Dead Prince
Client crashed and now I'm 1743 in line, 73 minute wait. lol
feels like more people are playing now lol.
Client crashed and now I'm 1743 in line, 73 minute wait. lol
Trying to remap my buttons.
How necessary are the combat explains? I usually use Q and E for other stuff.
Your glyph tab is in your skills tab
Turn off P2P
If you are on VoT, we won't mind having you practice with us. Also, right outside of Secret Base, the first real dungeon you do, are your first BAMs, who are relatively tame and straightforward. You can practice reading the telegraphs on them and get an idea of how it works as a Lancer. My own experience in the dungeons (when not severely underleveled and undermanned) was that tanking was far more crucial on the bosses, and much less so on the trash in between. Groups of monsters to be peeled off usually number between two and three (with sometimes a ton of little minions thrown in), so things are easily manageable without the Lancer doing anything fancy. If anything, the role of the Lancer in that case would be to gather multiple groups together to be all killed at once (and that definitely takes some practice to do right).
I still can't believe there is no allowance or slot holding for crashes/disconnects. Apparently this feature is not worthy of being in a modern MMO. Such a simple feature ignored.
So I haven't been able to play at all since the servers have gone up, opted to re-download and see what happens from this point onwards, not impressed.
this queue is slowing my internet down. i closed the game and my connection is fine lolwut.
turn off p2p
Client crashed and now I'm 1743 in line, 73 minute wait. lol
time to kill the servers again
Brian Knox said:We worked hard to get these hair changes in but we just couldn't get them before the early character creation.
We have an idea to help those of you in need of a change. Details are coming soon (like today soon).
Got to level 9 on my Archer. Seems enjoyable. Do the mobs ever get more interesting to fight or am I playing the wrong class for that?
I'll have to join the GAF guild next time I log on because I can't deal with area chat as my only means of human communication this game.
time to kill the servers again
it was never on.
Queues on VoT
Basilisk Crag
Jagged Coast
Everything else is fine.
Medium population for Dragonfall though. so we are almost there to queueing that up
@TERAonline said:We will be introducing premium services such as server transfers and character recustomization in the near future.
I should've rolled on Dragonfall and played with gaf. Hopefully I can transfer over at some point from jagged coast.
45 min queue wait for that server btw
Guild up yet on Dragonfall?
And that is nuts. There wasn't a queue for Dragonfall when I got on. Guess pvp servers are getting hammered more. Almost level 12 so far on a priest.
Can anyone invite me on dragonfall, names Parasoul
Need more!! I wanted some GIFs for the OT but never got around to making them while the game was up. I'll record some footage later today.. maybe a pegasus fly over, some Elin emotes, and BAM attacks.
Dragonfall had no queue when i logged in. DF:1 VoT:0i'm kidding!
It is
So what's the fastest attacking class in the game? I've tired slayer, berserk, and warrior. Guessing warrior?
Been in the queue for 70 minutes
25 minutes left
with over an hour of bonus exp
can't wait to play ;3
I'm the only one online on VoT GAF, someone else was briefly on but disappeared again.
GW2 low level combat is not as fun as Tera![]()
You're home and ready to play? Sweet. I have 40 minutes to go
Yeah, the server went down briefly, so I used the opportunity to do some errands. What a mistake, because I started at like 1900 in the queue.
43 minutes. lol. idk why i keep closing it lol.
Just bought the game. I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm literally drowning myself in MMOs at the moment.
Oh well, downloading now.
I hope you like it!
Come to VoT PVP if you don't mind a few longer queues over the next few days (the rush will die down before long)
we're looking for new members in GAF guild!
Curses at the queue, guess I have an hour and a half to kill.
Quick question, is there any restrictions on the mail system? I want to redo my priest since I wasn't able to spend much time with the character customization, so I was going to make a quick alt and just mail everything to her, then remake my priest and mail it back. Will this work, or do you have to be a certain level or something to receive mail?
And BlazingDarkness promises to type in chat in an cockney accent if you join us. At all times. He never breaks character. "OI WATS AWL THIS THEN?"
Warrior and archer both attack very fast. I would saw Warrior feels faster though, because of melee and two weapons.
Thanks, I'll have to try out an archer.
Yep, same here. It's harder to actually to land your attacks, but when they do it gets pretty magical.I would recommend sorc over archer but that's just me.