Yeah. Doesn't matter which playthrough you do it on, as long as you do the 90 sub events on that specific playthrough.So on my new game plus, where i play as milla.. Will i be able to complete the 90 sub events if i get the missables/can only miss 7?
Yeah. Doesn't matter which playthrough you do it on, as long as you do the 90 sub events on that specific playthrough.
Finished Jude's story, 60 hours.
The Grade in my save file is 4500. Recommend me things to buy for my Milla NG+ folks. I am thinking the 5x experience, 2x experience, then.... maybe double gald, double item drop, double material exp for shops, 30 items.... what else.....
Gonna be annoyed that it seems I won't be carrying shop levels though... Items, Armor, Food, and Accessory were all at level 80-ish with weapons at level 93... ah well, hopefully double item drop and double material exp can help smooth things up.
I am gonna use a guide to 100% the next file.
Is the counter number for stuff like "Have Alvin breaks enemies x450 times* resets to zero? Because if it is, I am gonna be pissed.....
Don't bother with the 30 items in my opinion. You don't need the increased limit.Finished Jude's story, 60 hours.
The Grade in my save file is 4500. Recommend me things to buy for my Milla NG+ folks. I am thinking the 5x experience, 2x experience, then.... maybe double gald, double item drop, double material exp for shops, 30 items.... what else.....
Gonna be annoyed that it seems I won't be carrying shop levels though... Items, Armor, Food, and Accessory were all at level 80-ish with weapons at level 93... ah well, hopefully double item drop and double material exp can help smooth things up.
I am gonna use a guide to 100% the next file.
Is the counter number for stuff like "Have Alvin breaks enemies x450 times* resets to zero? Because if it is, I am gonna be pissed.....
Devils arms inherited as well as xp boost and shop level is pretty much it.
Don't bother with the 30 items in my opinion. You don't need the increased limit.
Your link skill usages don't reset, no. The only trophy's which have to be done on a single playthrough are chests, loot, aifread's treasures and subquests. Skits is a single playthrough, but all the skits you've unlocked carry over so you can just watch them all again, and then find some you missed.
Devil arms, huh.... The fell best isn't that difficult to beat again so for me it seems a waste to give 500 points just to carry them over while I can just as easily beat them again.
Hmmm, perhaps you are correct....
As for skill usage, is it cumulative from the last save file? By that I mean, although the number does not reset: say, I have Alvin's breaks at 225, if I do another breaks with him immediately in the new game file will it raise to 226 or will it actually still stay at 225 until I reach 225 in my NG+ file and perform another one to raise it to 226?
Sorry, if this sound confusing, but that's the impression I got from reading some posts in gamefaqs about this... but maybe I am misremembering things.
It raises it.Devil arms, huh.... The fell best isn't that difficult to beat again so for me it seems a waste to give 500 points just to carry them over while I can just as easily beat them again.
Hmmm, perhaps you are correct....
As for skill usage, is it cumulative from the last save file? By that I mean, although the number does not reset: say, I have Alvin's breaks at 225, if I do another breaks with him immediately in the new game file will it raise to 226 or will it actually still stay at 225 until I reach 225 in my NG+ file and perform another one to raise it to 226?
Sorry, if this sound confusing, but that's the impression I got from reading some posts in gamefaqs about this... but maybe I am misremembering things.
I'm glad RoF is in my backlog now. This was a +1 to the purchase.They're becoming more and more lenient with sidequests in these games. In Xillia 2 I believe there's even some sort of quest board. I don't know how much is missable there, but it's probably better than before.
I wish missables would just be done away with in every game. If I ever made a game, one of my top priorities would be to make sure that absolutely nothing is missable. All it does is put strain on the player and screws up the pacing if you wanna do something else first but are forced to do a sidequest or whatever you'd rather save for later, but will be missed if you wait too long.
The thing with some Tales sidequests (and skits) is that they relate to the current events in the story, so it technically wouldn't make sense if you did it later. Still, there are probably ways they could think of to get around it.
I liked what Resonance of Fate did where you had chapters and all the quests you can get are on a quest board (which are shared amongst the towns). In each chapter, by doing some quests you can unlock others, so you have to keep updated. But the thing is, once you reach the end of a chapter, you are still given the option of playing in that chapter until you manually decide to move to the next one. So if you see no more quests available on the board by the time you're at the end of the chapter, you can safely move on to the next one.
There's no stress or worry involved. You still have to complete all the quests before moving on to the next chapter if you want to get everything done, but there aren't THAT many per chapter, and it's a lot better than practically every RPG I've played. It's just very organized and convenient.
I wish every RPG was like that.
Ok, so my team is level 70 atm, should i go for 99 trophies now' or wait until the new game plus 5x xp and start over using 100% exp food?
New game plus is definitely the easier choice. You will have to level up again from level 1, but the XP boost + food XP 100% boost in boss battles (and normal ones in normal battles) will make you level up like a thousand levels in one battle. lol
I suspected that Milla isn't really Lord Maxwell, but her being used to fish out the Elympos people is intriguing.
...and as I suspected Muzet did turn against us, but the poor people of Nia Kheira!
Uhh...chapter 1? I think you're on chapter 4 lol.
Wait really? I heard Chapter 1 was the longest...can't believe I'm actually that far in![]()
Do the item fanatic and enemy sage trophies, carry over to new game plus?
Or do i have to kill/buy everything again lol?
