what music plays for the idolmaster outfits?
Not too sure about Milla/Leias but Elize has Go My Way (without the lyrics)
what music plays for the idolmaster outfits?
For real. Pascal's best costume was her school one, but that cheerful and peppy battle theme that played was just grating. My solution: put Hubert in his Flynn costume in the first slot.I hope future Tales games let you toggle the music. Just in case I did want to wear a costume but not hear the battle music, or if I wanted to hear a different cameo battle theme but didnt want to have that character in the highest slot or whatnot.
Xillia 1's costumes can be used in Xillia 2 though, right?
It usually sucks when I fully beat a game and they release good costumes (in general) and I'm like "why buy them?" Lol.
$3 per costume per character? Too overpriced... damn it.
Idunno when I'll do it but I'm buying all the costumes for the girls minus the cameo ones (they look ugly)
That's near 50 bucks. DAMN. For fucking costumes. LOL.
I bought four costumes and shall restrain myself from buying any more. I feel... unclean.
$3 is nothing. You haven't experienced full suffering unless you payed for Vesperia/Graces F DLC when the yen was really high :x
La da de. . . Got most of Xillia DLC . . . and some of Xillia 2 DLC . . .
Actually scariest thing is how much I spent on Im@S2 . . .
I just finished the game earlier today. While it wasn't perfect, it hit my personal tastes in all the right ways, and I had a blast the whole way through. Out of the Tales games I've played (Symphonia, Abyss, Graces, and Xillia), this is probably my new favorite.
Now the agonizing wait for Xillia 2 begins...
what music plays for the idolmaster outfits?
Elly in a maid outfit just seems so wrong.
That's because it is. C'mon... she's 13...
That and her backstory makes it worse, kinda skeezy.
Not buying no DLC though. Leia is a goddess just as she is.
Yes she is... I can't believe that Jude hasn't hit that.
guess I can stop hoping for them to actually put a good amount of costumes in from the start thanks to that.
All takes place one year later.I haven't read much about Xillia 2 but this owing money to the mob shit sounds horrible. Btw how much into the future is Xillia 2? cough how much older is elly?cough
ToX characters have new default costumes. They have access to their old costumes later on too. Ludger has a few costumes (at least 4 extra ones iirc). Then there are several costumes that actually change your entire character model to an existing character, and these are available for everybody.I think if they stopped rushing out Tales games they could potentially put one or two sets of costumes in the game. Xillia has like four costumes total, does Xillia 2 offer any more?
I refuse to buy any costumers, ever. I can't believe people here actually are, guess I can stop hoping for them to actually put a good amount of costumes in from the start thanks to that.
Go My Way
My Best Friend
Shiny Smile
what music plays for the idolmaster outfits?
I wonder if we really will get all the costumes like Baba said when the game was first announced for the west.
Just don't expect ones not on the PSN store in Japan. (ie Ayumi and I think the Madoka ones?).
glad its such a pain to buy dlc on ps3, or i'd have impulse bought many outfits. exit out of the game to go to the store? fuck that.
Buy them when you turn the system on before you start playing
Is there any chance the pre-order costumes end up on the store?