Oh, so probably the trophies wheremight feel repetitive.you need to make your friendship with other characters at max (probably through Friend Link S items), completing Cat Dispatch, activate chain link OVL 1350 times, use 4050 link artes, find 700 different items, earn 100000 chips in Poker, etc.
The description is 走者キャラクターが1分間以上ノーダメージだった戦闘回数40回
...so that means you have to do it 40 times.
I imagine that you set everyone to either manual or do nothing (better to set at manual so you can get this to count 4 times per battle), pick one of the turtle enemies or something that moves slow (plus something that's easy to beat), beat up everything else while not getting hit except for the slow enemy, taunt with L3 and then run around the arena to make sure it chases you, make sure 1 minute has passed, then get rid of it. You can get it done in 10 battles this way if you picked manual for everyone.
That's what I'd do anyway.
A few people had suggested that I not touch it when I said I should finally play my copy a long time ago.I played through AT3 a few motnhs ago after sitting on it for the longest time. I regret it. Anyone would be crazy to plat that game.
I'm insane sometimes.
Yup. I'm not getting a plat for that now. lolOh, so probably the trophies wheremight feel repetitive.you need to make your friendship with other characters at max (probably through Friend Link S items), completing Cat Dispatch, activate chain link OVL 1350 times, use 4050 link artes, find 700 different items, earn 100000 chips in Poker, etc.
how, and why. I mean that game is just so painful to play and finish, I don't want to think about getting the platinum.I played through AT3 a few motnhs ago after sitting on it for the longest time. I regret it. Anyone would be crazy to plat that game.
does xillia 2 have an abundant amount of anime cutscenes as well?
I think it has a few less than Xillia IMO, but they're still great.
Ufotable better be sticking around. I don't want Production I.Shit back.
I really liked the combat in Graces F but i HATED the story,what am i in for in this one?
Much better story and characters, still great combat but not nearly as refined or well tied together.
Xillia 2's gameplay is way better, IMO.
I played through AT3 a few motnhs ago after sitting on it for the longest time. I regret it. Anyone would be crazy to plat that game.
Nice to hear, i fucking hate Graces F characters, the whole lot of them
Graces' characters are far from being universally hated, even if it is the most common complaint you see about the game. I have many friends who liked both the story and characters, myself included. Some of them even prefer Graces to Xillia.Oddly enough I recently talked to someone who said he liked Graces overall more than Xillia including the characters. First time I can recall hearing that too. Different strokes though I suppose.
Should've made Rowen's Barbatos costume auto-activate MAs whenever bosses used items.
Oddly enough I recently talked to someone who said he liked Graces overall more than Xillia including the characters. First time I can recall hearing that too. Different strokes though I suppose.
I'd be one of those people who liked Graces' combat and characters. The feel I got from the game was that the cast of Graces was like a family. Found many moments in the game legitimately heartwarming, actually. I never got that feel from Vesperia or Abyss's characters, that's for sure (though I like most of the casts in both games).
But I can see Xillia's story being better put together than Graces'. But it makes me sad when people have to put down Graces so fiercely when they ask about Xillia. Considering how much of a longshot the localization for Graces was, I'm just glad we got it at all. I'm not far enough in Xillia to judge it much yet, but I am enjoying the world design and the characters so far.
Still amusing Namco hasn't capitalized on DLC artes yet.
lol I'd be really disappointed if it ever came to that.
I'm actually surprised they didn't do more of what they did in Vesperia. Where ingame cameo costumes altered your existing artes and could be learned.
But instead, tack that onto DLC costumes.
I'd be one of those people who liked Graces' combat and characters. The feel I got from the game was that the cast of Graces was like a family. Found many moments in the game legitimately heartwarming, actually. I never got that feel from Vesperia or Abyss's characters, that's for sure (though I like most of the casts in both games).
