I was floored when my characters got a 2nd Lilium Orb to play with.
Ohhh boyyyy. My obsession in filling them will be the bane of my social life and health

This game is surprisingly long. I am around 22-23 hours in and I am currently doing stuff in Xian Du. Still a long way to go? Wait, don't answer that.
I am exclusively controlling Jude, though I realize this will stop me from gaining titles for character links that do not involve him. Hmmmmmmmm.
I *looooooooooooooooooooooooooove* Elize to death. Holy shit at her level of adorableness. Although now since Leia learned Heal I guess she's mostly at the back bench... sorry cutie pie
What's your ideal party guys? I always try to conform to 2 guys 2 girls rule, so for me it's mostly Jude-Leia-Millia-Alvin. I want to stuck Elize in there somewhere but for some reason it has been rather difficult to me to find an ideal party for her... and all of her Arte Links with Jude so far that I have found are the healing kind, not offensive....... Hmmm.