Do yall allow alts in the guild? I'm an altoholic, so I will have a character for every class lol.
More "members"! :lol
Do yall allow alts in the guild? I'm an altoholic, so I will have a character for every class lol.
I was in topgoon till 26, fuck that shitty game
Haha, I made it into the high 30s before I quit. Worst $70 I ever spent. Yeah, I was an idiot and bought the CE. Sigh.
I still remember the Tom Cruise guild logo because of how hilarious it was.
I bought the CE for Aion also and quit at 25. But I think my worst purchase was the FFXIV CE... lol.
Meh, I got more than a year of free play out of my FFXIV CE before they finally started charging for it. I'm not going to pretend it was a good game but it's hard to argue I didn't get my money's worth out of it.
Squenix really suicided their MMOG future with that game though. No one will ever want to pay for a Squenix MMOG without trying it out first ever again.
Doing another SM run this saturday ^^ on VoT
If someone wants to create a nice banner for the community thread and PM me a link, I'll add it to the OT for better visibility. If I don't get anything, I'll try and throw something together this weekend.
Though it probably needs to be updated a bit, don't forget to add the Enjin NeoGAF guild site to the OP:
I'm still eligible to run it with you but you probably wouldn't get any drops since I'm 32. Once I turn in the quests I have stacked, I"ll probably level again too. ;_;
it should be fine. we got the loots we wanted the first time. it's just a run to let someone here finish the quest before the last boss appeared lol.
Do yall allow alts in the guild? I'm an altoholic, so I will have a character for every class lol.
You are not running it without me!
If you're on VoT, sure. If/when we ever start running out of space, we can start kicking unused alts, but for the time being, I certainly don't care. I was planning to have a couple alts of my own in the guild. I would imagine that the DF guild feels the same way.
As long as we can hang out on the ladder again
Haha, I made it into the high 30s before I quit. Worst $70 I ever spent. Yeah, I was an idiot and bought the CE. Sigh.
I still remember the Tom Cruise guild logo because of how hilarious it was.
I sense there were Elin involved
not this time!
Doing another SM run this saturday ^^ on VoT
I'm in if you need a Mystic. Level 25 at the moment, what to I need to reach for SM?
I'm in if you need a Mystic. Level 25 at the moment, what to I need to reach for SM?
lvl 26-30 would be fine. Right now im at lvl 30. i'll hang around there this weekend and try not to lvl up so the average would be fine. i think jjien (lvl 32) will join but it might mess up the loot drop so it's probably good to either do the run with a similar lvl group or if you don't mind.
Headstart servers are up, if you're not already in.
Headstart servers are up, if you're not already in.
D: liar.
EDIT: ah. eu version. heh.
Make sure to send an invite when there are!
Has no one got this EU guild up yet?Time is ticking
Make it. You just need to be level 8, have 2 people in the party and 3 gold.
I can't seem to figure out how to modify controller settings, i'm guessing you cannot. I attempted unplugging the controller and using Xpadder before the game launches, but it auto-detects the controller when I plug it in after and gives me the layout I do not wish for.
I have 1 gold and no NeoGAF members. Didn't see any yesterday either. I'll wait till release and see if interest picks up.
Heh.. even Reddit only has 4 members. EU is slacking
My mistake, its 30 silver.
Guild is created on Essenia and added Ranks. My in-game name is Kae
I don't know what the "Guild Title" is on the Guild interface.
Guild is created on Essenia and added Ranks. My in-game name is Kae
I don't know what the "Guild Title" is on the Guild interface.