more burning questions off the top of my head, also added to the OP
-Although Asuka's T5 ending wasn't canon (since she didn't win the tournament) - are the implicating events of the ending canon? Meaning,
-Is she, along with Xiao a potential romantic interest for Jin (again, I don't condone incestuous practices however it is true that in some cultures, cousin on cousin marriages are legal)
-Does she have the Devil reversal healing powers like Jun does?
Furthermore, going back on TTT, even though the game itself is not canon, I think some of the endings may be more than what meets the eye.
-Ogre's ending...where he lifts up a seemingly defeated Jin Kazama. What if this is canon? What if this took place in between Paul's win against Ogre and Ogre's transformation to True Ogre? Behind the scenes, Unknown
(whom we know is supposed to be Jun's sister) interrupts Ogre's probably execution of Jin. Perhaps it is after
that in which Ogre transforms? Giving Jin time to recover and fight again?
-Again, just because a character didn't win the tournament doesn't necessarily mean their ending wasn't canon. King II didn't win Tekken 4, however, he did face Marduk and won. But left him alive. So it can be deduced that King II's Tekken 4 ending WAS canon. This is a rather easy one, but how many other Tekken endings could've been canon? This includes the TTT games.
-This one is from me personally, but I wonder if Jin's Australian master will ever make a role. Most likely he won't, however, he/she being the one who taught Jin the ways of Karate, is surely aware of the fact that Jin started World War III. Is he not gonna feel any guilt or remorse for training the young man responsible? Again, most likely not, but I think it'd be interesting.
-What is the full extent of Xiao's role in this series? At best, her crush/love for Jin has been nothing more than a running gag and the character herself has just been some ass-kicking happy go lucky chick. Not that I want the essence of her character changed, but should her role not be taken more seriously? I don't even know if Jin's devil gene is publicly known, so is Xiao yet to discover this side to Jin?
which reminds me,
this whole thing with Akuma is very confusing. First of all from just a gameplay standpoint, from everything I see from his very own design to fighting style, he doesn't seem like a Tekken character, he seems like a Street Fighter character fighting in a Street Fighter game, except not, since he's in a Tekken game. If this is a prelude to TxSF, shouldn't it have been that way? After all, all of the Tekken characters in SFxT did have the SF art style, and fighting. Bringing me to my next two questions.
-With all this considered, is it reasonable to believe that maybe Akuma is part of a "what if" side story scenario instead of being part of the canon story? I certainly can't be the only who finds it weird to add him to being an integral, vital part to the story.
-If I am wrong though, and he is in fact canon and has been the entire time, does that mean SFxT was canon as well? It would makes things really convoluted if it weren't, in fact, this would also have to mean that Namco X Capcom is canon as well because
that was the first time all these characters crossed paths.