bit cheaper until Sunday for PC download
bit cheaper until Sunday for PC download
Haha no, I noticed some swedish descriptions in the beginning and had to keep an eye out for more.
It may be manageable after some upgrading, I noticed that I'm nearly unstoppable on normal now that I have most of the upgrades. I imagine going solo while at a low level would be really challenging though.
Just finished the campaign. Loved the actual shooty bits.
Worst story in a shooter in a while, and that's saying something.It feels like an entire chapter is missing. Why, exactly, did your character decide to go against Eurocorp? Because a woman who lied twice to him suggested he do?
I've heard of people going through it all solo, i was enjoying the combat so much i actually considered it myself, but i don't like playing multiplayer games, rarely do with friends, i like lone wolfing., a LOT.
bit cheaper until Sunday for PC download
he got his memory back about his murdered parents
bit cheaper until Sunday for PC download
Right, I get that, but it still feels like a huge leap because we don't know who his parents are, why Eurocorp would be interested in him, and most hilariously, why Denham would wear a suit and tie to a black ops operation murder-napping.
Also, why does your character make a hilarious "noooo!" motion after killing Graveltron Mcbadass?
I think you can do the first couple maps solo but it will take a lot of time and be incredibly difficult. Once you get to Atlantic Accelerator and the four agents at the end, forget it. You can't put out enough damage by yourself before an agent is healed up full.
Really do just jump into a random game and play some co-op. It is one of those games where you don't have to communicate. People just know what to do and when.
is it just me... or is the text font for menus super blurry on pc, like it's lower res or something?
Right, I get that, but it still feels like a huge leap becausewe don't know who his parents are, why Eurocorp would be interested in him, and most hilariously, why Denham would wear a suit and tie to a black ops operation murder-napping.
Also, why does your character make a hilarious "noooo!" motion after killing Graveltron Mcbadass?
now if only the overlay worked like steamworks id be a happier man![]()
The Steam overlay can be made to work in Syndicate using the same method that worked for Battlefield 3 (shown in this image - I can confirm that this is working.
so this store is legit? are there any regional restrictions?
is it just me... or is the text font for menus super blurry on pc, like it's lower res or something?
looking for some peeps to play co-op with on 360
GT: The Visualizer
This is the worst game thanks to the bloom. I get a migraine like 30 minutes in every time I start playing. I wish there was a way to disable the bloom![]()
Origin: Messofanego
What a surprise, my laptop can run this really well! Like max settings AND vysnc on, on ATI mobility 5650, easily above 30fps.
Why? I don't see anything wrong with the picture.
Can I add members to the syndicate?
Yes, yes you can, you have to select their name and press tab to send an invite, if the key prompt doesn't appear get into a lobby with them and it'll work.
I keep forgetting that the rank doesn't show, we're ranked 278 now
so this store is legit? are there any regional restrictions?
As far as I know, got the code after 5 minutes after purchase and I'm playing it through origin now too.
Also got the extra code for golden items/tingies, which I don't care about but I don't mind it either.
I'm Swedish and I didn't have any problems, so it should at least work in all of Europe.
bit cheaper until Sunday for PC download
Bought this off the Origin UK store last night. It has appeared on my game list but shows unreleased and I can't download it. They didn't send a confirmation email either.
Support has been useless so far all they have been able to advise is re install origin <_<
Not had this issue with Origin before.
I wanna playyy![]()
Tried the proxy trick and going through a is proxy?
How do you going syndicates can u search them or do you have to be invited? If I need to be invited GT on live is Drunken Triggaz
Need to get into that 360 Syndicate.
GT: tomakasatnav
Bugger thought id invited you will do it when I get back sorry dude!