See? Here is the notice close enough to give people hope and take it away. Pitchforks at the ready everyone.
So when the game launches shortly it's not going back off again at all?
I'm looking forward to playing tonight
I can't wait for the lancer update - it's stupid easy as lancer right now and I am down for the challengeDid a CR run last night in my SM blues without a hitch thanks to manapots.
Any chance of NA getting some of EU's free mask/legacy items?
Whats that you say?
I made the RIGHT call by not phoning in sick today and creating greater animosity between me and my boss? SCORE.
What are they changing to the Lancer?
I read somewhere in this thread or another that it takes about a day to grind to level 20-30? How do you guys grind that quickly? Got any tips for the uninitiated?
Adding a stamina bar for defensive things (like blocking), whereas offensive skills use MP. That's what someone said earlier in the thread at least.
I got from 21-28 yesterday, for the most part it's just chain questing and minimizing your downtime through pots and bandages. Also ignore gathering nodes, they're endless and eat up a lot of time.
What are they changing to the Lancer?
But gathering is a delightful emotional roller coaster for your character.
Lancer will no longer use mana on block but rather a steak meter. I'm not sure what determines the parameters of this meter but I'm sure that the intention is to hinder infinite blocking. Currently, a properly gemmed/glyphed lancer can hold threat and block indefinitely taking very little damage. I imagine this change will encourage lancers to get timing right.
I read somewhere in this thread or another that it takes about a day to grind to level 20-30? How do you guys grind that quickly? Got any tips for the uninitiated?
Lancer will no longer use mana on block but rather a steak meter. I'm not sure what determines the parameters of this meter but I'm sure that the intention is to hinder infinite blocking. Currently, a properly gemmed/glyphed lancer can hold threat and block indefinitely taking very little damage. I imagine this change will encourage lancers to get timing right.
I failed 8 Easy gatherings in a row. 9th time was the ticket, I guess...
I'm confused about this. It says that you can absorb like, 6300 damage on the Dreadspike lance. Does that not mean you take damage after that? I block and attack intermittently because I thought that's how you were supposed to tank BAMs...
I got from 21-28 yesterday, for the most part it's just chain questing and minimizing your downtime through pots and bandages. Also ignore gathering nodes, they're endless and eat up a lot of time.
Yeah, 6300 per block any excess is damage to you/defense rate. Only reason to combo attack is mana gain since TPS on combo is low.
I really like playing Lancer, you need to learn the enemies attack patterns and habits, once you've mastered those you can change the whole outcome of battle
I'd usually aggro and then block incoming attacks while other guys in the party attack on it (and attack myself in between the enemies attacks)
The leash skill is REALLY useful for both getting aggro and stopping an enemies current attack animation, you can interrupt their AOE attacks this way a lot
And of course there's a variety of debuff attacks and the dizzying hit that stuns the enemies - doing this allows me to get a good few hits in and replenish my MP bar
I've not abused any sort of always blocking tactic, that seems dumb, so it's a shame they're changing the current system because it works well for me
I don't think EU got buddy keys, just the US folk.
THIS RIGHT HERE, though I'm genuinely sick.
EDIT: Oh..misread..made the wrong call and expect animosity...
I really like playing Lancer, you need to learn the enemies attack patterns and habits, once you've mastered those you can change the whole outcome of battle
I'd usually aggro and then block incoming attacks while other guys in the party attack on it (and attack myself in between the enemies attacks)
The leash skill is REALLY useful for both getting aggro and stopping an enemies current attack animation, you can interrupt their AOE attacks this way a lot
And of course there's a variety of debuff attacks and the dizzying hit that stuns the enemies - doing this allows me to get a good few hits in and replenish my MP bar
I've not abused any sort of always blocking tactic, that seems dumb, so it's a shame they're changing the current system because it works well for me
Shitty thing bout dem crabs...They will aggro you just because they want to. :|
Both, but unless you're absolutely in need of PvP I'd recommend Dragonfall - the queues on VoT are astronomical.Hey all, it's been awhile.
Haven't read through the entire thread yet so I apologize if this question has been asked already a dozen times, but is the majority of TeraGAF rolling on VoT or Dragonfall?
idk. i love it. I am casting spells and i turn the camera and he comes out of nowhere like he doesn't have a care in the world. LOL.
Not saying I don't enjoy it, but I was gathering some weapon crates yesterday night...And a crab decided it was time to spawn on top of me and have his way with me. Dashed away and dealt with it, but it's funny how some BAMs care and others don't.
Both, but unless you're absolutely in need of PvP I'd recommend Dragonfall - the queues on VoT are astronomical.
Ok thanks. If I do come back I'll probably roll on Dragonfall since I doubt my friend will be coming back with me and the idea of questing solo in the low level open areas on a PvP server is not too appealing. But hey, who knows.
And I saw something mentioned ago that Mystics were getting a slight nerf? Boooo.
Ganks aren't that bad right now. At least in the higher areas. Last night my only PvP death was a popori sorc who discovered lock on nukes.
I shall have my vengeance Mr. Bear.
Maintenance extended to 4PM EST in case you haven't heard.Loading Login Screen...
Ok thanks. If I do come back I'll probably roll on Dragonfall since I doubt my friend will be coming back with me and the idea of questing solo in the low level open areas on a PvP server is not too appealing. But hey, who knows.
And I saw something mentioned ago that Mystics were getting a slight nerf? Boooo.
I thought it was 3PM, fucking...I just ride past them, bitches can't catch my warrior.
Maintenance extended to 4PM EST in case you haven't heard.
I was only attacked twice this weekend on JC. Both times it was a gank squad. Haven't seen any 1vs1 yet.
We hate to say it but we're going to need to extend today's maintenance to 1:00 PM Pacific. We'll provide updates here as they happen.