It's also odd they wasted the right stick on orders.About this particular point, there is a battle action that lets you hold the arte button to transfer into a higher level arte, which helps with the arte slots. It is a bit odd that they don't seem to have anything like the artes ball in the game though.
I don't know, I don't really remember any of the 3d Tales games ever being super polished outside ridiculous budget Vesperia and 30fps is the norm for 3d Tales (or less) outside of battle, so it seems pretty much what I expect from Tales graphically.
And I don't understand everyone's beef with the camera. So many people are raging on the camera but I've never had a problem with it on the field and in battle it's only a problem every once and a while indoor or small areas where it glitches and you can't see your character. That's happened to me like 5 battles out of 250 or something so far, so it's really not that big of a deal. When I think shit camera I think Ninja Gaiden or something. Not this game.
No sprint button is the weirdest thing considering Xillia 2 had it.
Limitation of 4 artes? Does that mean you don't have access to Right Stick shortcuts and there's no Artes Ball?
Thanks for your impressions, kayos. About the blast gauge... you say it has no great usage. You mean that you don't see yourself using it very often, not even to do make combos with more than 4 artes on them?
No Artes ball at the point where I'm at and the right stick is used for strategy shortcuts. It's actually pretty helpful.
Really? That's a really weird change.
So what's the D-pad used for?
Switching our Seraphs. And I have my own problems with how Seraphs work.
Kamui is either extremely overpowered or useless as shit.
Anyone else imported from Amiami and haven't received their package? I still haven't received mine and the status hasn't updated for 8 days now. Packages usually arrive in 3-4 days for me via EMS so this is a first...
Anyone else imported from Amiami and haven't received their package? I still haven't received mine and the status hasn't updated for 8 days now. Packages usually arrive in 3-4 days for me via EMS so this is a first...
This game is better than expected so far. Combat's decent, and I'm digging it even though I don't have a lot of artes to spare. Opening part of the game is interesting (didn't watch the OVA so pls no spoilers... I don't even know who the other characters are in the game outside of maybe like 2-4 people now-- and 1 person is because I got a keychain and asked who it was. I am really going into this one blind, so I hope I'll be a little impartial). I didn't get to the OP song yet. Intro part of the soundtrack is leaps and bounds decent; really enjoying parts of it. Hope it gets better later on.
The camera sucks in dungeons when you're unintentionally hugging a wall even on the highest x/y axes (so I feel like in these cases, the arena should've been separate -- someone in beta testing should've seen that coming, but oh well; if they want to keep doing this sort of thing and it's an interesting enough thing, this is just feedback for the future, I guess). Even then, I like seeing what other people in the party are doing so I can set up a longer combo string, so even on the highest X/Y axes, sometimes I can't see what my spellcasters are doing when I'm aggroing an enemy away, and that kinda bothers me (for new folks, I generally play Tales games like a character action game or fighter, so that's why stuff like this is important to me; if it isn't important to you, disregard because otherwise it's fine). Haven't gotten to a point where the framerate drops as I've heard, so we'll see how that goes. The only reason why I'm still in the intro part and haven't seen the OP yet is because I tend to dick around for a while during my first playthroughs of Tales games and get used to everything even though I may not have everything at a certain point (like, the intros for Tales games are really bad for my times). It's why my Tales hours are generally longer than everyone else's in an import thread, lol.
Hard mode is all right enough so far wrt balancing so I don't think I'll be playing on lower difficulties (but I don't usually do that so it doesn't matter; but in this case, it feels like some systems wouldn't shine if you do play it on lower difficulties just like Graces). It feels nice to be playing an Udo game again, at least. I know what he's going for in his games anyway. No artes ball is really disappointing, though! Dunno why that happened because it feels like a step back compared to the previous two games.
Interesting to me that costumes gets its own submenu. Sorey's gonna have a Yuri doll on his shoulder 24/7/365 cuz that's the way he seems to roll. I like Sorey; he seems cool.
That's it. I keep getting busy and can't play on my PSSpaceHeater 3 as much. I might play a little bit more later tonight if I don't decide to get some work done/don't decide to play Legend of Legacy tonight because it's too cold here and I don't wanna get up and sit in a cold chair to play something, lol.
kayos this is all your fault
Edit: Played a bit more. OP isn't too bad. *shrug* Lots of people seemed to be equating it to VS/Twin Brave-tier and this is way better than that.
kayos this is all your fault
Edit: Played a bit more. OP isn't too bad. *shrug* Lots of people seemed to be equating it to VS/Twin Brave-tier and this is way better than that.
kayos this is all your fault
Edit: Played a bit more. OP isn't too bad. *shrug* Lots of people seemed to be equating it to VS/Twin Brave-tier and this is way better than that.
I blame you for the death of multiplayer too. That's the one thing I'm not looking forward to trying out with someone soon. The camera issues even in SP are a bummer. -_-I bitched too much about design design design and this is what I get. The gaming deities are trying to smite me.
