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Teen Wolf (Season 5) |OT| Watch your (six) pack.


new trailer: http://teenwolf.tumblr.com/post/133821776651/to-hell-and-back-january-5th-2016#notes

i just realized that i genuinely don't enjoy theo as a character. I really wish he was off the show or something... anyway, looks nice. Looks like the nonsensical gang breakup is going to carry into the new season though.
I never would have guessed. This revelation has rocked me to my core.

Speaking of cores...


Wait, what was I talking about?

I guess it's time for the pack to come back together.

Speaking of packs...

[insert favorite Theo image here]


Is it bad that I hope Stiles goes full nogitsune on Theo? Dylan O'Brien was an awesome villain in 3B, I almost prefer him that way to goofy Stiles so I wouldn't have a problem if nogitsune Stiles comes out to play at least once every season.


Is it bad that I hope Stiles goes full nogitsune on Theo? Dylan O'Brien was an awesome villain in 3B, I almost prefer him that way to goofy Stiles so I wouldn't have a problem if nogitsune Stiles comes out to play at least once every season.
I'm 100% on board with the Nogitsune's return. Void Stiles is Teen Wolf's Dark Willow. I am totally down for him show up on the regular.

I'm not so totally down for the "on Theo" part though. He's too gorgeous and trustworthy to fight the Nogitsune, not to mention innocent and gorgeous. Most importantly, after carefully inspecting a great deal of photographic evidence—and constructing a life-size replica of his flexing torso which I suspended above my bed as a discreet reminder that Teen Wolf is starting back up soon—I've concluded that Theo is not bad looking. What I'm saying is it would be wrong for Stiles to beat him up, unless he could do it in a way that flatters Theo's face.

Based on what I remember from 5A's finale, I'm convinced that Theo is too gentle to hurt a fly. That's probably why he needed a pack of monster teens to protect him from the violent savages running around Beacon Hills. If worse comes to worst, they can buy him time to get wet and shirtless enough to deal with them himself. Look, you can't be too careful when you live in a town full of haters and jerk. Some people really have it out for handsome and naked chimera hunks who shirtlessly do exercise and visit random coyote caves, and I think that's terrible.
Stiles controls the remnants of the Nogitsune and now his eyes turn purple when he turns into Void Stiles. Mason is now the human of the pack

Read more of my fanficiton over at my tumblr blog
I'm 100% on board with the Nogitsune's return. Void Stiles is Teen Wolf's Dark Willow. I am totally down for him show up on the regular.

Too bad nogitstiles is one of the most OP villians on the show. Seriously but there is some things I wouldn't mind seeing expanded on kitsune abilities


Excuse you?


Dark Willow will always be Iconic. Not to knock down Dylan of course cause he did insane as a villian but dont kick Willow.
Yes, thank you!

Dylan is incredible, and I'm sure he'd steal the show (again) given another opportunity to play Void Stiles, but Willow remains the reigning badass of TV horror-drama. She's super deep character, perfectly cast, with an excellent origin story, who goes into full-on apocalyptic rage mode for good reason and then recovers without actually losing anything in the process. As in, she can still bring out the dark queen when she wants to. What an icon.

One day Stiles might achieve her level of supreme awesomeness, but he needs a lot more character development, preferably to the point where he can control the Nogitsune instead of having to watch it stab his friends and ruin everybody's day.

Stiles controls the remnants of the Nogitsune and now his eyes turn purple when he turns into Void Stiles. Mason is now the human of the pack

Read more of my fanficiton over at my tumblr blog
I could live with that.

I'll never understand the Theo hate. He only wanted to help.
That picture says everything tbh. Beautiful helpful Theo. So kind-hearted and tan. I hope he has lots of competitive workout scenes with Scott and his hunkiest friends. Maybe Jackson can show up (because he got tired of crumpets) just in his boxers (because he didn't have time to put on more clothes) and hydrate everyone by squirting water all over their sweaty bodies (that's what hydrate means right?). Then they'd get ticked off at him for enhancing all of the homoerotic tension and they'd wrestle him to the ground and straddle him and pin him down with firm hands on his heaving chest to teach him a lesson. Just guy stuff.

Too bad nogitstiles is one of the most OP villians on the show. Seriously but there is some things I wouldn't mind seeing expanded on kitsune abilities
The trick is to balance his abilities. In Willow's case it was her desire to not murder everybody by going full dark mode.


