Usual Suspect
Huge Tales fan. Next week can't come soon enough and fingers crossed that i get my CE on time.
Hey Mr.Postman....
Hey Mr.Postman....
Wooo, so much ToG hate here. Is the game even worth to be finished? I bought it full price, and am not sure since i have tons and tons of game that i want to play first.
Is it easy to miss quests? I will do all of them I see, the NPC's with ! over their head. I always play a skit when I see it.
Whats the most annoying trophy to get in this game?
The rare monster trophy...Is it easy to miss quests? I will do all of them I see, the NPC's with ! over their head. I always play a skit when I see it.
Whats the most annoying trophy to get in this game?
Spot-on. That's the score I'd give it.Is that bad or pretty spot on?
Platinumed twice, so I played through the game four times (though for the Milla playthrough, I skipped most of the cutscenes). Yes, you should try to use a guide for those since some of the quests are only available after certain events, and some of them have points of no return (ie: the chapter ends).I'll probably be trying to platinum the game as I did Graces (except I never finished getting the plat). Anything noteworthy I should know? Missable side quests are still around? Should I use a guide for those? Dark Schala you've platinumed the game like a dozen times, what do you recommend?
No. All of the trophies are braindead easy and they're boring and don't enforce player skill.So, does anyone know my trophy question? Are there any beat final boss in different difficulty modes?
Like I'd written in the OP FAQ:Is it easy to miss quests? I will do all of them I see, the NPC's with ! over their head. I always play a skit when I see it.
Whats the most annoying trophy to get in this game?
Q: What are the sidequests like? Are any of them missable?
A: There are 102 sidequests in the game, and they are denoted by exclamation points above NPCs’ heads. 32 of those sidequests are missable, and their points of no return are typically by the end of the chapter, so try to complete sidequests as quickly as possible when you get them. There is a sidequest journal in the menu that helps to keep track of which quests are ongoing, which quests are finished, and which quests are failed. And for those curious about it, there is a trophy for doing 90 sidequests.
What I did was that I ended up buying all the skits in the Grade Shop for 3000 Grade, then going to the skit archive and playing all of the skits until the trophy popped since you get all of the skits when you purchase the item anyway (you need 220 skits).Skits are a little more annoying since they are more dependent on the timing of when they'll appear.
But truth be told, since you have to do a second playthrough on the other character's story, you'll bound to get all the skits and can probably do all the sidequests anyway.
Different difficulties affect the combo XP multiplier bonus you get at the end of battles. If you want to easily get the level 99 trophies for everyone faster, I'd encourage playing on Hard.
That is, provided that you know how to exploit the combos with Milla at the beginning (ex: 3 normal hits and then a Negative Holder, rinse and repeat, making sure not to knock anyone down).
Spot-on. That's the score I'd give it.
But everyone tells me that I grade harshly too. They haven't seen the AniHawk scale. :/
Platinumed twice, so I played through the game four times (though for the Milla playthrough, I skipped most of the cutscenes). Yes, you should try to use a guide for those since some of the quests are only available after certain events, and some of them have points of no return (ie: the chapter ends).
Other than that, everything's pretty straightforward. For the "use this x amount of times" trophies, there's an in-game list that keeps track of everything you do (so it'll keep track of how many times you've used Jude's vanish skill, how many food items you've eaten, how many hits in a combo you've done, etc.), so it's easy to keep track of everything. You'll know when you look at the titles menu, too, since trophies/grade are tied to titles now, which, if you ask me, is pretty suck.
No. All of the trophies are braindead easy and they're boring and don't enforce player skill.
For the 100-hit combo trophy, you can easily use Rowen or Milla towards the end of the game with Splash and one of Milla's elemental skills that you'll get in Chapter 4 to easily get that trophy. I ended up getting that trophy with Leia last time.
Most annoying trophy to me was probably fight 75 rare/strong enemies until I figured out that you can go in and out of the forest to easily fight a Strong/Bacura enemy instead. I handed that tip to R_thanatos, and he thought it was neat. I guess the "get 450 black feathers" trophy might be hard for some people, but if you keep picking things up on the field and getting drops from enemies, it really shouldn't be hard to get those.
I guess most people will find the hardest trophy to be the "do 90 sidequests" trophy, just because 32/102 sidequests are missable.
OH. When you start getting food items, start using them right away, if you're platinum-bound. That's cuz one of the trophies is "Eat food 800 times!" Also, pick up every single sparkly you see and every single duffel bag. Even when you go through areas again, do that again, since you have to pick up 800 sparklies for a trophy. And use everyone and use their special skills when you use them manually. Faster to get to "use this 150x" for some of the trophies. In essence, the tedium of trophy grinding in Xillia just sours Xillia 2's environments for people at times because you have to do the same effing thing only do it MORE for Xillia 2. And that sucks. It's really regrettable that they decided to do the same trophy list but just up the amount of times you have to do everything by 2x for Xillia 2.
