought, like language, is not and can never be reality but is, rather, abstraction. When the mind is online/awake, there is the sense of "self", an idea. When in deep sleep, it is gone altogether. In fact the entire world you assume to be vanishes as well, not just the person you assume yourself to be. The mind's nature is to draw lines around things where there are none, creating arbitrary borders through categorizing and labeling. The mind sees a "me" and a "you", a "here" and a "there", a "now" and a "then", a "rock" and a "tree", a "nation" and a "continent", etc. All of these things exist purely as labels, contrived borders given separation via thought.
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Atheists are a sensitive bunch. I have nothing more to add. I just love seeing them claim to be the enlightened and rational ones then lose their shit constatntly.

I lost my shit because I'm really trying to be sincere and open minded. Friendly, curious. Oh well. Speaks for his character perhaps.


Yeah, but so what? of course we build our own rules to function in the world, we have to do that, I don't see what that has to with other beings.

I might be wrong but it's like we're all sharing a oneness (global consciousness) through different incarnations that all have different views, experiences, etc to grow in many aspects. We're all interconnected but expressed in individuality due to our low vibrational state, ego, psychological and social programming to keep us low. Nothing wrong with being an individual but it's not .. how to put it.. it's the way you use your individuality that's off for decades.

Nvm has not a direct correlation with the quote from synchronicity synchronicity

Sorry I'm not a smart man. Just thinking out loud.
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You cannot take seriously hypothesis that start from such ridiculous premises, plus it´s self defeating, every pattern can be described with math, by definition.

I used "hypothesis" . As in a way to describe my thoughts regarding the subject matter.

English isn't my native tongue.

"Ridiculous" .... That's nice.

And I was talking about Synchronicity not patterns.

Last attempt at and example.

I wake up and suddenly start thinking about how my brother is doing. Not even 3 minutes later he calls me out of nowhere. We don't speak often btw.

Math, right?

Kay, another one, paraphrasing from a friend.
On one random day he sees a movie on his harddrive he's forgotten about for months but still wants to see. Later that afternoon that movie comes up in an article he's reading.

Math, right?
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Seperation of beings? What beings?

We're all oneness (beings = humans, all matter and non matter) manifested through souls to incarnate and have the opportunity for experiences ie growth.

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I used "hypothesis" . As in a way to describe my thoughts regarding the subject matter.

English isn't my native tongue.

"Ridiculous" .... That's nice.

And I was talking about Synchronicity not patterns.

Last attempt at and example.

I wake up and suddenly start thinking about how my brother is doing. Not even 3 minutes later he calls me out of nowhere. We don't speak often btw.

Math, right?

Kay, another one, paraphrasing from a friend.
On one random day he sees a movie on his harddrive he's forgotten about for months but still wants to see. Later that afternoon that movie comes up in an article he's reading.

Math, right?

You need to look about things self delusion, wishful thinking and personal biases in general. That explains all of that better than the other bogus hypothesis. You are charlatan/con man cannon fodder ATM.
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You need to look about things self delusion, wishful thinking and personal biases in general. That explains all of that better than the other bogus hypothesis. You are charlatan/con man cannon fodder ATM.

But you said it was all math


Thanks for personally insulting me for just thinking out loud. Classy.
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Gold Member
It wasnt last week, it was the 29th of June (I'm losing time in my own damn mind..), i'd even took a picture to show the missus that wherever I happen to look I see these damn numbers..

I thought maybe it's got something to do with all the usual 'going to hell' nonsense. Looking around this town, I think i'm already there.
In Japan, they are afraid of number four which is shi it also means death more combinations of 4 there are more danger you are in
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