Singer sounds like she's shouting/mixing is pretty bad/she has weird vocal colour but the instrumental portion is fine.I definitely hate the OP!
I can't. I just skip through it and the most I'll watch the OP while playing the game is probably 3-4 times.I don't like anything about the song, personally. But apparently I'm weird because I like the Destiny OP song, and when I mentioned that before, a bunch of people told me it was terrible.
I usually like to listen to Tales OP songs when I start the game up. Over the course of a playthrough of a Tales game, I probably listen to the OP songs like 20ish times.
are we talking about the sfc one?As long as it's not as bad as Phantasia's OP, I don't care.
I can't. I just skip through it and the most I'll watch the OP while playing the game is probably 3-4 times.
ToD's OP song is fine, though. DEEN's good. Didn't realize people didn't like that one.
are we talking about the sfc one?
Because don't get me started on how technologically interesting the implementation of the OP song itself is for a 1995 game on the SFC.
I love the Zestria OP.
I got a question regarding nushi blessings: are theyzone-specific? (like if you get one zone at level 19 and one at level 25 (max) then if you're in the level 25's zone you'll get all blessings but once you step into the level 19's territory, you'll miss out on lvl20-25 blessings)
I read there are 25 levels per nushi, totalling at exactly 30.000 GRADE to max one...meaning I'd need to farm 210.000 GRADE to have them all at maximum levelOh boy...
Hmmmm no plans for a ps4 version, looking for the next game to be on ps4 though, hope namco eu port it themselves like I hear they did with that shonen jump fighting game
The reality is they're not going to announce it this moment considering it just launched.
Abyssal Chronicles has an article with Hideo Baba discussing Zestiria and its complaints (sorta)
Spoilers obviously, so don't click it if you're afraid of getting spoiled.
6.) Why dive into a new engine when the previous one would be more stable?
- We needed to bring a new evolutionary game. We could have worked with the previous engine since it would be more stable, but it wouldn't be innovative. This time, we focused more on aesthetics and the visual environment to enhance scenes. Players will notice the difference especially during events. Like in the Uncharted series, we wanted players to feel immersed into the game as if watching a movie. This is how we wanted to show our "passion" for the 20th anniversary title.
I really hope so too. I'd accept this only being on PS3, but it would be such a shame. Given what they say here about the lack of resources they had to make this game, I'm a little worried they really might literally not be able to devote the necessary resources for even a quick and easy port job. I wouldn't otherwise think that it could possibly be too much of a development load, but from what they are saying this game barely even finished development on PS3. It comes off like they are expecting even more downsizing.Hmmmm no plans for a ps4 version, looking for the next game to be on ps4 though, hope namco eu port it themselves like I hear they did with that shonen jump fighting game
I would be very happy if it was simply PR talk. I'm worried that it isn't though, and that Namco Bandai may realize a PS3 only release in the US would be sending the game out to die, but they just can't afford spending any more money making changes to the game.The reality is they're not going to announce it this moment considering it just launched.
So ....
This is a new engine ? sorry but it feels like the xillia engine modified.
I guess the difference is the lack of black screen before watching a cutscene ????
I can see how Zestiria is a new engine. I can also probably guess that the engine was more or less optimized for a higher spec machine (PS4) and this is why Zestiria PS3 runs 30FPS in battles instead of the usual 60FPS. Though... I guess you can make the argument that due to the seamless transition they decided to standardize on 30FPS across the board....
Abyssal Chronicles has an article with Hideo Baba discussing Zestiria and its complaints (sorta)
Spoilers obviously, so don't click it if you're afraid of getting spoiled.
So many have noticed that Tales of Zestiria uses a similar Graphic style to Xillia, is it the same graphics engine, and what makes the team choose one graphic style (like xillia's) over others (like Vesperia's)
Answer: That's actually a really good question. I don't know all of the exact details, but I know that the Zestiria Engine is an all new engine. It isn't like an edited version of the Xillia engine or anything like that, what they do is when they're in the concept stages, they have the people who work on the different character designs and things like that come up with these great things that they have to show, and if the team likes it, thats what they go with. As far as the game looking similar to Xillia, that might just be something that was done because the fans like how it looks, but usually after using the same art style for the games after 2 or 3 titles, the dev team looks for different ways to change it or make sure that it remains fresh.
Baba mentions that the development team has become smaller, so it's probably possible that they don't have the manpower to do a port to a new console while simultaneously developing the next Tales title.I would be very happy if it was simply PR talk. I'm worried that it isn't though, and that Namco Bandai may realize a PS3 only release in the US would be sending the game out to die, but they just can't afford spending any more money making changes to the game.
Can anyone elaborate on the apparent port job darkmark said Namco EU did? Is that a viable option now for Zestiria? It seems more necessary to make a flag ship title like Zestiria cross gen, but do people believe Namco is incapable of doing this
Abyssal Chronicles has an article with Hideo Baba discussing Zestiria and its complaints (sorta)
Spoilers obviously, so don't click it if you're afraid of getting spoiled.