I still claim the auto-aim on mini sentries for hitting snipers and disrupting their aim is hilarious (unless they're using that new cozy camper thing that I don't have).
Java, remember you can just kill a sniper in 2-3 close range bodyshots with the enforcer or normal spy pistol, I think. Or if you insist on using ambassador, just make sure you get close enough to hit the first headshot and not miss a bodyshot. I don't really recommend it when you can troll with the enforcer instead.
Also I don't have a spycicle.I need to look up whether it's difficult to craft since all 6 backpage pages are full and I don't want to buy more room.
I just cleared out a ton of bag space making ref, I can spare a page worth of space if you want me to hold some shit for you temporarily. I promise I won't steal too much of it.