Man, this game is pretty bad as a SP game.
I have to agree, feels like a primer for co-op
Man, this game is pretty bad as a SP game.
Yeah I was really disappointed by it. Thank god for co-op.Man, this game is pretty bad as a SP game.
Oh that's neat. I don't think I've ever seen them.I checked some other forums and it seems like the mercenaries are rare random spawns that will drop in on certain levels on expert. Some have encountered them in the first area of the first co-op level if they wait too long before advancing and hacking the gate.
Polished off the co-op (stupid agents) and I have zero desire to play the single-player or to even go through co-op again. It's funny, I went from digging the game quite a bit to pretty much hating it after my 11 hours to get through all the co-op maps with a group of three.
Yeah I'll never bother with the SP again. Too much filler bullshit to have to go through. The co op though I'm really enjoying. Playing mostly with a buddy and going pretty slow, I think we're only on the 4th map. Playing the co op mode solo is a good challenge too.
Mwahahah, my syndicate just hit #9 on the leaderboards. Taking the world by storm >![]()
Is it just me or does the aiming on PC feel very floaty / loose? Even after adjusting the sensitivity it still feels like there's a little delay.
Yeah, I'm having a problem with it. Finding it hard to target guys accurately . Something seems off.
Kb/m or controller, and have you switched off the auto aim? That thing is nasty
Controller. Should I just switch to Mouse/Keyboard?
Yeah I was really disappointed by it. Thank god for co-op.
In other news I made it through a co-op level by myself last night for the first time (Mozambique). Man that was intense. So much fun though.
If Starbreeze makes a Syndicate 2 I would highly recommend they just make the co-op the full campaign, just scale it down for one player if necessary, or add AI squadmates that you can give basic directions to.
Oh that's neat. I don't think I've ever seen them.
Solo'd that mission by myself today as well, it was definitely harrowing, how many tries did it take you? took me 8. at level 8
It takes way to many bullets to kill enemies in this game.
Blowing limbs/heads off with the upgraded sniper rifle is one of my life's joys right now./me loves my sniper rifle
Never the highest scorer on the team but always in the area of the top player.
Single player or co-op? I don't find this to be the case compared to other modern shooters.It takes way to many bullets to kill enemies in this game.
Blowing limbs/heads off with the upgraded sniper rifle is one of my life's joys right now.
Single player or co-op? I don't find this to be the case compared to other modern shooters.
Played with Dave1988 and Raul_Atreides in our PS3 Syndicate tonight. Lots of fun but I got my ass completely handed to me when we tried expert since my character is still pretty low level. Still, I had a lot of fun and hope to play with the GAF Syndicate again soon, if they're willing to have me after my performance tonight.I need to stick with normal for a while.![]()
I was just joking around. I always really suck at stuff like this at first. Once I play through all the missions a couple times and build up my agent I'll be good to go.Hey even getting picked off the ground helps the syndicate! It's a management challenge to reboot guys, 2000 is the target! So don't feel guilty, just try not to be in the open, against 4 Agents, makes life complicated... But seriously though the Gaf community is about having fun and a laugh so you'll be invited back... Me I have to run a syndicate or else I'd never be pickedlol
I was just joking around. I always really suck at stuff like this at first. Once I play through all the missions a couple times and build up my agent I'll be good to go.
I think I was a little over level 10, probably took me around 5 tries. I also did Western Europe today by myself for the first time, that ones a lot of fun.
This is my first disappointment of the year. Can't fucking stand the controls. I don't know what it is, I can't shoot worth a shit in this game. I don't like not finishing games, but think this is going back to family video unfinished.
Quick thanks to JTrov and the visualiser for some great games tonight, had a couple of really good runs.
Gaf currently rank 811 on LIVE our stock is rising.
How far are you into it? Once everything clicked for me, and it took a while, the controls felt great. You have to use a lot more buttons simultaneously than most games but it works quite well.
The electron mace fully powered is god I love it.
Does anyone know how you sprint tackle Riot Shield guys? The sprint action followed by the door bash thing that appears in a few spots of the campaign (I think it's left stick to sprint, right stick to bash) doesn't seem to work. Kilo lowers his shoulder but then nothing in particular happens to the shield bearer.
Quick thanks to JTrov and the visualiser for some great games tonight, had a couple of really good runs.
Gaf currently rank 811 on LIVE our stock is rising.
We definitely had some great runs tonight, especially during those final showdowns on Scandinavia.
Finally encountered my first hard lock-up in co-op. sucks that it happened on Northern Territories; I love that map.
I still haven't seen any map after Northern Territories, and now it makes sense, since you told me about the glitch. So is the only way to advance to just play the last stage unlocked until it recognizes you've completed it?
Either way GAFindustries is on the rise. Going to log on in a little and put in some more work.![]()
Why bother? The Kusanagi ACR-10 shoots right through riot shields.
I still can't get past W. Europe without dying, but i have it down pat..gonna try the 3rd stage, hopefully its manageable!
So does the sniper.
Unfortunately, it's one of the few achievements I'm missing, and I'm a whore like that. I can't figure out for shit how to accomplish anything by sprinting or sprinting and right stick clicking them. Nothing seems to work.![]()
Wow.. Just finished the 3rd co-op mission solo(normal), went in level 10 came out level 13 , the moment i was dropped i was getting tagged on all sides, died 8 times, before i even left the heli-pad..but found a safe haven a few feet away, hunkered down and dominated, got the minigun and shredded..then there's the agents....*pause*....i was not prepared for that, i peed a little when they jumped out..killed e'm all after understanding how to seperate them, missed one chip though![]()
I love this game..the co-op campaign is one of the best single player experiences i've ever had the pleasure of sinking time into..its a bit of a grind to get passed the first mission, but you can feel your improvement and your agent getting stronger..
You definitely just have to sprint into them.
Imo, the best part of the coop is playing with other people, but that's just me.
The electron mace fully powered is god I love it.
If GAF accepts EU-members or have a EU-syndicate I'd love to join for some good coop-action, random games can be pretty frustrating.
I'm playing on PC/Origin and my origin name is: SKoplik80
I'd be greateful for a syndicate invitation!
Booting my pc now.