At what point does the battle system click? I just got [new?]
back in the adult arc [Lhant Hill] and I am battling with a higher difficulty setting.
I am enjoying it, but I feel like I am just spamming attacks, not really knowing if I am doing it correctly.
I mean, the execution seems simple enough (for example: 1CC -> 2CC -> B-Arte -> 3CC)... but I don't know if I am doing it right, if the artes are connecting or what artes I am performing [also, a practice mode would have been greatly appreciated

BTW, was the duplication glitch fixed in the NA release?
It was (unfortunately) fixed on the NA release, yeah.
As for when does the battle system click, wait until you get more characters and better artes, as usual when it comes to Tales games. The system didn't click with me immediately too, until after I had a 4-person party. You do seem like you're doing it right. There isn't really a right or wrong way to play this, imo.
If you're having issues, are you just using the X button artes? They have a tree in the Artes menu, and the attacks change depending on what direction you push (or null direction if you're not pushing a direction). So, if you're pushing in no direction for the entire attack sequence, you're going to use:
Quick Slash -> Nimble Fang --> Dual Impact -> Burial Blade.
But say if you push to the left during the attack string before you're supposed to make a third attack, it'll be different:
Quick Slash -> Nimble Fang --> Wolfwind Fang (pushed to the left with the L-stick) -> Burial Blade (since you're early in the game, Burial Blade will be your CC4 attack until you grinded titles).
Or if you mix up your sequence. Let's pretend we're doing Left-Right-Left-Right
Quick Slash --> Gush Stroke --> Phantom Pulse --> Burial Blade
This system gets better when you get more titles and get more attacks. So let's use me as an example. I have Asbel a little later in the game, so let's pretend to mix up the directions so that I'm making him use different artes. Let's pretend I'm fighting bandits. I want to use artes that'll be strong against humans, so I'll use... Left-Null-Right-Left:
Quick-Slash (null skill, but I pushed left anyway out of habit or I'm around-stepping) --> Nimble Fang (null; just a strike attack) --> Phantom Pulse (right; strong against humans) --> Heaven's Wrath (left; strong against humans; inflicts poison)
Not to mention that certain attacks carry strengths against certain types of enemies and you'll get bonuses and boosts if you hit all of those weaknesses (ex: the A-Arte Wing Crush is strong against insect-type beasts; the B-Arte Infernal Torrent is strong against humans), so that's something to bear in mind when you're used to the battle system.
O button Artes are easy enough since they're pretty much like the regular special artes in other Tales games.