By the time you get back there will be a big patch and that will be enough to pull you back in.I wish I was more immune to TF2 rage but I can't help it. I'm going on vacation next week, maybe the time away will do me some good.
can't build in no build areas?
So...Gorge fixed?
I wish I was more immune to TF2 rage but I can't help it. I'm going on vacation next week, maybe the time away will do me some good.
I recorded the replay of you flipping shit at Grimm, oh man, I'm going to render that right now xD
*pulls hoody down over face*
It's like the arrow had heat-seeking! Seriously I saw that son of a bitch curve in mid air to connect with the headshot DDDDD:
lol, it's rendering as we speak..... But man.... that lag compensation is a bitch lol, I saw it, I got a nice view of it too, it shouldn't have hit you
Annnnddd here it is:
Seriously, that lag compensation trololollolol.
lol, it's rendering as we speak..... But man.... that lag compensation is a bitch lol, I saw it, I got a nice view of it too, it shouldn't have hit you
Annnnddd here it is:
Seriously, that lag compensation trololollolol.
Projectiles aren't lag compensated. Also, I'm pretty sure the arrow is just cosmetic (a tracer) and the actual projectile is, it's rendering as we speak..... But man.... that lag compensation is a bitch lol, I saw it, I got a nice view of it too, it shouldn't have hit you
Annnnddd here it is:
Seriously, that lag compensation trololollolol.
Very nice shot.Projectiles aren't lag compensated. Also, I'm pretty sure the arrow is just cosmetic (a tracer) and the actual projectile is invisible.
Anyway, his weapons appear to be floating in the position they would be if he were standing where the arrow hits. Weird.
Anyway, as long as we're sharing replays *cough*
Tower Defense
Oh man that's laggy hahalol, it's rendering as we speak..... But man.... that lag compensation is a bitch lol, I saw it, I got a nice view of it too, it shouldn't have hit you
Annnnddd here it is:
Seriously, that lag compensation trololollolol.
It's like every day I walk away from TF2 with a new least favorite class. Today it's Spy.
How could you dislike the lovable Spy?!?!?!
Best damn class, and I'll always believe that.
You weren't there! SolidSnake kept destroying all my shit and none of my team mates were doing anythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.
Also, apparently, I got two extra dota copies. Anyone that I recognize that wants one (and doesn't already have it) can have it.
I have a Dota 2 key that I don't want. Which one of you regulars wants it? First quote gets it, but I won't be able to get it traded until late tonight.
Also, I've decided I need more practice with the Backburner.
lol, it's rendering as we speak..... But man.... that lag compensation is a bitch lol, I saw it, I got a nice view of it too, it shouldn't have hit you
Annnnddd here it is:
Seriously, that lag compensation trololollolol.
You have no idea how much that pissed me off..... seriously.... He came in through MY TELEPORTER, HEARS THE SAPPER GOING OFF JUST 1 FOOT BEHIND HIM, THEN WALKS AWAY!Reminds me of that new Saj guy. I had fun with his nest while a Pyro just walked off. Good times. Will join you guys tomorrow and do it all over again.
You weren't there! SolidSnake kept destroying all my shit and none of my team mates were doing anythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.
What do you want us to do? Sit there and yell OH THERES A SPYYYYYYYYYYYY
Defensive pyro is for suckas.Yo mutha fuckin job!!!!!! Burn that bitch and let me save my shit...
During Highlander I'm pretty sure Snake was targeting me since I don't have a mic and wouldn't call him out. But what would I say? It's highlander: there is a spy.
Not really. I think GAF server used to be better about protecting engies (like, years ago), but maybe that's all in my mind.Surprised?
SolidSnake confuses me when he starts screaming that he's behind me and I should turn around. I'm not sure what his evil plot is behind it....
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed a server crash caused by the Loch-n-Load
Fixed the Spy-cicle's fireproof attribute not working
Fixed the Quick-Fix's 'immunity to movement-impairing effects' attribute not being honored by the Pyro's airblast
Fixed the Quick-Fix not maintaining overhealed health
Fixed health drain happening faster for players with health above the normal overheal amount for their class
Fixed unusual particle effects not displaying correctly for the Pyro's Head Warmer
Updated the Black Rose so it can be traded
Updated the Ghastly Gibus
Added LODs for all classes
Fixed the position on the Sniper
Updated the vote system
Vote caller history is now tracked by SteamID to prevent vote cooldown exploits
Fixed players being able to disconnect before a successful kickvote to avoid being banned
SolidSnake confuses me when he starts screaming that he's behind me and I should turn around. I'm not sure what his evil plot is behind it....
Know how to get around that?
Don't trust Canadians!![]()
Speaking of Canadians, Don't trust Kuro either :O
Can we get a "get a better mic" fund going on?
I'm tired of not hearing solidsnake and zekes vibrator.
I'm going to assume you meant "not hearing solidsnake and hearing zekes vibrator." If that's not what you meant then you let me know, I'll turn it up just for you, baby.
I'm going to assume you meant "not hearing solidsnake and hearing zekes vibrator." If that's not what you meant then you let me know, I'll turn it up just for you, baby.
I'm going to assume you meant "not hearing solidsnake and hearing zekes vibrator." If that's not what you meant then you let me know, I'll turn it up just for you, baby.
Not really. I think GAF server used to be better about protecting engies (like, years ago), but maybe that's all in my mind.
It seems the latest patch added a bug where certain on-hit effects trigger on buildings. Ubersaw, Black Box and Blutsauger all work. Strangely enough, L'Etranger does not.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Yeah.Enemy buildings I hope.
He was implying that you guys share a vibrator.