And it starts off with a shirtless hunk. Yep, Teen Wolf's still got it.

Actually that's a super good way to inspire hope. If you're a hunk and you go around shirtless all the time, not only does it show you have good hygiene (like waxing and shaving your tight bod and stuff), but it also proves that you're thrifty because you don't waste money on something as pointless as a shirt. And what could be more inspiring than a leader who knows how to pinch his pennies for the really important things, like medicals bills and body oil?


Welp, pick yourself up and learn from your mistakes Scott. Also, never EVER doubt Stiles again.
To be honest, Stiles is not perfect. Like, he's a really bad judge of who deserves a face punching. Just as you wouldn't enter a nice store and start vandalizing the luxury goods, you also would not vandalize a beautiful hunk's face. Yet, if you ask Stiles, he'll tell you that that kind of behavior is 100% OK! I hate to say this but Stiles is a bit of a hoodlum.

Just because someone is a free-range hunk who came from out of town to brighten your life with his winning smile and shredded core doesn't mean it's OK to start hitting his perfect body and slamming around his beefy frame and getting all up in his chiseled and adorably scruffy jaw area because he might have blackmailed and manipulated and threatened and injured you and your friends and family or whatever. In my opinion Stiles has some growing up to do.


NEW 5 MIN LONG SNEAK PEEK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3Ha5ysZGmE

feauturing Hayden, her sister, and Liam.

the beast looks like fucking shit lmao
No spoilers for me! I will exercise my legendary patience (forged in the withering bile of hunk haters who invent cruel lies to attack Theo) and wait for the premier.

I hope they rework the credits. Not enough Theo in the old ones.
What a wise and handsome observation. Personally I believe the credits would benefit from a lot of close-up shots of Theo's tanned, dripping, flexing torso. No need for the showrunners to agree with my excellent suggestions though. I'll just be over here, with my refined taste and great ideas, waiting for Teen Wolf to acknowledge Theo as the hero that Beacon Hills deserves.

BTW, do any of you guys remember the time Theo slapped Lydia and betrayed his friends? Neither do I. Theo is the best.




A coy comment on the sordid past of CH but actually addressed by him. Interesting.
If I don't see him waving a gay pride flag by this time next year, I'll be forced to take drastic action.

That's right, I'll send a timid and groveling tweet his way.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Is it back tonight?
5Btoday is trending on twitter right now
ehhh i don't know why but I didn't like the episode. Hopefully they don't drag this pack shit out for the rest of the season again. Sigh.

Why did Malia not want Scott to speak to her? I don't think he did anything to her

Mason was great as always. Liam is just okay these days :l

hopefully the rest of the season is better


Yeah baby, Teen Wolf is back! The time has come and so will I. As soon as Theo shows up, that is. Let's do this!

Damn, Theo's sister rising from the water was straight out of The Ring. Maybe Theo let her die because she freaked him out. We all know Theo has the heart of a lion beating beneath his chiseled golden pecs, but sometimes even lions can be scaredy cats.

Speaking of internal organs, isn't it just like Theo to steal a girl's heart? Granted, it was his sister's heart. That's a bit weird. But if Star Wars taught me anything, it's that a brother and sister can share a passionate mouth smooch and it's totally fine. You can still go on to have a successful career as a military general or a hobo (even though people will probably call you a brotherlover or sisterfister behind your back). I saw no smooching, however, so it's safe to say that Theo, our noble and trustworthy hero, is totally in the clear.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm loving all the focus on Theo in these first five minutes. It's like the show finally realized how compelling and important he truly is.

HELL YES THEO'S FLAWLESS FACE IS MORE GORGEOUS THAN EVER, PRAISE THE GAWDS. It's a good thing some of you are immune to his charms. It'll spare you the heartbreak when I sweep him away. Or he could do the sweeping. Either way.

It's sad that Sheriff Stilinski is possibly mortally injured as a result of Theo's totally justified actions. Chin up though, Johnny Cage has survived worse.

Yay, the season's first hunk scene! Oh wait, it's just Scott. That's alright, I guess he'll do until Parrish or Theo slips out of something more comfortable.

