Dunno what's going on, but the blog doesn't open for me. How much can I get for a Surgeon Stahlhelm?
Sgt.Pepper said:Those damn S. Kritzkreigs are going to be expensive as fuck, won't they?
I did that.Wendel Clark said:^ it says 4+/-
If I was thinking of trading it, I would list it on TF2TP (new servers so it's not slow anymore) and TF2 Outpost, and keep bumping it. You'll get some good offers, and also some bad ones. Make sure you put "don't add me" in the notes, so you don't have people bugging you.
Or just search on TF2 Outpost. (Search on TF2TP is disabled currently)
Oh didn't know. Well, I'm getting offered the outpost or meet the medic taunt. Since Mojimbo just told me the worth, I'll hold on to it.Wendel Clark said:No one can see anything on that link since it isn't our trade. You'll have to screenshot it. And yeah, listing it on TF2 Outpost is a good bet too since search actually works there.
Heavy's Sandvich said:Selling my Max's Severed Head.
It is painted yellow.
Looking for games for it.
1 refined + 2 reclaimed + 1 key for it?Hazaro said:Selling Clan Pride for Metal/Keys. Price, I don't know.
arts&crafts said:So are basic stranges worth anything? I have a eyelander and sydney sleeper but dont really use either. Do stranges go 1 for 1 if i wanted like a medigun or sniper rifle?
Charron said:Stranges vary in value, I think Medigun/Sniper Rifle are worth more than Eyelander/Sleeper. All depends on how "good" the weapon is generally considered.
I think they said a week. So this Thursday, I guess.divisionbyzorro said:So how long does the Mann Co store sale last?
ExMachina said:Anyone have any idea on how much the Conscientious Objector is worth yet? Got it in a drop yesterday, but since I mostly don't use default melee weapons and don't have a Decal Tool I'd like to trade it away.
I keep getting offers of about a Ref for it, and since it drops just like a normal weapon anyways I'm pretty tempted to make the trade.
Masaki_ said:How much is a Soldier medal #920 worth nowadays, gentlemen?
divisionbyzorro said:At least 3 buds, right? This is getting into really valuable item territory, which is way way beyond the waters in which I normally play.
I got an uncraftable Team Captain if that interest you.Firebrand said:I desire a Teddy Roosebelt, also the Team Captain and the Physician's Procedure Mask. I have metal and bad hats to trade.
Thought so. Thanks for the confirmation.divisionbyzorro said:That sounds about right. Whoever takes it still has to buy a Decal Tool, so 1 ref is probably fair.
Hard to say, numbered hats don't have a established value since only one person has it. You should be able to get bills+ sweets at least.MatthewB92 said:So what could I get for my Builder Blueprint #19?
I'll buy both for two reclaimed total. I need to round out my strange collection.arts&crafts said:So are basic stranges worth anything? I have a eyelander and sydney sleeper but dont really use either. Do stranges go 1 for 1 if i wanted like a medigun or sniper rifle?
XeroSauce said:I'll buy both for two reclaimed total. I need to round out my strange collection.
MatthewB92 said:So what could I get for my Builder Blueprint #19?
Not true at all.KingOfKong said:anything not #1 is likely worth about the same as a non numbered one.
~11 ref(?) + 2.33 per key should equal around 15. I'd say if you found a person who wants it try 3 keys, but take 2. Those Pyro items should be much easier to sell, just turn them around quick.MatthewB92 said:OK so my Builder Blueprint for both a Flamboyant Flamenco, Cremator's Conscienc, and some Keys is an ok trade? Over, under? I have no clue how this stuff works :\
I have had a ~7 ref and ~9 ref offer for it, so I'm going to decline.Dechaios said:1 refined + 2 reclaimed + 1 key for it?
Not true. Some guy gave me 6 keys for my #10 Hat With No Name.KingOfKong said:anything not #1 is likely worth about the same as a non numbered one.
Try to check other trades with the same item but a higher AND lower number. Then decide between.MatthewB92 said:OK so my Builder Blueprint for both a Flamboyant Flamenco, Cremator's Conscienc, and some Keys is an ok trade? Over, under? I have no clue how this stuff works :\