I know the enemy sage trophy does as I used the exclusive monsters in Milla's Part 4 route to get enough for that.
I imagine the item ones does as well as they are probably going off the number of entries you have in your item book.
They both carry over. Not sure if you can even get the enemy sage trophy through just playing one side of the story, it would be very tight if you could.Do the item fanatic and enemy sage trophies, carry over to new game plus?
Or do i have to kill/buy everything again lol?
They both carry over. Not sure if you can even get the enemy sage trophy through just playing one side of the story, it would be very tight if you could.
Hmm. I fought all enemy's around the fields besides 1 in theI managed to get both, although I'm almost sure I fought all the enemies that wander around in fields, I beat the optional bosses, cleared the coliseum, and went through the bonus dungeon once before I got the enemy trophy.
I did the bonus dungeon(Although only once as I'd read there wasn't any new mob entries), and I got the bacuras besides the gold one if one existed(Was what I was on about, couldn't remember the name beforeIIRC the bonus dungeon has a lot of unique enemies. I also got some (all?) of the rarethat appear on the field. And I think some areas get new enemies after certain points in the story, you might have missed those.bacuras
This sucks. Since I knew I had finished chapter 1 I read your spoiler...and you are WAY past chapter 1.
You should edit to make it clear so other peoples experiences aren't ruined.
"We apologize"
"For defeating you"
"And stealing (taking?) your items"
"They're just spoils of war"
Gets me everytime.
Ooof so sorry mate >_<.
Tbh how did you think you just finished chapter 1? Every time you finish a chapter you get a trophy that explicitly states which chapter you finished... That's 3 trophies!
I thought they were one of those collection or milestone trophies @3@
OK so I just metlet me see if I figured it out by now:Maxwell2000ish years ago the world began utilizing Spyrix where they destory spirits to achieve...stuff like electricity and what have you.
Maxwell disapproved of this and along with others who had Mana Lobes and with some spirits and animals left to a new world which became Rieze Maxia. In doing so he sealed both worlds aparts via the Schism.
OK that's fine and dandy, but my question is: How did Alvin and others make it into Rieze Maxia 20 years ago? What happened 20 years ago that allowed for Exodus to enter into RM for him to create Milla as bait?
Other than that...
the same
Fucking seriously Bamco?
Other than that...
the same
Fucking seriously Bamco?
The story doesn't play out differently, you just see it from Milla's perspective instead of Jude's. There's minor variances in some of the cutscenes, and at all the points where Milla and Jude have seperated, you see what Milla does. I think it gives more depth to Milla, as well as Leia and Alvin who I'd argue you see more of on Milla's side.One more thing shoud I play Milla's story after finishing Jude's? Is the story progression or events told differently?
One more thing shoud I play Milla's story after finishing Jude's? Is the story progression or events told differently?
It's definitely more of a second playthrough thing, however I really don't think it's that bad.They are told from her perspective yes, there is some exclusive dialogue.
there are also some exclusive areas/enemies etc.
She also has some different sub questsand some 3
I just started NG+ after doing a ton of stuff on my original save prepairing, but in the beggining i can tell you i liked judes entry point a ton more.
Millas story seems like its made for peoples second playthrough judging from that starting point, which was really bland in comparison to judes.
I may change my mind at some point, but i havent heard the best things either, so we will see i guess.
So I just beat the game myself last night, enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would on almost every front. I think I'm going to grind out most of the trophies on this except for the level 99 one (since that seems easier to achieve with xp boosts from grade) and then jump into NG+ with as much as I can to go for the platinum.
I do have a question though, do the cosmetic items carry over into NG+? Cause I don't think I can do another play throughalso as far as I can tell every character should always be wearing the sweet hat from black feathers + sunglasseswith Jude's shitty default outfit after using the medical outfit
Also, should I do the post game dungeon/boss dude on my first play through, second, or both?
You can carry cosmetic items, yep, need to buy it in the grade shop for ng+ though. Cant remember the price, but I don't think it is expensive.
And about the dungeon, its up to you. If you want to grind for some extra trophies before going for ng+... But I think its better to do so in your second playthrough with all the bonuses from the grade shop.
Good to know, at some point early this morning I woke up and made it to a save point in that dungeon while being half asleep, so, I guess I will just keep going with it to see if I can clear it or not.
edit: ended up fighting and winning no problem, the fact that opportune moment is a link ability is pretty game breaking imo. I just sort of froze time the entire fight and punched like a madman. Still a fun fight, though, died on my first try then got it on the second.
Yeah, it certainly is more of a challenge than the rest of the bosses, but it still doesn't touch beating the Colosseum single battles with Rowen on the hardest difficulties. That was... something else.
I can't believe the "Subevent Superhero" trophy can't unlock on a NG+, like WTH Namco? I'm playing as Milla now and I've done a bunch of new subevents that I forgot to do as Jude likeand it still shows "75/90" subevents completed.talking to Ivar before meeting Elize, Milla's Pendant, Alvin's mom subquest
Really dumb that the other titles carry over but not that one. This is making me put off on finishing Milla's side. On a funnier note I was THIS close to the "no gummy" skit and I forgot to turn off auto item and right before Xian Du someone used an apple gel..FML lol
The extra dungeon is pretty short if you just rush through it.
It's just a series of rooms until you reach the boss with save points every now and then.
What does using the same arte repeatedly do other than increase the star level? Are they more powerful, or do they use less tp?