Why would people import this? Play-asia has a listing for EU/NA.
yeah, but does that come with a random rubber strap
does it?
Why would people import this? Play-asia has a listing for EU/NA.
Why would people import this? Play-asia has a listing for EU/NA.
damn, he's right guys, we all got hoodwinked hard
Because Jap VA > English VA
I'm just curious, are people really that impatient that they'll go through a WHOLE jrpg reading a faq to translate every piece of story dialogue? Unless you can read and understand Japanese then nevermind, but the former seems like such a fucking chore. I just don't see how anyone could enjoy a jrpg that way.
I'm just curious, are people really that impatient that they'll go through a WHOLE jrpg reading a faq to translate every piece of story dialogue? Unless you can read and understand Japanese then nevermind, but the former seems like such a fucking chore. I just don't see how anyone could enjoy a jrpg that way.
I'm just curious, are people really that impatient that they'll go through a WHOLE jrpg reading a faq to translate every piece of story dialogue? Unless you can read and understand Japanese then nevermind, but the former seems like such a fucking chore. I just don't see how anyone could enjoy a jrpg that way.
I'm just curious, are people really that impatient that they'll go through a WHOLE jrpg reading a faq to translate every piece of story dialogue? Unless you can read and understand Japanese then nevermind, but the former seems like such a fucking chore. I just don't see how anyone could enjoy a jrpg that way.
Er I can understand it just fine in Japanese. Though I don't know if the game would be any fun to people that can't understand any.
if that's how you play japanese games, more power to you.
It won't be out in those regions until much later. 6 months at least.
...Maybe they can understand Japanese? Why are you being so rude?
I swear it had a human face last time I saw it.
Why would people import this? Play-asia has a listing for EU/NA.
Yeah that's why I said it makes sense for those that understand, but I just find it odd for gaijins that have not a single clue how to translate Japanese at all to play a JRPG. Japanese games are fine to import but for software to boast nearly 100+ hours of gameplay? I'd rather wait the 6 months to play it in a language I can understand. I'm a bit envious by the way. The only thing holding me back from importing is my lack of Kanji knowledge. I'm not sure how to go about learning that.
I said nevermind to those that can read and translate Japanese. I'm only baffled at how those with 0 knowledge of it would import the game.
I don't know which is the stupider assumption here: that the people importing all can't read japanese, or that we don't know there's an English version launching later this year.
edit: Or 3) that there's gonna be a translation FAQ for the game the day the Japanese version comes out.
If I can play a game in Japanese, I usually do.Why would people import this? Play-asia has a listing for EU/NA.
Is there no more multiplayer in this entry?![]()
Yeah that's why I said it makes sense for those that understand, but I just find it odd for gaijins that have not a single clue how to translate Japanese at all to play a JRPG. Japanese games are fine to import but for software to boast nearly 100+ hours of gameplay? I'd rather wait the 6 months to play it in a language I can understand. I'm a bit envious by the way. The only thing holding me back from importing is my lack of Kanji knowledge. I'm not sure how to go about learning that.
Wouldn't say it's 0 for me but yeah.Yeah that's why I said it makes sense for those that understand, but I just find it odd for gaijins that have not a single clue how to translate Japanese at all to play a JRPG. Japanese games are fine to import but for software to boast nearly 100+ hours of gameplay? I'd rather wait the 6 months to play it in a language I can understand. I'm a bit envious by the way. The only thing holding me back from importing is my lack of Kanji knowledge. I'm not sure how to go about learning that.
I said nevermind to those that can read and translate Japanese. I'm only baffled at how those with 0 knowledge of it would import the game.
You could probably play this game without knowing much if any kanji, as long as you know the kana and have a decent grasp of the spoken language. Tales games aren't really that complex, usually.
Tales game are like Ys games:
Story? Oh yeah, that thing... skip
Actual answer:
Importing JP Zestiria on PS3, waiting on EN Zestiria on PS4. If that doesn't happen, I'll just shrug because replaying the game again in English isn't something I'm going to clamber over myself for.
You realize you're not representing how everyone feels? That's such a ridiculous thing to say. If you don't care about story either, is it fun to spend 10-20 minutes of trial and error finding out what menu does what and which artes do what? Yours and anyone else that thinks like you have a terrible definition of fun.
You realize you're not representing how everyone feels? That's such a ridiculous thing to say. If you don't care about story either, is it fun to spend 10-20 minutes of trial and error finding out what menu does what and which artes do what? Yours and anyone else that thinks like you have a terrible definition of fun.
I know a good Proctologist who can help you get that stick out of your ass, if you're interested.
You realize you're not representing how everyone feels? That's such a ridiculous thing to say. If you don't care about story either, is it fun to spend 10-20 minutes of trial and error finding out what menu does what and which artes do what? Yours and anyone else that thinks like you have a terrible definition of fun.
You realize you're not representing how everyone feels? That's such a ridiculous thing to say. If you don't care about story either, is it fun to spend 10-20 minutes of trial and error finding out what menu does what and which artes do what? Yours and anyone else that thinks like you have a terrible definition of fun.
I come back to all this ether. What the fuck guys.
I can'f wait for this Tales game. So will this be PS3 only?? Or a PS vita version too?? My Tales of backlog is getting bigger each year![]()
It seems that ordering the Asian version actually did bite me in the butt. P-A told me they haven't received it yet.
wait, what
You realize you're not representing how everyone feels? That's such a ridiculous thing to say. If you don't care about story either, is it fun to spend 10-20 minutes of trial and error finding out what menu does what and which artes do what? Yours and anyone else that thinks like you have a terrible definition of fun.
I'm also kind of waiting for a possible PS4 release.
this is being a roller coaster of emotions for you
Do DLC costumes usually come out for Western version as well? Even the anime collaboration ones?
It's weird. I guess the support team and the warehouse guys aren't exactly in sync.
Do DLC costumes usually come out for Western version as well? Even the anime collaboration ones?
Do DLC costumes usually come out for Western version as well? Even the anime collaboration ones?
Man that sucks weird too considering seems like when there is a jp & asia release at the same time asia usually gets it pretty quick too.
Thing like this is why I no longer to care to link folks to PA when it comes to people asking about imports
It seems like it's fine now, since they're packing the order.
I usually use P-A for games at release because they can ship it to me faster than anybody else. If it's a product that is already out that I want to buy, I'll usually try somewhere like HMV JP.
oh nice! HMV JP also does international shipping? how are they?