I guess I'll be playing on easy.Sadly, the difficulty levels have no effect on your battle rewards, unlike other Tales games, which is super stupid.
I guess I'll be playing on easy.Sadly, the difficulty levels have no effect on your battle rewards, unlike other Tales games, which is super stupid.
Co-op battles are a series staple outside a few exceptions (legacy titles, portable titles, and Legendia).the only tales game i played is symphonia and i loved that.
are the battles 1-4 player co-op?
And the in-battle skits where they can sometimes be chatting away at the enemy or with each other.
the only tales game i played is symphonia and i loved that.
are the battles 1-4 player co-op?
The other Tales will blow your fucking mind, then, because Symphonia is one of the worse Tales games.
Disagree, though I do think it falls short due to its age now. Mainly the battle system.
But in a series with Phantasia GBA, Versus, and Tempest, and considering most of the great titles weren't localized here (Rebirth, Destiny remake), it's decent.
Well, when I say 'worse', I'm stacking it against Hearts DS, Destiny Remake PS2, Hearts R, Vesperia, Graces F (yes F is better at actually being a game), Eternia, Rebirth, and even Innocence R as being better than Symphonia.
Is that bad or pretty spot on?
that's the Collector Edition right
I'm referring to the Day One Limited Edition (first print)
unless the artbook and CD in that video is what I'll get too
Is that bad or pretty spot on?
Sadly, the difficulty levels have no effect on your battle rewards, unlike other Tales games, which is super stupid.
Is there a beat "final boss" on harder mode type trophies? If not, no real reason to play at a higher level of difficulty.
so if I thought tales of abyss was about an 8... I guess i'll probably dig this a bit?
so how does milla play? videos make her seem a bit different from your typical 'magic knight' in the series who more often then not have 2 distinct skillsets of melee moves or slow casting spells and not many moves that combine both.
so if I thought tales of abyss was about an 8... I guess i'll probably dig this a bit?
so how does milla play? videos make her seem a bit different from your typical 'magic knight' in the series who more often then not have 2 distinct skillsets of melee moves or slow casting spells and not many moves that combine both.
I'll probably be trying to platinum the game as I did Graces (except I never finished getting the plat). Anything noteworthy I should know? Missable side quests are still around? Should I use a guide for those? Dark Schala you've platinumed the game like a dozen times, what do you recommend?
This ability is amazing, by the prepared to use every character at least once. Meaning you need to use each characters special ability (ie backstep -> warp ability) 150+ times. It's a bit of a grind so it might be worth switching the characters around while you play to try and get some of those trophies out of the way during the one playthrough.
This ability is amazing, by the way.
I'm expecting a 7.5 from metacritic so this is about right. Also, Edge is harsher towards JRPGs so I'd say this is more positive than negative.
This ability is amazing, by the way.
Well, the hardest difficulty is unlocked when you beat the game, so people should be aware of that if their only experience is with Graces.
It's just like with the other games for people familiar with past games localized from the previous generation.
graces was pretty much, we made an awesome battle system, huzzzah!
ohhh... i ate some bad,
*shits out the rest of the game*
Is this a 8-4 joint?
Why does this flaw keep happening? It waters down the difficulty as you've played thru it once already too.
I just have this weird tendency to quit playing J-RPGs at the very end of it. I got to the end of Persona 4 but didn't beat the final boss until about 4 years later, and I'm sitting at the final boss of EO4, and I have FE:A at the final chapter (or thereabouts, 25 or something) and then I realize I haven't started SMT4 yet and halp ;_;.
So, does anyone know my trophy question? Are there any beat final boss in different difficulty modes?
Nope. There are no difficulty related trophies.
All mostly do this or do that or get this so many times.
I guess I'll be playing on easy.
Wooo, so much ToG hate here. Is the game even worth to be finished? I bought it full price, and am not sure since i have tons and tons of game that i want to play first.
I don't get the hate for Tales of Graces. Sure, the story and characters are bland (minus Malick and Pascal) but it has the best battle system of any Tales game. And I liked all the characters much better during the Future Arc.Wooo, so much ToG hate here. Is the game even worth to be finished? I bought it full price, and am not sure since i have tons and tons of game that i want to play first.
Yay, I might actually platinum a Tales games. Graces F has to many ones I didn't like.![]()
you know... i still haven't touched the epilogue extra stuff from graces yet.
Yeah, this game is pretty easy to plat. A little tedious mostly due to making sure you don't miss out on sidequests and skits, but still easy.
Wow so this is out next week? Wonder if I can free up some money in my budget to get hold of it, where's the cheapest place in the UK to get a standard edition/Day One Edition/whatever they're calling the one that isn't the collector's edition?