can you explain a bit more about not like any normal tanking class? I really want to play a tank as I always do, but I was put off on the sluggish combat....
The first example that comes to mind is that you're expected to block and NOT take damage. Your healer will obviously heal you when you need it, but if you don't actively block (and thus do very little actual damage), you'll drop far too quick. As I mentioned, Lancers do not do damage. I mean, we can manage solo on standard mobs, yeah...but on BAMs or instance bosses? Nope. Your goal is to glyph for aggro genation and poke with your lance to keep your MP up.
Another thing that's very different (and will definitely challenge you!) is positioning. When you block certain attacks, you are pushed away a bit. In the case of certain BAMs, you can be pushed back a few meters. In some cases, you can squat against a wall and manage, but in other situations, you may have a harder time with this (views can get wonky). In order to keep max DPS and your healer not going crazy, you need to make sure you learn how to effectively turn the boss when he pushes you (stun, lunge, move, shout for attention works).
It sounds somewhat typical in some cases...But until you do it, you won't get the full feel for how different it is. I tanked in WoW a bit, and that felt very stale and, well, boring. TERA tanking has been awesome and challenging. There's some good pleasure in perfect-tanking a BAM and taking no damage for an entire fight. :bros:
E: I forgot to mention a few things. Lancers are, well, very sluggish. Zerks are slow because they have to pull a lot of charge damage. We are slow because we are. So far, I've only almost wiped the party because of a poorly timed block. You do have to learn how that works...
Which leads me to my favorite Lancer tactic!!! Block canceling! You can literally cancel out of any attack to a block with Lancer. Oh my gosh, it's rad. I've used it a LOT, haha. You could be in the middle of a rush down when you need to turn around and shout. Cool style - rush away, block, flip around, shout, rock out. It's a very fun and useful mechanic that can really tilt the outcome of some encounters.
I also learned that you have to drop the hammer on your party sometimes. Getting aggro with Lancer is a learning game, and after a rough SM run with a few guildies, I picked up on a few things. The long and short of it is that you have to learn how to use your shout and aggro generating abilities effectively. Boss aggro can be odd if you block too much, and group aggro is hard because some classes can out aggro you with their insane damage (Slayer and Sorcs like woah).
Hmm...It's late and I'm running low on juice here. Feel free to ask some specifics and I'd be glad to help answer if I can!