But I can see Xillia's story being better put together than Graces'. But it makes me sad when people have to put down Graces so fiercely when they ask about Xillia. Considering how much of a longshot the localization for Graces was, I'm just glad we got it at all. I'm not far enough in Xillia to judge it much yet, but I am enjoying the world design and the characters so far.
Questions about New Game Plus and inheriting.
So far what I plan to inherit isI already got trophy and Grade Points for maxing out everyone so I too out theInherit Shop Levels, Inherit Consumable Items, Inherit Material Items, Inherit Fashion items, Inherit Accessory Items, Inherit Special Items, Inherit Devil's Arms, Double Experience, Double Gald, Double Material Points, Inherit Arte Usage, Double Item Drops and Maximum AC+1.for other stuff. My question is, is this a good way to start my Milla's route or should I allot points somewhere else?5x Experience
You must have a lot of grade. @_@
Uh, shops levels and material points is a little redundant. I'll say don't inherit shops levels, materials, consumables or accessory items since you'll probably get them all over again with double item drops and double material points.
Get being able to hold 99 items since you'll be overflowing with stuff due to double item drops.
If you want to make all the battles go even quicker, get double damage and triple critical rate. Double link gauge leveling is pretty sweet as well, especially if you need the link artes and link chain trophies.
Inherit the skill items is pretty great as well.
I only got about 5330 or 5430 GP.
Reason why I was going to inherit shop levels and double material points so I can minimize the grinding. Got tired of doing it on post game Jude route so I figured I could kill two birds with one stone by doing Milla's route and finishing maxing it out. I only got double items just to use up my last bit of points that was left over.
I just got to this part, too. Ice cold.WTF Milla!?
She would have let Elize and Driselle die by explosion!? What a cold-hearted bitch!
WTF Milla!?
She would have let Elize and Driselle die by explosion!? What a cold-hearted bitch!
What should I inherit to make my second playthrough as quick, easy, and fun as possible? Half or full levels (I'm level 99 btw)?
Got about 7600 grade.
WTF Milla!?
She would have let Elize and Driselle die by explosion!? What a cold-hearted bitch!
I'll say it's hard to have it easy, quick and fun at the same time.
Uh, all the multipliers (exp, gald, item drop, material points) makes it easy to get everything and everyone to max.
Double damage, double link gauge and triple critical along with fell arms trivializes even unknown mode.
Also keeping skills items, special items, fashion items, artes usage and increased max item capacity.
If you can squeeze them into, Max AC +1 or +2, SP to 1 or TP costs in half could be fun too.
Wow, I barely remember this story. When was this? During theFort raid?
Speaking of Milla, I'm just now listening to her battle themes.
Man, I forgot how much of a difference Effort Sakuraba has compared to "Phoning-it-In" Sakuraba in terms of music. Seriously, these Milla battle themes are so much better than Jude's battle themes by a fair margin, even though the last Jude battle theme is pretty close (and I absolutely hate Jude's second battle theme with a passion).
10 hours in. Combat in this game feels worse than Graces F. I also play all tales games with one other person, so I'm not a very big fan of this link art system at all..
Better story and characters than Graces though.
Late into act 4, isthe point of no return or is the popup just for this area or something? Doesn't seem like it should be a lockoff point but I'm not sure.Nia Khera Hallowmont
Well...Just reached what I think is one of the final destinations of Chapter 4. Is Xillia 2 filled with these beautiful jazz melodies as well?
I agree 100% with what you said about Graces f's characters. Never thought I'd run into another person who liked Graces f for more than it's battle system. I finished Jude's route in Xillia and I'm not sure what to feel yet regarding it and how it stacks up with Graces f story wise. Both are great imo.
A few people had suggested that I not touch it when I said I should finally play my copy a long time ago.
Then I looked at footage and didn't want to play it anymore.
how, and why. I mean that game is just so painful to play and finish, I don't want to think about getting the platinum.
what ?
i platiniumed it ..
Yes i did the story 11 times. ( most annoying was to get all chests because you don't know if you've got all chests untill you're past the no-return point DAMMIT )