So I haven't really been doing many of the side quests. Is it going to come back and bite me in the ass?
Oh my god this water temple. Why.
Care to share which, without too much detail and maybe in spoiler tags if you want to be careful? I don't need to know a lot but just a rough estimate of where or when I can get those and why you used quotation marks.There are only 2 that is "missable", but aren't needed for anything game or trophy related.
I just started playing this a few days ago, I'm stuck at the part where I got Edna.Please help, thanks.So I went back down the mountain and I need to fight the leader of the assassin's guild, at best I could only get her down to half HP, is there any tricks? I've been using Edna to fight her, is that the wrong Tenzoku to use for this fight? I'm at level 14, am I under leveled for this fight?
I just started playing this a few days ago, I'm stuck at the part where I got Edna.Please help, thanks.So I went back down the mountain and I need to fight the leader of the assassin's guild, at best I could only get her down to half HP, is there any tricks? I've been using Edna to fight her, is that the wrong Tenzoku to use for this fight? I'm at level 14, am I under leveled for this fight?
I just started playing this a few days ago, I'm stuck at the part where I got Edna.Please help, thanks.So I went back down the mountain and I need to fight the leader of the assassin's guild, at best I could only get her down to half HP, is there any tricks? I've been using Edna to fight her, is that the wrong Tenzoku to use for this fight? I'm at level 14, am I under leveled for this fight?
Beat the game today, after 51 hours.
Oh boy, thewas annoying >.>final form of the final boss
LOL Sorey says that you should flee. You can win this battle, but fleeing is not that bad.
Thanks for the replies. I heard Sorey (I always thought his name was Slay, is Sorey really the official translation?) said something about running away, I figure that's just the battle dialog, so I just keep trying. Is there any items or rewards for beating her or should I just flee?
No items, only Grade and XP/Gald. And you'll probably get those with a bit of farming so I'd suggest you flee if you really can't beat her.
Try to beat her though
On my end, I'm at 39h11, and just entered. I saw the gimmick in the second room then saved and quit for the day. I'll be tackling it tomorrow.the water temple
Thanks for the replies. I heard Sorey (I always thought his name was Slay, is Sorey really the official translation?) said something about running away, I figure that's just the battle dialog, so I just keep trying. Is there any items or rewards for beating her or should I just flee?
Keep in mind I've only just entered it so I don't know if there's something else or if my assumption is totally accurate or not:Can someone explain why the water temple is annoying?![]()
Keep in mind I've only just entered it so I don't know if there's something else or if my assumption is totally accurate or not:in the second room there are eyes on the wall and if you don't use a certain field action to go invisible to bypass them, you get teleported back to the first room. I guess every room has this gimmick and people got frustrated?I'll for myself tonight if that's the case or not.
But it's not THAT bad and you also have checkpoints which help a lot.
Oh my god this water temple. Why.
So anyone got any tips on keeping party alive? I feel like every boss or miniboss my party gets wrecked while I proceed to solo 90% of the boss's hp in kamui form. I generally just pray the bosses won't target them but that ain't working well. I got appeal guard equipped as well and use it often, but the aggro never really seems to stick for very long before the enemies run over and one-two shot the group.
I'm at a point where I am just putting everyone's strategy to constantly guard/heal and hope they run away so I can get max grade bonus.
I actually hope this DLC comes with some improvements aside from the extra story.
You're probably already hoping for too much.
So, was this already on the disc? How much content can 200MB be really?
So, was this already on the disc? How much content can 200MB be really?
The Alisha DLC is up here.
Doesn't seem that big for story DLC. That or western developers have spoiled me. Wonder how much it adds to the game.
Watch this DLC be like 15-20 hours.
That's like ~34x ToP SFC, ~1x ToH DS or ~2x ToI DS. =PSo, was this already on the disc? How much content can 200MB be really?
Is there any sort of compression on that 200MB?
Watch this DLC be like 15-20 hours.
Future Arc as DLC!
They regularly add free skit DLCs. They did that for Graces f as well.Did they add new skit dlc too? I see ones that weren't there when I first got the game.
Played 2 hours of the Alisha dlc. It's like future arc with new battle theme, new dungeons reusing assets, full of monsters from the hidden dungeon. Of course with Alisha not having Kamui, I'm getting totally destroyed ._.
Sounds pretty good, minus Alisha not having Kamui (maybe forgot to balance that lolz).
Does Alisha get a new cut-in for hi ougis? Does she get a second hi ougi?
Same hi ougi, same cut in redrawn with new outfit.