Aww yes, you know you're watching Teen Wolf when the camera pans down a gorgeous hunk's glistening abs not once but twice in the very same scene. Work it, Parrish. Rock that body.

I don't know what Lydia did to deserve a steamy makeout session with Parrish where she gets to touch all over his ripped muscles and stuff, but damn. Who among us wouldn't volunteer to be committed to an insane asylum and have a hole drilled into our skull if we could get in on that action? That's a small price to pay, IMO. Lydia would agree.

This show is just packed with twisted romance, isn't it? First a hunk steals his sister's heart, then a different hunk travels through a dark forest to find his lost love. I'm learning so much about courtship right now. I've been doing it wrong this whole time!

Maybe this is just me, but if a world class hunk woke me up in my own home and gazed at me with dreamy eyes, the last thing I would do is question his presence. Nope! Instead, I'd heat up some pizza rolls, start a monster movie on Netflix, and see where the night takes us. Sometimes two bros like to snuggle up under the same blanket. It's no big thing.

Check out Theo standing in that doorway, sunlight streaming around his virile frame, like a radiant sex god. Stiles' self-control is truly impressive.

See? Theo's not a bad guy, he said so himself! I trust him. If any of you still aren't convinced, take note: Theo and Stiles are on speaking terms. Clearly they're taking their first faltering steps toward a rekindled friendship.

I for one appreciate Mason's profound shock at Liam's senseless act of book vandalism.

OMG at Scott saying "We kind of broke up too" about Stiles. The bromance is real.

Oh snap, Papa Argent! I wonder what he's going to do this season now that Allison's gone and he doesn't have Derek to frown at.

Ouch, that chimera's bone spur mutation or whatever does not look fun.

I was right, and so was Theo. Johnny Cage is one tough guy.

What a fitting way to close out the episode: a flaming hot hunk. Teen Wolf time is the best time, and we have a whole new season to look forward to. I anticipate many great moments with hunky dudes such as Theo, Parrish, Theo, and Theo. Good episode all around, right? I came, I saw Theo, I conquered my urge to tune out everything until the hunks showed up. Not necessarily in that order.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
The episode was alright, pacing felt a bit off though. A little underwhelming for a returning episode

Hell Hound is an interesting development for sure


The episode was alright, pacing felt a bit off though. A little underwhelming for a returning episode

Hell Hound is an interesting development for sure

yea and the first TW to completely lose me, like I don't know what the hell is going on anymore
We get a funeral for Stiles' mom but not for Allison? This episode was rather eh, I don't really care about the resurrected Chimera pack since I think Theo is a pretty mediocre villain. Stiles' major overreaction to Scott didn't help.

Also I swear I never would have known Stiles and Malia broke up if not for cast interviews.
That "Get up Stiles" thing was really weird, lol. Especially in like the final one when he gets knocked out again and the screen goes crazy with shitty effects


Unconfirmed Member
Theo is evil. Kills his sister at 10 years old.

I love, love, love Mama McCall's relationship with Stiles. She's the best mom.

LOLOL at Mason's horror at Liam book vandalism. TBH, I felt the same way.

I don't really think Stiles' reaction to Scott was over the top considering where their. relationship was and the fact that his dad was dying.

YES to steamy shower scenes with Parrish.

YAY to Papa Argent coming back.

Meh on Liam's plotline.

I must admit that I was a bit lost during this episode. I had forgotten some of 5A.

I await the photo recap.
I think this episode revealed Liam is the true monster. His act of vandalism would stun even Peter.

I don't blame Theo for letting his sister die. Did you see her? She was clearly on her way to becoming a super evil monster that Scott would have killed anyway. Theo was just saving him the trouble. That Theo. Always so helpful.

The whole "Get Up" thing didn't work for me at all. It first seemed like some kind of weird and wacky psychic bond thing. Which I totally wouldn't put past Teen Wolf. But then it was revealed as a flashback to Young Stiles and Sheriff Johnny Cage. It felt like they wanted it to be a real emotional moment, but it fell flatter than Crystal Reed's career.

I'm curious where the whole Parrish as Hellhound thing is going. I just hope he's not going to become some Big Bad. That's what Theo says, and we all know Theo is never wrong -- he's too pretty to be wrong. I'd need some alone time in Eichen House if Scott had to kill Parrish. They might even have to drill a big nasty hole in my head as well.
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