My advice? Don't do this on your first run if you want to enjoy the game the first time around. Do most of your platinum stuff on the second playthrough. It's faster that way. I did most of my stuff on my first playthroughs and it was soooo boooorrring, and it took me a while to actually start my second playthrough.
So don't do trophy nonsense until your second playthrough. You'll enjoy the game more if you play through the first time normally. The trophies aren't hard, but they're just boring as hell to do. This is my least-liked Tales trophy list because it doesn't encourage skill at all. It's too easy.
Like I'd written in the OP FAQ:
What I did was that I ended up buying all the skits in the Grade Shop for 3000 Grade, then going to the skit archive and playing all of the skits until the trophy popped since you get all of the skits when you purchase the item anyway (you need 220 skits).
Like you said, everything, including the trophies, are trivialized by the Grade Shop.
I love Graces f, and a lot of other GAF members do too (particularly those who imported). It just kinda feels weird that people say they hated it when reading some of the posts in the Graces f OT and the import impressions/Graces f demo thread made me think the complete opposite.Reading this thread made me pop in Tales of Graces f again, because I hadn't finished the post game ark because of other priorities at the time. I forgot how much fun this game is. The battle system is just insane. IMO the skits make up for any weakness in the story too.
Funny enough, despite the general consensus about the game, Graces f is what got me really interested in Tales games again..
I'll continue to help out when I can when the game actually comes out like I did with the Graces f thread. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.Thank You for the advice.
Reading this thread made me pop in Tales of Graces f again, because I hadn't finished the post game ark because of other priorities at the time. I forgot how much fun this game is. The battle system is just insane. IMO the skits make up for any weakness in the story too.
I love Graces f, and a lot of other GAF members do too (particularly those who imported). It just kinda feels weird that people say they hated it when reading some of the posts in the Graces f OT and the import impressions/Graces f demo thread made me think the complete opposite.
"WORST TALES EVER"I think they're just used to Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia having decent stories. Whereas Graces is not terrible but not good either. I still want to see a localized Rebirth and see how that one's received. :lol
Err... well, the OP has two variants... Sheesh, I didn't count. Probably 12-15.How many anime cutsense in the game?
When you consider the reason people seem to hate it so much is the story though it actually DOES make a certain amount of sense they'd enjoy an import demo more than the full game.I love Graces f, and a lot of other GAF members do too (particularly those who imported). It just kinda feels weird that people say they hated it when reading some of the posts in the Graces f OT and the import impressions/Graces f demo thread made me think the complete opposite.
How many anime cutsense in the game?
Err... well, the OP has two variants... Sheesh, I didn't count. Probably 12-15.
Point taken.When you consider the reason people seem to hate it so much is the story though it actually DOES make a certain amount of sense they'd enjoy an import demo more than the full game.
How many anime cutsense in the game?
My advice? Don't do this on your first run if you want to enjoy the game the first time around. Do most of your platinum stuff on the second playthrough. It's faster that way.
So all the trophy stuff carries over into the next playthrough? Nice.
Does it have those extra skills and whatnot in NG+ like Vesperia?
Is that bad or pretty spot on?
How many difficulty levels are there? I assume that only the highest one is NG+ only.
Does it have those extra skills and whatnot in NG+ like Vesperia?
Tales of Graces did a hell of a number on my interest, but I'm still getting excited for this now.
videogamesplus just shipped my copy, so excited![]()
15. Plus the two openings. About 30 minutes in content altogether I believe. Ufotable is awesome.![]()
How obscure are the some of the missable side-quests? Will I have to, say, backtrack to the very first town every chapter to get them?
No offense but this is probably one of worst ot ops I've ever seen.
No offense but this is probably one of worst ot ops I've ever seen.
I haven't played a tales game since Eternia. How hard are the 3d battles to get into?
No offense but this is probably one of worst ot ops I've ever seen.
I haven't played a tales game since Eternia. How hard are the 3d battles to get into?
Copy didn't come in today so I guess it'll be here for sure by tomorrow.
Since you're reviewing it, mind sharing when the embargo going to be lifted?
Kayos, how long until that avatar leaves? At first it was funny and then it was depressing and now finally scary. lol
Oh, I found a Limited Edition unboxing, Just Push Start.
... Man, that packaging's disheartening to see. Not only a lack of a manual but using the inside cover for all that safety garbage rather than printing art there. Granted at least you get something of a nice initial run package, but that booklet really does look tiny.
Yeah, the outside case looks exactly the same so I'm not optimistic. They really did go further with NnK's and even kept that a store exclusive, but I'm guessing here the copies are the same.Not surprised they skimped out on the manual. I do wonder how the CE's manual will look like. Though I guess the royal carpet treatment NNK got is probably an one time thing now.
That artbook looks even skimpier than the CE's artbook as well.
I guess I'm decently satisfied with keeping my CE preorder at this point.